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Almost tabletop



I went a bit overboard. Signed up to a tourney which is happening next weekend. Set myself a target of getting this tabletop standard. I've done all sorts... nothing like a tourney to motivate you. Will make a post using tourney pics but I've not been keeping a photo log due to spending every spare moment painting. For now, here's some WiP of bases.

Bases were made by gluing cork down and filling out the rest with Agrellan Earth and Stirland Mud. The mud/earth was painted with zandri, which was great as I sprayed this as a primer... until I ran out. Then turned to Grey Seer primer and it then ran out. Can't afford more at the minute so this left me with Chaos Black primer for half of them. The stone was then painted in Mechanicus Standard Grey. All were then washed with Agrax Earthshade before drybrushing first with Tyrant Skull and then Terminatus Stone.

More needs doing in the future but this will suffice for tabletop. 









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Had a bit of a medical emergency and had to sack in the tourney. Still, managed to get the army tabletop except for Yndrasta. Once she's up and running I'll get some pics up. 

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Apologies for the copious amount of baby toys in the background but feel like I'm starting to really get somewhere now. 

Some new things added: hair is grey seer base with Apothecary white and then drybrushed with praxeti. The wings are grey seer base. The top section is then layered with the fang. The second section is then russ grey. The 3rd is left grey seer. All are then washed with Drakenhof nightshade. The top 2 layers are then drybrushed with russ grey before again being drybrushed with stormfang. The white here is heavy drybrushed with longbeard grey before a lighter praxeti drybrush was applied. All of my Aetherwing are done like this as well. 

Because I kept the wings separate, I wanted to layer the gold before attaching them as felt it would be awkward. For this, the gold was washed with agrax, highlighted with retributor and then liberator gold. There's a nuln oil wash on the leadbelcher and a carroburg wash on the Mephiston. Think that's it for now though. 


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Oh, there's also Reikland on the flesh. The wood is dryad bark drybrushed with sylvaneth bark and then washed in agrax. 

Say what you will about drybrushing, I feel it looks far more natural on organic objects, like the wings and wood. 

Edited by lare2
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2 hours ago, lare2 said:

Oh, there's also Reikland on the flesh. The wood is dryad bark drybrushed with sylvaneth bark and then washed in agrax. 

Say what you will about drybrushing, I feel it looks far more natural on organic objects, like the wings and wood. 

People really undervalue drybrushing because it's seen as a beginner technique. It's true that as you progress in painting you will feel less of a need to rely on it as a silver bullet for all your highlighting and blending needs, but it's still a super useful tool to have in your toolbox.

You just need to use the technique on parts of the model where it excells. For any fur, feathers, wood and rocks, I would pretty much always just drybrush them. Anything with a lot of fine structure. For metallics and smooth, flowing shapes like cloth, maybe not so much. But if you really get into drybrushing and learn to do it right (like Byron from Artis Opus on youtube, for example), it works well even in those contexts.

Your Yndrasta is really coming along well, by the way. Great colour choices and execution!

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5 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

But if you really get into drybrushing and learn to do it right (like Byron from Artis Opus on youtube, for example), it works well even in those contexts.

Love this guys videos. His drybrushing is another level. Would love his specialist brushes (series d, I think they're called) but there's no way I could justify the price. 

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Bit more tonight. Steel highlighted with Leadbelcher and vallejo Chrome. Parchment washed in Seraphon and then highlighted with zandri, 1/1 Zandri/screaming skull, screaming skull. Grass and moss based with death guard green, washed with athonian camoshade, and then highlighted with death guard green and ogryn camo. The flower is a 1/1 base of ogryn camo and dorn with highlights of dorn. Skin has been highlighted with Rakarth and then a 1/1 Rakarth/pallid witch flesh. Bone is Rakarth base with a Seraphon wash before being highlighted with Ushabti. Don't think there was any more. 

Need to hit that cloak tomorrow... not looking forward to that. Hate doing cloaks as I never get them looking right. 




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