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Painiting theses outriders at the beginng of may was somehow hard for me. I started with the horses and wasn`t very happy with how they turned out. Afterwards it was hard to muster the motivation to finsih them. On the other hand it was the first time that I experimented with not so obvious color/shade combinations. The grey horse, for example, is Stormvermin Fur with a shade of Seraphim Sepia. Doesn`t look that good for a horse. But I will use it for kinda moosy stones in the future :)

Painting the riders was more fun and in the process i god back my motivation.20180501_204503.jpg.20260ecdfb45c32e8792e7806444d7e9.jpg

Here you see the full glory of the 12th Outrider detachment of the Nordheim army. I like the roman number on the blankets and the turquiose cloth to distiquish them from other detachments.

In the end I`m quit happy with them. Unfortunatly they are also on "wrong" bases. :(



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