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Hi everyone. This is the beginning of my test colour scheme for my Daughters of Khaine army.

It's using a bronze and purple on pale skin combination. It's still early stages so she might need some cleaning up. 



The whole mini was zenithal highlighted and then the skin was airbrushed with Vallejo Game Air Barbarian Flesh, then highlighted with Vallejo Model Air Skin tone. A 1:1 Druchii violet and medium mix was then washed into the recesses, followed by a 1:1 Caroburg Crimson and medium wash into the eyes and mouth. Finally the skin was dry brushed with Pallid Wych Flesh and a second glaze/shade of the eye sockets and then the skin is done.

The armour and fabric is following WHTV's sister of silence bronze and purple method but the metalics are all Vallejo metal colors. 

I've only base coated the steel and the bronze needs cleaning up and a couple of highlights.

The hair has me completely stumped though. I'm not sure why but the Khailebron hair (nihilahk oxide washed) appeals to me but I'm not sure.

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