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 Repetition is Key

My goal is to get as many games as I can in from now until the End of March were I will be traveling to AdeptiCon for the Age of Sigmar Team tournament as well as the the Age of Sigmar Singles Championships held in the suburbs of Chicago 

 This weekend with my Kharadron Overlords. I did not change up my list from LVO as I wanted to jump right into playing this weekend. 

Saturday afternoon was my first game against Nagash and his Deadly friends. 


Kharadron Overlords

skyport: Zilfin

additional footnote: there’s no trading with some people 

Aether-khemist- General, fleetmaster

Aether-khemist- Aethershock Earbuster


10 Arkanaut Company- 3 light sky hooks

10 Arkanaut Company- 3 light sky hooks

10 Arkanaut Company- 3 light sky hooks

9 Endrinriggers- 3 grapples

9 sky wardens- 3 drill cannons, 3 Aethermatic Volly Guns

3 sky wardens- 1 drill cannon, 1 Aethermatic Volly gun

Ironclad- main gun: Aethermatic Volley Cannon, Aetherspheric Endrinds

His list Info:


Arkhan the Black

10 Skeleton warriors

10 zombies

10 zombies

and 680 points  for summoning 

We played Knife to the heart and I took top of first turn because I knew if Nagash was able to get spells off it was not going to be fun.

top of turn one

Hero phase

I dropped a unit of Ark. Co. off so the Iroclad could get his full move. Next I did the once per game free move with the Ironclad and moved 8 inches up and disembarked the rest of my force that was still riding in the Ironclad.

I used the Three Khemest to buff up the drill cannons, light sky hooks in one unit, and the torpedoes on the Ironclad.

after that I used the flagship ability to give the ironclad an extra 3 inches on his  guns for shooting. 

lastly I gave inspiring presence to the Endrinriggers

movement was normal I wanted to get the Endrinriggers up the board and everyone else in range to shoot the heck out of Nagash.

shooting phase was just that I shot Nagash down to one wound and a unit of skeletons down to two models 

great charging rolls for the Endrinriggers and off they went to finish Nagash off in high fashion.

his turn one 

hero phase

he  did some summoning and brought on a two man unit of  Morghast Archai and a two man unit of Morghast Harbingers.

moved his units up a little and charge a unit of Ark. Co. with Morghast Harbingers with an eleven inch charge(dice rolled super cold on that one)

in combat he almost takes out the whole unit of Ark. Co. and I just barily saved a few guys from running off the board. 

that's about it for the death turn 

now to priority roll

Death gets the double turn.

hero phase he used the rest of his points and summoned a 10 man unit of black knights. then finishes off the what was left of the ark. co. with a spell causing wounds

freeing up the unit of Morghast Harbingers 

movement he headed right for the Sky wardens with the Morghast Harbingers

and moved the black knights over at the Endrinriggers who were still in combat.

after combat and battleshock I had 2 drill cannon sky Wardens left.

My turn two I buff up two units of Ark. Co. light sky hooks and the two drill cannons left

moved up the field with my army slowly to his side of the board

I shoot and kill both units of Morghasts off the table with the unit of skeletons as well. 

Endrinriggers are still locked in combat with the two units of zombies and they are just not rolling hot.

Turn 3 priority roll

hero phase and the normal buffs for weapons from the khemests

Kharadron wins priority and gets the double turn. I move in and shot Arkhan the Black off the table 

I charged into the black knights that had charged the Endrinriggers before with the Iron clad and took them out fully in the fight phase

he just now had two units of Zombies left

his turn was swinging on my ironclad and nothing hit 

Turn 4 we rolled for priority and Kharadron Overlords wins the priority

before the hero phase he concedes the game and it was a win for KO!  


Lessons Learned from this game

-Even though the game when smooth for me I think I need to be a little more careful on how I place my Sky Wardens look for the Range sweet spot.

-don't send in the Endrinriggers unless they are buffed with the Khemest buff. 

What do you think?  Tell me in the comments below. 







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Looks good, not sure why you didnt use aetherspheric endrins to just deploy closer though? Bringing all the extra rigger and arkanaut pistol shots into range would have helped, and with 3 grapnels you can still get the charge range down for the riggers.

One thing though, you cant buff the Ironclad (I made this mistake before and was corrected).


I used the Three Khemest to buff up the drill cannons, light sky hooks in one unit, and the torpedoes on the Ironclad.


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