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Extracts from my Hobby blog which are Age of Sigmar Related. 

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Entries in this blog

Khorne vs Dark Aelves - All-Gates Scenario

Regular opponent Tom came over for a game of Age of Sigmar. With the new Realmgate Wars book release, All-Gates, we decided to take a stab at one of the battleplan, Through the Breach.       Armies Tom had bought 2000 points of Dark Aelves (points from the new Handbook), and as I hadn't seen any leaks of the points myself we decided in true Age of Sigmar style to 'eye' roughly an equal force of Khorne.   Khorne: Wrath of Khorne Blo



Bloodletters of Khorne

I've finished 15 Bloodletters of Khorne, I need to add some grass tufts and add some more Blood for the Blood God effect. More pictures after the jump.       I have a new camera and photo box, but I've yet to work out how to use. Hopefully I will get better pictures soon.           I'm painting up the Khorne Bloodbound to sell, although I've really enjoyed painting them they play too similar to my Slaanesh, and I want some



Skaven vs Slaanesh Daemons

My buddy Laurie came over again for a game of Age of Sigmar. 100 SCGT  points, and the Heralds of Storms battleplan from the pack.     I had five heroes to Laurie's two, so I should have the upper hand with this battleplan. Although removing Thanquol or the Screaming Bell from his objectives won't be easy. The plan will be to leave some Heralds at the back, and charge everything up field to remove Thanquol and the Screaming Bell.   I won't be writing a full report,



Sunday Gaming

This Sunday afternoon I played my friend Laurie at a couple games of Age of Sigmar. I've not quite got the hang of this game yet, there are so many synergies that I still struggle to remember. I need to spend some time reading the warscrolls.         The first game of the evening was The Shattering from the Godbeast book. I played the Breacher army, while Laurie played the Obstructor's. I took my Khorne Bloodbound as I'm a bit tired of playing Slaanesh.  



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