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About this blog

My collection of AoS 3.0 battle reports.

I'm a new player who recently picked up the hobby a few months before the drop of AoS 3rd Edition. I'm still learning a lot about the game but am lucky to be to play regularly against a great group of people at Old Dice Wargaming Club in Seoul, South Korea. I currently play Soulblight Gravelords and have a FEC army that is shelved for the moment.

I'm also quite new to battle report writing as well, but I hope it's entertaining! I have a backlog of battle reports I've written for each of my games but I'm experimenting with posting them onto these blogs instead. The earlier games in the series have lots of unpainted models, but I have since fully painted my main army list and newer games feature almost fully painted armies on both sides.

Entries in this blog

1k Tournament Battle Report [July 9th 2022]

Played a 1k tournament this weekend using the new seasonal rules. First tournament in my country in over two years due to COVID. Tied for 3rd with a 2-1 record as SBG: Kastelai My Kastelai List Game 1: SBG vs. Kruelboyz Battlelines Drawn Kruelboyz List This is the new battleplan where each quarter of the board is its own objective. I was chosen to go first and set myself up pretty defensively and focused on gaining control of my gravesites for my grand strategy. My


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

Battle Report [Gallet #1] Soulblight vs. Stormcast

Date: July 3rd, 2022 Game Type: Matched Play / 1000 Points / GHB 2022 Season 1 (Gallet) Game #1: Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos Dynsasty) vs. Stormcast Eternals (Knights Excelsior) Battleplan: The Mighty and the Cunning Battleplan Rules Objectives can be chosen as Proving Grounds more than once 2 VP each time you kill a Veteran unit, +1VP if it was contesting an objective Hold 1 / Hold 2 / Hold More Than Your Opponent scoring system Soulblight Army L


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

Game #13: Flesh-Eater Courts vs. Cities of Sigmar

AoS 3.0 Game #13 August 28th, 2021 @ Old Dice Wargaming Club Flesh Eater Courts (Feast Day) vs. Cities of Sigmar (Hallowheart) We had a four player group for this week’s game day at the club, and our fourth happened to be another Soulblight player. So in order to avoid mirror matches I chose to bring my dusty old FEC army. I haven’t played FEC since SBG released, which was slightly before the release of third edition. Going through the book with 3rd edition in mind made me think


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

Game #11 Soulblight vs Sons of Behemat

AoS 3.0 Game #11 August 17th, 2021 @ Old Dice Wargaming Club Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos) vs. Sons of Behemat Battleplan: Tectonic Interference(1500) Soulblight Gravelords Army List Deployment Top of Round 1: Soulblight I had a one drop deployment list for this small 1500 point game and I decided to go first. On my turn I just moved onto all the objectives and chose Aggressive Expansion as my battle tactic. I had zombies and skeletons on the left flank


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

Game #10 Soulblight vs. Seraphon

AoS 3.0 Game #10 August 15th, 2021 @ Old Dice Wargaming Club Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos) vs. Seraphon (Thunderlizards) Battleplan: Tooth and Nail (2000pts) Soulblight Gravelords Army List Deployment It looks like we made a mistake in deployment, we should be 9" away from each other's territory, so we're both a bit closer than we should be to each other, though I don't think it made much of an impact on the game since we both deployed with this misunderstan


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

Game #12 Soulblight vs Ogor Mawtribes

AoS 3.0 Game #12 August 17th, 2021 @ Old Dice Wargaming Club Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos) vs. Ogor Mawtribes Battleplan: Savage Gains (2000pts) Soulblight Gravelords Army List I got to play a new opponent today who was rocking another Ogor Mawtribes list, which seems to be a particularly popular faction here in Korea (in fact, it seems like the Korean players favor big monster lists/armies in general). We rolled Savage Gains as the battleplan for the game and I chose


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

Game 6: Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos) vs Ogor Mawtribes (Bloodgullet)

AoS 3.0 Game #6 July 31st, 2021 @ Old Dice Wargaming Club Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos) vs. Ogor Mawtribes (Blood Gullet) Battleplan: Tectonic Interference (2000pts) Soulblight Gravelords Army List Deployment Top of Round 1: Soulblight Gravelords The ogor army outdropped me and decided to give me the first turn. My first turn was fairly un-eventful as I pretty much just cast my spells and moved slightly forwards, just enough to get onto the objectives.


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

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