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About this blog

Hey there Neckbeards!

Welcome to the monthly/semiweekly blog for all things Warhammer and hobby related. It is in this very blog that I will be documenting all the events and mishaps that occur in my hobby journey as well as occasionally providing some (hopefully) useful content as a way of sharing my terrible...er amazing ideas with the wargaming world.

Entries in this blog

Easy-Peasy Flamin' Daemons - Painting for Chumps #2

Hey there Neckbeards! Welcome to Painting for Chumps #2! My Daemon Prince is a model I've had in my backlog for quite a while now, I had a really cool idea on how I wanted to paint him and didn't want to mess things up, so it took me a while to really get started and paint him up. For this episode of Painting for Chumps I'm going to go through the whole process of how I built and painted the model.  The Base:  Given that this guy is the centerpiece of my whole army, I really



I have HOW many Bloodreavers yet to paint?!? - Hobby Update #1

Hey there Neckbeards!  So I've been muddling through a number of projects, first of which is my Khorne army, which means a LOT of Bloodreavers. I finished up three more, which means I now have... 41 left to paint... good Lord what am I doing with my life. On a happier note, I finally mostly finished my Daemon Prince, all I need to do is fill in the gaps with some milliput and paint those spots over which shouldn't take too long. Overall, I think he looks... ok? He's defi



Quick n Easy Ossiarch Bone Reapers - Painting for Chumps #1

Hey there Neckbeards! Welcome to the first segment of Painting for Chumps! Today we'll be looking at a quick and easy method to paint up some tabletop standard Ossiarch Bonereapers models. A while back, while I was yet in my hobby infancy, I was quite the GW fanboy (weren't we all at some point though?), spending much of my time watching as many of Citadel's video guides as I could get my hands on.  It was during this time that I came across this video, a guide on how to make your models lo



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