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This blog marks a return to Warhammer after many years absence...

Entries in this blog

Zarbag’s Gitz

Oh geeze it's been a while since I last posted anything here... there's likely a backlog to catch up on. Ages ago I picked up the original Underworlds box and it has sat unplayed, though the models have sat on the painting table for a while. Recently we decided that lunchtime boardgames in the office were called for as people were being a bit antisocial. Underworlds seems like a good option, so I started putting paint to models... starting with my favourite looking set, Zarbag's Gitz. Can't



The children come out to play

Much as I like nurglings (those fun loving little idiots) I'm not a massive fan of the current plastic kit; it looks like a group of tumblers trying to form a pyramid. So, armed with a pile of spare nurglings from the bits box, I decided to see how far it could be stretched. The three piles of nurglings can be easily extended out to be five by removing the third or first rows from some of the piles. y taking some of the spare individual nurglings dotted around you can make these each very differ



Maggotkin join the horde of the Yellow King

Once again, it's been a while since the last update. Thankfully I'm in full swing and have a big backlog of updates to entertain. I've still not managed to actually play a game of AoS, so one aim for this year is to try and actually get a small force ready enough to learn with. The Maggotkin have some really interesting models that are more interesting to paint than the Tzaangor so far. The first model to get finished out of the Blightwar box was Horticulous on his mighty steed. There were



Villanous updates

It has been far far too long since I updated here. There have been some excellent releases recently that have reignited interest in painting. The main theory was that the two Warhammer Quest boxes provide a fairly varied starter set for a small Arcanite force and shouldn't need too much adding to bulk it out a bit more. Anyone that has had the misfortune of reading my threads over on Dakka know that I have lots of ideas and only occasionally get around to fulfilling them all as I'm very easily d



Quickly and quietly

Just a quick update today. Some more work has been done on the Orruks, but none of it is interesting or photogenic... it is just sticking together the bodies of 5 brutes and continuing to greenstuff the shoulders back onto the Boss. Maybe sometime I'll get the sculpting part done to a stage that makes it clearer. At some point I need to sort out better photos too While the greenstuff is drying, I did a bit more painting; mostly going back and revisiting the Questor and mini horrors to neate



Step 2. Admitting you have a problem

I did a little bit more cleaning up on the other horrors and put the first bit of paint onto one horror as an experiment. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the colour, but it is a deep pinky purple from Vallejo applied as a few washes over white. A little bit of blue was added for some shadows/splotchyness to break up the overall PINK. The aim is for it to blend out to purple or blue towards the finger and tentacle tips. We shall see... So what is this problem? The proble



Step 1. Flashbacks

Many many moons ago, back when Goblins fought High Elves along side cardboard monsters and war machines I had a fun Dwarf gunline that did fairly well in our local shop. Over time, as Warhammer armies grew in scale, my interests waned as I'm a hobby butterfly. The games that retained my interest were smaller scale games like Mordheim and Warhammer Quest due to the ability to hop form one theme to another without having to make a massive commitment to one army. I've not, however, gamed in the War



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