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About this blog

An exercise in creating a narrative and warband, influenced by AOS28 and Hinterlands cog-fort force, then maybe some Root Kings, then maybe a Free guild/Tzeentch Arcaniates dual army, then maybe a Idonth Sandkin/Tomb King influenced army.

Entries in this blog

Lucius's Guard

Yorn and his men were not used to doing things gently. That's how the old man had ended down on his knees in the mud. These folk were reluctant to serve aboard the Iron Fist.  While it offered relative safety, compared to their village, their conscription did not include passage for their families. And with the strongest of them gone, they stood even less of a chance against raiders than before. The old man knew that and had resisted Lucius's guard pulling his son forward. And now here the



Lucius Tirone

Bring the menfolk forward, boys too. The Lord Commander requires replacement across his ranks. Lucius dismissed his guard captain in one swift motion, turning towards the clutter of wooden buildings that were arranged along the near bank of the river. The Rumbling Fist had seen heavy action on their current patrol from Tempest Eye, first green skins, then those damned spirits of undeath, and most recently those skulking rats. In the Flamebloom, men had be picked off in ones and twos by poison da



A change of realms, and a warband gathers

Rather than edit or remove my first three entries, I am going to leave them as a way to track changes in the development of the background of my warband. After building the two brothers and the first blind brother, I realized they fit better into the Realm of Ulgu than the Realm of Beasts. The brothers are blind after all, and hunt not by human eyeball sight, but by another form of guidance. I also felt that the appearance of warband was more in line with a civilization that had grown and d



A day late

Sameul and Yoan are Fides Pressors, a type of warrior monk, hunters through faith. Their eyesight and those of other Fides Pressors, has been taken, in battle say some, by the god, Kurnath, say others, and even others say Sigmar took their eyes as punishment for being unfaithful. While the truth lies buried in the past, the brother's abilities do not. With the loss of their eyes, came new talents. The brothers now track and hunt those tainted by chaos and given over to senseless destruction thro




"Walking through the streets of Chraceroca the rhythmic chanties sung by the Ritus Squadras as they perform the work to keep the city safe and supplied, echo off the walls and mix with the sounds of passing carts and people's chatter. Built upon a spur of rock that rises out of the Spotted Plains and juts above the treetops of the bordering Great Rustlewood, Chracerooca imposes itself on the surrounding land. There are endless pulley systems, winches, and cranks, that lift supplies to the city,



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