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Not quite the end times

Had an evening to myself and thought I'd play a bit of solohammer, as a break from just painting recently. I didn't have time enough to have a go at the first End Times scenario so I thought I'd wind the clock back and just play out an idea based on a previous campaign I ran a few years back, set in an area of the Grey Mountains bordering Nuln to the north and Parravon/Athel Loren to the south, called Hag Pass. After defeating a previous vampiric incursion in the Pass -an uneasy peace has h



End Times Nagash Redux - or JontyGoesGaming plays with himself.

First things first - I love Age of Sigmar. I love its batshit crazy style and the evolution of new stories and new opportunities, as well as the new takes on the races of the world-that-was. Most of all, I absolutely love the rules, and the massive wealth of narrative scenarios. Since I started, about two-three months after AoS dropped, I've not played a single 'line 'em up and push it forward' pitched battle. Instead, we've had breakthroughs, battles fought over shifting magical ice, rescu



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