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End Times Nagash Redux - or JontyGoesGaming plays with himself.



First things first - I love Age of Sigmar. I love its batshit crazy style and the evolution of new stories and new opportunities, as well as the new takes on the races of the world-that-was. Most of all, I absolutely love the rules, and the massive wealth of narrative scenarios.

Since I started, about two-three months after AoS dropped, I've not played a single 'line 'em up and push it forward' pitched battle. Instead, we've had breakthroughs, battles fought over shifting magical ice, rescue missions, a LOT of awesome rituals, monster hunts; the works. I'm even going to my first solo gaming event in November, something I'd never done in all the time I'd played 8th.

While I'm fully immersed in the lore and style of Age of Sigmar, I've still got a real fondness for the Old World, and the old background, and for quite a while, I've wanted to actually get a bit of use out of those End Times books I bought, especially as I've actually got quite a few of the armies featured - especially from the Nagash book, and a lot of old 8th style scenery left over. So, inspired by Darth Alec's frankly amazing work here I thought, hey, why not let's give it a go.

Most of these, to begin with will probably be solo games. That's not because I'm an unsociable ******. More that, if I have the house to myself but noone's free for a game it's a fun excuse for getting stuff out of storage and plonking it on the table. But also because I have a feeling it's actually a really good way to learn your warscrolls to make actual games against real people as good as possible. By the time (if) I get as far as Glottkin though I happen to know someone with a lot of Nurgle, which I don't have, and which might come in useful...

So here's what this 'semi' regular blog is going to cover. My aim is to...

  • Play as many games from as many of the End Times books as possible, using some of the excellent resources people have made, and 
  • Use it as an excuse to finish off some 8th style armies and terrain projects 
  • Feel much more confident that I know the rules for the stuff I have in my collection, especially my Death faction which I'm using at Realms at War in November.
  • Take some photos, document it, and feel like I've got my money's worth from some of the End Times books!

Mad? Yes. Ambitious? Well sort of. At the worst it'll just be a nice painting log for some 8th style stuff! Should be fun though.

So first stop, La Maisontaal Abbey, a chance to rock out the Bretonnians and Vampire Counts..


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I'll be watching this - not getting to properly explore the End Times stuff was one of my big regrets about the end of 8th too.

how do you deal with solo play? It's something I'd like to try to help get my head round the rules so if you've got any tips to help make it work, I'd love to hear them. ?

Edited by Anodyr
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