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Everything posted by NurglesFirstChosen

  1. I think 6 has legs in an everchosen list where you know how aggressive you can be or not. It’s not super competitive and will fall down in some scenarios but in the 2 games I’ve used it in, it did very well (against petrifix and IJ’s). Like I say I appreciate it’s not top of the pile. Saying that though, I think people under estimate how effective a combo of dark prophecy, the dark master and 6 varanguard with spears can be.
  2. I’m not sure you’re right bout varanguard.... 9 attacks hitting on 2s wounding on 3s (esp rerolling 1s) -2 rend n 3 damage a pop will rinse though most horde units. Not to mention buffs from which ever mark/aura you go for. Then there’s the second pile in if you need it.
  3. While this seems decent on paper, surely that will leave you with very few models actually holding objectives. Maybe 2-4 (maybe 6-7) models on each. You’d probably find people winning objectives off your without charging you with this tactic.
  4. Unfortunately there’s no longer anything that can buff Archaon to activate twice in the combat phase
  5. Only noobs lose against them. Only noobs lose against them.... I don’t want to come across as harsh but you’re response is short sighted, ignorant and insulting to anyone who has ever been beaten by them. Please note different match ups and player skill go a long way into deciding games - not just the army itself.
  6. It’s comical how there’s a thread about slaanesh summoning like it’s the only broke thing in the game.... what about Fyreslayers with +2 save and a ++4 ward. So one army brings back what you kill (ish) and the other can’t be killed. Theres always broken builds. Dok held that throne for a good while, then fec and skaven. These 3 have been ‘nerfed’ and they’re pretty much just as powerful. The next 4 battletomes will counter slaanesh, and FS... and the power creep will continue.
  7. Malerion is himself a god (after becoming the incarnate of the lore of shadows and being consumed by the warp at the end of end times) so couldn’t be corrupted by chaos. Morathi on the other hand has become a Demi god (basically a greater daemon in her own right) and could be corrupted to chaos. Not that I’m convinced it’d happen, but who knows where the lore will go in the next story arch.
  8. I agree it was disappointing not to get any mortals, but what is being released is stunning. Some armies have had more new units, some have got less. I feel that people need to accept what is, and move on, because wallowing in negativity is not healthy.
  9. 😂😂😂 not sure why people keep saying this - gw confirmed at the seminar that not all the models were shown in the reveals vid/pics. Far from guarantees mortals or slaangors however, could just be referring to a named kos and herald for example.
  10. There is more - gw stated that there were more models on top of what was seen in the vid/pictures.
  11. The chaos/seraphon one looks like the tail of the new kos
  12. You could say the same about spider riders and night goblins, or thunderscorn and beastmen. As we have seen, to say it doesn’t make sense lore wise doesn’t really mean that much because lore can develop and change.
  13. I agree that it’s highly likely that ironjaws and bonesplitters will receive similar treatment to Boc and be thrown in together. I also expect ogors n bcr to receive similar treatment. Moves of this kind make good business sense - it increases the demand of all units involved. Plus it resolves the tactical limitations to both sides of each faction.
  14. Tbf he could be wishlisting. Top bloke but his predictions/information should be taken with a pinch of salt.
  15. That’d be cool! Might be a completely new character like rotigus though 🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. I guess at the least it means a named kos. Would be amazing if it meant another couple of units though. But either way, it’s pretty sweet.
  17. Lol they said we hadn’t ‘seen’ everything during the conference. Haha brick wall vs head moment. Still doesn’t mean mortals are inbound. I’d like there to be but no one knows.
  18. Watch the weekly warhammer video by Vince Venturalla who was there. According to him they did. What it actually means is another matter. No one knows.
  19. They did say it wasn’t all that was coming out during the conference.
  20. I agree, they properly would have. Only reason they could possibly have held all the mortals back if they didn’t give away the mortals ascetics. As I say though I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just daemon because of the cover art.
  21. Not exactly out of the blue. Gw started the hype for slaanesh dec 2018. Slaanesh may or may not get some mortals with this release - no one knows. We know a few things - Gw said we haven’t seen all the models that are part of the Hedonites release. Also the cover of the Hedonites contains only daemons. I wouldn’t be shocked if there are no mortals because of the cover art, but no one really knows. It intrigues me what else they’re holding back. @Charleston maybe the longer roll out of csm is simple due to demand, because they can be used for any of the 4 chaos gods. The demand must be pretty huge for that reason.
  22. Agreed about Sylvaneth. Hopefully it’ll be more similar to the time between carrion empires n skaven/fec courts, than the wrath n rapture n slaanesh release (or nurgle/blightwars) haha
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