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Posts posted by Lightbox

  1. 9 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    In a way it's good that they also try some new stuff. I'm sure we get at least some great swords. It would be really strange if Teclis wouldn't try to re-design the Swordmasters. I also wonder if we don't see great axes. I think the White Lions were a really popular unit. 

    I could totally see the same unit (or kit at least) having options for 2 handed swords, hammers and axes together. Possibly one of them being a special weapon in the unit.

    • Like 2
  2. 26 minutes ago, Goldy751 said:

    I see a lot of people use the liege over zandtos. Is there much of a difference?  
    I just like the zandtos model a lot better. 

    Or should i just use the zandtos model as a unnamed liege? 🤔

    I gave my liege the spear from Zandtos because I thought it looked way better.

    I'd say go with whatever model you'd like for whichever profile. Just be clear with your opponent and there should be no issue.

    I personally don't use Zandtos because I like to give my liege a relic. For most subfactions the liege will gain some fun stuff from the alliegance that Zandtos won't unless you use the legion he's from. The regular liege also has a different command ability (and points cost, very important in our small elite faction) so that may also contribute to why he's taken.

  3. So now that I have Arkhan (just need to build him) I now actually have enough of a collection to properly try a fun little 2000 point list. So I'm probably gonna try something like the following in my next game:

    Allegiance: Crematorian


    Leige Kavalos - General - Helm of the ordained

    Boneshaper - Searing blade


    Arkhan the black


    5x Kavalos deathriders - spears

    5x Kavalos deathriders - swords

    20x Mortek Guard - swords

    3x Necropolis Stalkers (debating giving one them the falchions for rule of cool)


    Gothizzar Harvester

    Endless Spells:

    Nightmare predator


    Kavalos Lance

  4. On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2020 at 1:04 PM, Fulcanelli said:

    I like so much your idea @Lightbox, hope to see some pictures ;)

    Probably you won't cut the second Steam Tank, but if you do so, you'll free a lot of points for some screen units.

    Well I'm debating using at least one of them as a hurricanum instead as it's gotten quite tall! Potentially can put a zombie lightning rod attached to its mast and a creepy necromancer for a Frankenstein lightning power feel to its storm abilities and + hit aura. Would end up actually being a nice boost for the handgunners and any non mobile artillery I field (cough helstorms cough). I'll try and post up some pictures of the conversion so far when I get home today and dig out my ship mortis engine I plan on rejigging into... something for this project and get pics of that too. I also have a box of zombies sat at home that I really should convert into more handgunners.


    EDIT: Hurricanum would let me cut out the freeguild general in theory as handgunners wouldn't need his command ability hit bonus. Though this definitely is feeling like a project that could easily go to 1500 or 2k points.

    • Like 1
  5. Welp now after seeing that Louise Sugden model I'm now gonna have to learn to paint bright colours and get myself pastel colour paints because boy does that seem exactly the sort of style of colour I'd love painting!

    Looks like that dark elder covens project I was about to start is gonna get loud and pastel!

    • Like 3
  6. So having recently lost myself to Warhammer total war 2 and then seeing someone else mention the idea of using a cities of sigmar army to make vampire coast my long held dream of wraith fleet / vampirates will come to fruition! I have already made a unit of zombie handgunners and am currently making steamtanks from my pirate ship mortis engine I made ages ago (hello steam tank commander) and the other half of the idoneth ship that I had which -will- look suitably ridiculous which is half the fun. This also gives me a great way to use up all my bloody spare bits that I have lying around.

    I'm looking to just do 1000 points to start as a fun little project that I may expand or may just leave at 1k and figured greywater fastness made sense for a pirate ship and GUNS army (and boy have I been wanting to revisit my favourite city of crazed cannon lovers for ages). I'm considering the following as a start point:

    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Greywater Fastness
    Steam Tank with Commander (250)
    - General
    Freeguild General (100)
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)
    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
    1 x Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)
    Steam Tank (200)
    - Cities of Sigmar Battleline (Steam Tank with Commander General)
    ARTEFACTS: 0/1 ALLIES: 0/200

    Now granted it's probably not a good list but looks like a fun one (I plan to my make my pistoliers out of spare black knights i'll never use and pistolier pistols spare from making my living city outriders) My only concern is whether I should have some freeguild guard or something to protect my gunners or whether I just say heck it and go all out (cannon)balls out.

    I will post some pictures of my conversions when they're more finished too.

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    • LOVE IT! 1
  7. On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2020 at 6:42 PM, SerialMoM said:

    Nice idea sance.


    My approach is different


    I Uwe Slave to dankenswerter rules.


    The Marauders horseriders are translated in knights ( leader and two normal one).

    the chosen and knights are foot knights and Marauders on foot are the peasants with different weapons.


     I tested my witch hunters already and I liked  them. Lets see how the Bretonnians will work.


    I had considered slaves to darkness but would be much better for bretonnia if we had access to chaos knights instead of just marauder horsemen but the marauders for peasants work for sure.

    I was personally considering Ossiarch Bonereapers for my bretonnians, they have appropriately tough horsemen I feel though the regular mortek guard as peasants might be a bit too tough? But I mean they're also all strength 3 which seemed to fit.

  8. So originally I was all like 'pfft I'm not interested in high elves'... then I saw their helmet plumes and was like 'I mean okay they look nice' and now I feel myself super interested in them *flops* (by the gods not another army I wanna collect)

    I think I will try and see how exactly they play before I get any and see how convertible their heroes look. I'm not really a fan of the teclis model, love Eltharion though. I'm hoping they'll have some cool hero choices, and hoping their spearmen wont be horde units as I really don't wanna run super big blocks (also dunno if I have the space for so many models..)

    They definitely look like they could be fun for paint schemes though. Hopefully will be good with contrast.

  9. 2 hours ago, annarborhawk said:

    Knights of the Empty Throne - 

    Really disappointed in how this was written. I like the idea of making Varanguard heros. But they made it it's own allegiance, so you lose StD, including the Chaos Auras AND the Varanguard Circles. I mean, you're already required to lose Archaon to run it, so I'm not sure whey they felt the need for the additional handicaps.  

    Then I thought, maybe that's the purpose of the Overlords of Chaos Battalion to get the circles back, but no, that entry requires "Hosts of the Everchosen Varanguard."

    Maybe they'll FAQ it, but I doubt an allegiance meant for narrative games gets much attention. 


    So does that mean that hero varanguard is literally the only thing the knight of the empty throne gives? Or does it have some other abilities too since it's a full allegiance as opposed to a sub-alliegance?

  10. 15 hours ago, Honk said:

    Has anyone tried out the Blacksmoke Battery yet?

    Two cannons and a cogsmith will cost 340 points, with a total of 4 shots at 32“ 4+ rerolling and d6dmg, at 16“ he brought a nice rocket launcher...

    that sounds quite interesting for my slow skellis and zombie blob and I still have some chaos dwarven rocket launcher to proxy... even crazy FEC could really benefit from a surgical cannonball to the face against pesky buffing heroes or to soften up big monsters before the charge.

    The lack of the first CP can be mitigated by buying one. 


    This sounds like something interesting to try out... Would be great to make conversions with literal skeleton crews. I definitely have found cannons useful when playing old ironweld arsenal so I could really see them working for Death to provide some nice shooting. Just gotta make sure you can get them onto a nice bit of terrain to get the vantage point for line of sight.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2020 at 12:09 AM, Ignatius "Nate" T said:

    I think you're talking about mine? If so I'm flattered. 


    Also more than willing to give you more pictures or answer any questions you may have!

    I would definitely love to see more pictures! Especially of the dragon, he's made from a carnosaur right? 

    And what kits did you use for the blood knights out of curiosity? Pistolier bodies & horses with guard swords/shields?

  12. I had far too much fun adding a zweihander and a wight king crown onto a mangler squig loonboss for my Arthurian goblin knights conversion project. My big worry is how I'm gonna handle doing heraldry on my boingrot bounderz whether I just do them as one per squad or proper mix and match them like bretonnians. Probably the latter and keep the uniformity of the squad only in which colour squig they ride.


    Themed army projects have definitely become an exciting prospect for me. Even if this one will be light on conversions.

    • Like 4
  13. Hey guys.


    So I've recently begun my little gloomspite conversion project for King Arfur and the knights of the bouncing table. Which is basically an excuse to give a loonboss a crown and have loads of boingrot bounderz ;) I've been toying with a starting 1000 point list and have come up with the following:


    Realm: Hyish

    -Loonboss on Mangler Squig - Artefact: Blade of symmetry (for representing his looted blade Excalibur) - 280

    -Fungoid Cave Shaman - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch - 90

    -5x Boingrot Bounderz - 100

    -5x Boingrot bounderz - 100

    -6x Squig herd - 70

    -6x Squig herd  - 70

    -6x Sneaky Snufflers - 70

    -3x Rippa's Snarlfangs - 80

    Batallion: Squig Rider Stampede


    It's probably not the best and the main reason I have the snarlfangs is because they look cool (and movement 12) and the snufflers were my spare 70 points and I will have 6 due to getting warcry boxes for my squig riders instead of just regular boxes (plan on getting 2, not sure whether to make any as squig hoppers though. Maybe 5 so I have the option for AoS and warcry)

    The herd seemed like a cheap battleline, I will look into Stabbas at perhaps higher points games (I do plan to expand into 2k) along with some troggoths for some harder hitting.


    As a final note I am wanting to scratch build a more thematic looking loon shrine (perhaps a broken castle wall or siege tower turned into one?) If anyone has any suggestions on things I could look at or kits to consider as a basis for a more knightly loonshrine then please let me know :)

    • Like 2
  14. So last month I got some fair bits of painting done across a variety of things even if I didn't do (or finish) the pledges I was going to (Whoops!) but important thing is I did a lot of painting! :)

    For this month I pledge to finish the final details on my mangler squig that I started on the 1st of February. And to finish 5 boingrot bounders I started on the 2nd.

    Provided I accomplish that I want to finish my cypher lord warband and do another 5 either bounders or hoppers. If I have the chance (or simply feel like it) I'm hoping to do some more bonereapers too! Will try and make sure to take photo's this month as I progress!

  15. I'm definitely eyeing up the newer push fit chaos knights for making some blood knights. Definitely will look like big heavy chargers! Though my death is in a weird place with some bits (such as one of my coven thrones) converted into wraith fleet pirate style. Anyone got suggestions on cavalry that could be used to convert some more pirate looking bloodknights? Or should I just go heck it and go all in on the big heavy armoured knights. Would fit my armoured vampire lord on dragon a bit more than all pirates. Bonus points if I have some heavy armoured knights and some pirate looking ones to represent a story of perhaps 2 different vampire forces coming together to fight (can be a nice theme to differentiate two dragon lords)

    Though alternatively I could see the ossiarch horses being an interested shout for those who want a more skeletal death theme! (could still paint them up like shadowy bone horses) I've been away from soulblight for too long though, my vampires need to taste blood again soon ;) 


    EDIT: Just seen some pics of freeguild outriders being used to make blood knights. I actually really like the look of this idea! 

    Always happy to see new ideas for knights (and I'm totally gonna have to make that saurus dragon conversion!!)

  16. So last night I got curbstomped by my buddies Sylvaneth in my second ever game with bonereapers. However I still had a lot of fun and for most of the game I was only behind by 2 points in objectives which I'm quite happy with.

    My list I ran was the following:

    Subfaction: Crematorian (Or burny bois if you will)

    -Boneshaper (General, crematorian trait and artefact)
    -Boneshaper 2 (electric boogaloo)
    -Liege Kavalos (Artefact: Helm of the ordained)

    20x Mortek Guard
    5x Deathriders w/Swords
    5x Deathrider w/Lances
    1x Harvester
    2x Morghast Archai

    Batallion: Kavalos Lance

    So I probably misplayed to heck (because I still do not have enough games under my belt really in AoS in general) however I found that the cavalry gave some good punch and when the morghast got stuck in they certainly surprised me. One big problem was not enough bodies to hold objectives (especially backfield) we played border war which meant having to try and split my force, which did not go down well with this list for sure. I also had my liege with the lances (lances did very well with empower weapons) and the sword cav were on their own but I think I should keep the entire battalion together and have them ride around causing mayhem like a gang of bullies.

    This list was basically everything I have built so far, I still have 10 more guard and 3 stalkers to build. I'm thinking for the future of this list possibly looking at adding in katakros (because he's cool and the longer range resurrection would benefit the cavalry) and using some of the endless spells because the nightmare predator is pretty and would give me something to potentially chase around backline heroes (though he is 2d6 move which is oof) I also want to increase the lance cavalry to 10 to get some nice exploding lances on the charge. I'm ideally trying to get it to work without spamming mortek guard since putting loads of them together and giving them the straw hats I was converting is a pain but 2 of 20 would probably be better than 20 and 10. Though it's also points I can't spend on the pretty horses or something with good rend and damage (like stalkers)

  17. I'm looking at Cultist units to use alongside my armoured boys because I really do not like the marauder models (rip) but love the warcry models. Looking at the warscrolls I'm really considering unmade with the amount of attacks they can throw out (and the scythes on the blissful ones). My favourite looking warbands are the corvus cabal and the cypher lords but they just don't really look like they'll be able to do enough in terms of attacks unfortunately (though the fly on the corvus could warrant them as early objective grabbers) 

    I know marauders are generally the go-to because they do the job better but is there much potential for something like the unmade to be able to throw down alongside an army? (rather than being the main focus etc)

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