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Everything posted by Furuzzolo

  1. Never forget the Unforged. Never. 🤧
  2. I've placed all my TGA reactions for the day. Only to state that i'd love to ❤️ all of your comments!
  3. Imho very low. Ironweld arsenal lorewise (at least in the novels i read) is a very independent force at the side of the free guilds. Duardins are in the Arsenal and operate the cannons and guns but they are not identified as Dispossessed. I've seen Duardin in the books (the red hour, soul wars and the spear of shadow) but they usually stand alone, as clans or mercenaries. That narrative-wise....and the Ironweld arsernal& free people group up in the shop kinda prove that.
  4. Yeah, i think they kinda answered my questions on skyport! If none suggest better stuffs i'm going with the earbuster on a khemist...
  5. 2-5 years?! Dispossessed already have a book, a big one, with your name on. 😡
  6. By the way it's very hard for me to understand the difference between 40 warriors (280) and 30 longbeards (270). I get it, you lose 10 wounds, 10 bodies but the 4+ save make up for the wounds against every -1 rend attack, the reroll to wound should be better then 10 more attacks. Has anyone done the math? They look strictly better to me...
  7. That looks a fine laid back list! Just be aware that your bite is weak and you need to pick you fight carefully...Warriors with 2h and Longbeards with 2h could do well, Thunderers kinda shoots confetti. Ironbreakers became reasonables with warden king, longbeards and runelord buffs but you need to setup that charge pretty well.
  8. Ladz, some good and bad news from the rumor thread! Looks like some GW co-worker stated that the team behind Gloomspite Gitz is working right now on Dispossessed BUT that gw esitated to do so cause they were selling pretty good anyhow. So what to do now, do we stop our cashlanding stream or do we buy more duardins?? 🤔
  9. Good lord what have i done? 😥 I doomed Dispossessed with my "add to cart" alone...
  10. I guess you want to put a "spoiler" here. His past is explored through the book...
  11. Hammeral has a flat +1 bravery. It's free
  12. That's a good army! I can see you play the objective game pretty well. A good mix of anvils and hammers (a bit low on damage output, tho). I'm a fan of Bombers but as two separate units they do lose some potential (2 activation in combat and 2 drops rather then 1), right now i would not bring them as allies but in an Order army they can work! I like it! You could fit into some free city ruleset to get wider options range, i guess but my knowledge on them is very low. (Tempest eye etc)
  13. Hi all! First of all that's my custom kitbashed Arkanaut Admiral, we call him Ammiraglio Badoglio for his failures on the battlefield, so i made him look like the Italian General. That said i have a list i would field but i cannot decide the Skyport, artifacts and options. I like the Aethershock Earbuster for the potential but let me know if you know some better art-hero combination. For the Skyport i know i could have a bloody good alpha strike going Barak Zilfin but i don't really like the play style, let me know what you think fit best my list: Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords Leaders Brokk Grungsson (260) Aether-Khemist (160) Aether-Khemist (160) Arkanaut Admiral (120) Battleline 20 x Arkanaut Company (240) - 6x Light Skyhooks 10 x Arkanaut Company (120) 10 x Arkanaut Company (120) Units 9 x Endrinriggers (360) 10 x Grundstok Thunderers (200) War Machines Arkanaut Frigate (240) Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 106
  14. I just read Soul Wars by Josh Reynolds ( @JReynolds ), missing the last 30 pages to be honest and i must say that it is a beautiful book. Really doubling on the depths and relation between nagash-Sigmar, souls serving the one-Stormcast etc; but that's not the topic. I want to set this spoiler-free but in the book some pages are spent narrating battle and in this battle Dispossessed duardin from the rivers clan fight alongside the others faction in the book. The description of those brave duardins is very refreshing and their Thane, his wit and pragmatism are everithing Dispossessed are in my mind. We may not have a rulebook, a tome and a narrative main plot-line but thanks to the work of Black Library writer such as Josh we can still fill part of the setting. I recommend the book to all of you, we may not be the main characters in it but reading about Duardin go to war and the roar of our weapons satisfied my duardin- need.
  15. So, did we help you in the last 2 months? 😉
  16. By the way i'm not a mathematician, i just put the dice rolls in druchii calculator. By any means that should be taken as "true". The math on such low dice rolls is tricky, i guess.
  17. They average 7-21 vs 4+ save. The ancient warden: Vanilla 2-16 Reroll1 hit 2-18 Reroll 1 hit; -1 rend 6-20 Reroll 1 hit; -1 rend; +1 wound 8-22 The damage are kinda ok for a 300 points model. Maybe remove the nurgle save and add: something something channel the power of Grugni and if a Runelord use is ability within 10" from a warden the warden gain the benefit aswell.
  18. Good Grugni, it's a bit broken! I mean, i like it but 3+ save, ignore -1/2 rend and nurgle 5+ save! 🤣 The damage output is high. Would cost around 600-700 points, i guess.
  19. Could it be a cloak for a Vampire? The hints give me a Soulblight feeling..
  20. An idea i had on the fly in an @Oath Stoned reddit post is a Steam Tank like drill that combine the Steam tank role and the Pickaxe idea. It does drill a tunnel and let one unit follow him to deepstrike! Wouldn't it be a good behemot?
  21. I feel you! I started my journey with SC pestilence, felt the battlefield weakness and transitioned to a "newer army" in Kharadron Overlord....yes, at least i can legally play them but i let you imagine. Transitioned to Dispossessed after my discovered love for Dwarfs. Now i sit on a 6k points of tournament ultracompetitive duardins...and i only like to play, not really into painting (i do it but its only sex, not love).
  22. Ko dosn't really care about traditions, only barak thryng duardins builds great halls with statues to the gods, other skyport are not so into wasting money. That's oversimplified but yeah... Like i said in other discussion (and after you paint 40 longbeards and irondrakes you know) i clearly see longbeards helm in the statue. Not ko helmet, nor fyreslayers one. By the way you are right, that only set the background for the trolls and dosn't 100% mean news for Dispossessed. They just looted a duardin stronghold. Here we talk rumors and that's just like commentating a rumor engine post, why you feel the need to shout down our duardin fun?😪
  23. Any reference in the tome regarding a Dispossessed rivalry? Ruins raiding? Something?
  24. Between all the suggestions i like your one the most! We are master crafters and miners, some marker "endless spells like" like trenches, minefield or some terrains interactions during the games. We prepare our battlefield and wage war on our terms. A lot of strategy in the positioning of the markers and a lot of play, counterplay and interactions for the opponent i think make for good games. I think every duardin subfactions should have a theme, KO craft endringthings, fyreslayers rune enhanced bodies + berserkers, i'd like to see "crafts" or a more devotions and traditions for Dispossesses...so a centerpiece models should reflect that, i guess.
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