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Everything posted by Furuzzolo

  1. Have you ever considered starting Dispossessed? I can pay the first order for you.
  2. No. Just minor tweak to inches, no changes from the 2018 allegiance abilities. No warscroll changes. Just the same, folks.
  3. Does Mighty Destroyer work strictly in YOUR hero phase or in A hero phase, now?
  4. Pretty much the same as gh18. Now we can cry.
  5. I would not invest in them. (And I have a tons ahah) Longbeards were less effective than warriora points/wounds and I usually took 10 to buff hammerers or Irondrakes. Now I think Longbeards are just better. Runelord x3 240 Warden king 100 Cogsmith 100 Cannon x2 280 Longbeards x10 100 Longbeards x10 100 Hammerers x30 360 Ironbreakers x30 360 Irondrakes x20 360
  6. Triumph bonus, that's how you fill the gap.
  7. For Grimnir lets wait for the allegiance abilities! What's wrong with you guys?? 🤣 I mean c'mon, I've commented here since the beginning and we always kept the place clean of tears. The Dispossessed problems are really those 10 points for the warriors? Are you sure? The hammerers drop is an hell of a news, now they are a solid option. Longbeards are stronger now compared to Warriors....lets talk what we have, not what we've lost. That's gone.
  8. Let's wait and see the allegiance abilities. Look what they have done with Fyreslayers, Skaven and FEC, we'll have our spot in the sun 😉 Just be patient.
  9. Not a rumor but a reasonable conclusion that just popped in my head; we had (more or less) one chaos god per year in the last four years, so should sound good to have generic chaos humans (darkoath) follow the same scheme, no? First 2 months of 2020.
  10. Ehm, sorry about that but I represent the Dispossessed player out there and technically Organ guns, Cannons and Cogsmith are Ironweld Arsenal. I understand your confusion and you can't even imagine ours, but it's true. Remember us in the next community survey, please. 😔
  11. Could be but the Gyro opens up some mobility options for you. The cannons can still attack 4+ other targets but with the Copter you can try to contest some remote objective held by an hero or, lets say, 5 gryph hounds or other small units. Put the gyro at 3" from the unit to control the objective and attack with both cannons. You cannot do this with the cogsmith.
  12. Ain't bad! You can bring two cannons and a copter for some solid bombing! The question we should ask is: Is it better than 10 hearthguards+hero (maybe tunneling)? Is it? 10 hearthguards + Runesmiter Or 2 cannons + Gyro ? I think we have a lot of bodies and the answer isn't really obvious here. Tunnelings is good but with the cannons we can achieve kinda the same objective. With the deepstrike you can attack or secure an objective, with the cannons you can zone and attack more than one...
  13. I'm a simple man but if a black library writer want to put an easter egg in a book, lets say a stormcast eternals Settra, wouldn't he ask permission to gw? And, I mean, if GW give that permission couldn't we assume that no plans for this Settra are on the table? Just guessing here, do not throw stones 😌
  14. I think we should stick to the official lore and don't get scared. Grugni is concocting something in an underground fortress in Chamon. Could be a new bloodline, some sort of invention, mecha-cogfort, new duardin empire, maybe summoning Valaya here. What if we get some sort of Adeptus Mecanicus updates? Instead of miners a mechaMole team, some brass golem a la d&d that absorb magic and hit like a truck.. 😇 GW placed some lore seed that point in a clear direction, some sort of AoS-fication of the old dwarf line. We only need to wait!
  15. https://m.imgur.com/r/WarhammerInstructions/M5fIf 😉
  16. I hope with all my soul it has both the dispossessed and fyreslayers keyword!
  17. Sweet lord THAT'S a duardin. I see slayers with pants, I buy them.
  18. Dispossessed units within 8" of this post reroll 1 to wound in combat... 😡 We're here to stay, the mention in the sylvaneth tome prove that. I'm only concernet about the name "Dispossessed", I was hoping in a rename for the battletome. Whatever. Cut the grumbling short, lads.
  19. Looking at the existing Seraphon range it's a little peculiar. The current range has hardly that "rig" between upper and lower <side>, usually it does shade from scaly to a more stretched "skin". The lower part is more like a snake belly or matybe a dragon belly or tail (if you look at the old sorceress on black dragon and compare her to a carnosaur it's quite obvious.)
  20. If you put Dispossessed on the walls of the city how can you expect to have a narrative? The city is going to hold. End of the campaign.
  21. I think a reworked battalion or a couple of them in the pitched battle profile (as was done with Ironjawz and fyreslayers) could go a long way. A playable battalion would give us: -Less drops and a better shot at the turn-game. -Free command point at turn 1. -Some up-to-date rule. -One artifacts beside the pickaxe. Please. I'd love to bring 2 damn items in a game!
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