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Everything posted by Richelieu

  1. Most people would be OK with that, but in a tournament it would usually be prohibited.
  2. I think that an easy fix to the soul wars evocator unit size is to just buy two of the new magazines that come with alternate sculpt knight incantors. The armor and tabards look almost identical to an Evocator and your allowed to mix and match weapons.
  3. The errata says "You can use this command ability..."
  4. I think vandus is also quite good for hammers. A 48" diameter bubble of battleshock immunity without having to use a command ability is pretty big for SC. Plus he hits very hard and has a top notch command ability. Only issue is he's rather fragile for his points.
  5. The text for his command ability has changed from what it originally said. The first sentence is now: You can use this command ability at the start of the charge phase.
  6. I agree it's a pretty disappointing CA. I'll mostly be using Stormhost CAs anyway, but when I'm not, I'd still rather make a single unit guarantee a 6" run than a bunch of units getting +2" run.
  7. I know it's expensive, but the dracoline version with pride leader trait accompanied by a unit of Dracovocators is a really mobile, reliably hard hitting strike force. I am a big fan of the heal on the GC version though.
  8. Yeah, 1 wound saved per turn is absolutely no joke. I saved key models for one turn every turn against Nurgle's never ending steam of mortals last game. Keeping Vandus alive for one additional turn is a massive point swing. And then your opponent has to dedicate resources that otherwise would have been freed up to laying down another damage on that though character. There's huge efficiency loss for them.
  9. You allocate wounds one at a time. Clearly explained in the core rules.
  10. This entire conversation is moot anyway since overflow winds don't just magically evaporate. I have a pile of wounds to allocate. First one kills hero. He is slain, but not removed and instead heals one HP. It is the same model. He was not replaced. Then there are still wounds left to be allocated and since the unit you were allocating to is still there, you have to allocate to the hero and he dies again. Thinking it works the other way is wishful thinking.
  11. That's not one way of reading it, it is the only way of reading it. The ability refers to "this" Lord arcanum, not "any" Lords arcanum.
  12. I don't disagree that this is the strategy that they would want to pursue, but in an optimized list built around being invincible, this is much easier said than done.
  13. Assuming you don't have another Lord Arcanum, which I absolutely would if the ability worked that way. Having to put damage on something from 2, 3 or more different sources per turn is extremely difficult.
  14. C'mon @Requizen, in a world of Goblins that deal 64 damage and engines of the gods that pump out 140 points of models per turn the Golden Boys need every edge they can get! Edit: I submitted an FAQ request for it even though RAW is perfectly clear.
  15. If you play it that way then heroes are effectively invincible, which is why most people on here have agreed it should be played the other way.
  16. It is unclear, but the consensus on the forum is he dies, is rezd, and then dies again.
  17. I totally understand your trepidation, but GW went out of their way to very clearly explain movement in the new core rules. If you follow all the rules with no stretching, twisting or interpretatio you wind up with an ability that can be used in the move phase, charge phase and combat phase.
  18. So I have a super strict reading of the Stardrake mount trait "Stormwinged" that makes it incredibly powerful. For reference: "After this model has moved, you can pick 1 enemy unit that this model passed across, and roll a dice. On a 2+ that unit suffers d3 mortal wounds." FAQ has made it clear that pile ins are moves. FAQ has also clarified that you can move forward and then backward with a flying model to count as having passed over another unit. Therefore, with every pile in move, your Stardrake can move over the enemy unit and right back to where it was, triggering this ability. Thoughts?
  19. I disagree that Lens is a hard counter top Kroak. It only shuts off one of his two powerful ways to win. 17+ summoning points per turn is a huge amount of free models/points. Don't get me wrong, I love lens and I think it is nearly an auto include for well rounded lists. Niche lists that try to win through alpha strikes or some specific tactic will still probably take artifacts that augment their game plan rather than defend against their opponent's.
  20. At 220 points and damned no longer giving+1 to hit, I think the days of skyfires worrying stardrakes are over.
  21. Agree. Especially in the new world of "unmodified 6s" where that mirrorshield does nothing to protect you against the shooting that does mortals.
  22. Just keep this in mind: you can paint your army however looks cool to you. Then use whichever stormhost rules you feel like playing with at any given time.
  23. I think this battalion could be key to competitive stormcast. I played a game against Nurgle on Monday and the incidental mortals and spell damage my opponent out out completely wrecked my low wound count army. I ended up winning through some strong objective play and a couple mistakes on my opponent's part, but I was nearly tabled. If I think about how the game went and substitute a phalanx army (including refraction lens) for what I brought, I would have completely controlled the board and never been in any danger of losing much of the army.
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