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Jagged Red Lines

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Posts posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. 49 minutes ago, novakai said:

    realistically every model eventually goes out of production with enough time, inventory is limited, and things can't stay in production forever

    After the initial move from old world to AoS, I can't think of another faction where they've been so casual about removing warscrolls. 

    Heck, ogor kingdoms got to keep yhetees and frostsabres and they're ancient.

    I think the poison wind globadiers are still in the skaven book and those models were released in the early 90s.

    For every other faction, the presumption is always that GW will keep old sculpts and update them one day. Not that they'll just remove the warscroll.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Soulblight Gravelords lost a bunch of old models but are imho one of the best looking armies in all of the mortal realms at the moment. I would jump for joy if they got rid of bonesplitterz and spiderfang and replaced them with modern sculpts. 

    It's no way the same. They're removing factions from within an army. 

    It's like if they removed the entirety of spiderfang from gitz - not just updated a few units. People will burble 'totally justified, they didn't fit the aesthetic'.

    But that doesn't help those who have an entire spiderfang army.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I count 63 warscrolls on the app, 61 not counting Underworlds. The biggest problem with cities as a playable army is that there are seven foot unit with great weapon options three foot units with spears, two foot units with crossbows etc. An interesting option would be to have a single  'canon' option but official permission to play whichever foot unit with great weapon option you wish. 


    By your own logic, more than half of the stormcast range should be squatted.

    Yet they didn't do that then. There's no reason for them to do that now.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Is it really *actively* stopping people though? When COS was first announced it felt like the people who wanted to play it had a general understanding that they could proxy most/all of their old stuff with the warscrolls provided? For example, it didn't include High Elf spears or archers, yet you could easily count them as Eternal Guard and Crossbowmen respectively.

    Like I understand the frustration but also this should've been expected, and proxying has always existed with wargaming.

    It wasn't expected. It wasn't announced as 'stop gap'. It was a fully fledged battletome, and the army was supported with Black Library fiction.

    None of the 6,000 points of cities models that I have were inherited from the old world. All of them were bought on the assumption that these models were a permanent part of the range.

    If you can find where GW said that the current Cities book was temporary pending a full squatting, I'd appreciate you pointing that out to me.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    It has far too many holdovers from TOW and am looking forward to almost, dare I say, a culling of bloat within the Faction.

    Actually, there's not a lot of bloat. There are 50 warscrolls - broadly in line with slaves to darkness (52 I believe) and gloomspite (51). 

    Also, it's nothing compared to stormcast (78 warscrolls) which has almost as many leader warscrolls (38) as the entirety of the cities army.

    And honestly, I find it a bit rich for someone to say 'I don't like to look at your army' as justification for vast amounts of it to be binned.

    GW has done plenty of 'soft squatting' recently, with stormcast as already mentioned, but also in ogors and slaves to darkness. There's no reason they shouldn't keep the warscrolls valid and allow people to continue to play with their miniatures. 

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  6. 29 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    The lack of a well defined 'normal' faction that isn't just the same as the old world has definitely hindered the development of AoS as an overall setting.

    I mean, I'm not saying that they shouldn't add to the cities range.

    But actively stopping people from playing with the toys they bought and spent hours painting doesn't improve the game at all. 

    Imagine if they just decided to squat the original stormcast line in favour of the new thunderstrike. The only people who would be fine with that are those that don't own the miniatures already. 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    The phoenix is ok, though a bit static. But was he really better than this?

    Lothern Skycutter | Miniset.net - Miniatures Collectors Guide

    I found that model quite fragile, but yes it is beautiful. And relatively recent. 

    I don't like that GW squatted anything, and I have my fingers crossed that nothing else goes to legends.

    I mean look at the general on griffin, demigryph knights, wild riders and wildwood rangers. A lot of the stuff that rumours suggest is going to legends are better sculpts than newer ranges like bonereapers and fyreslayers imo.

    I don't agree with the random invalidation of anyone's armies, which is why I've been opposed to the concept of dawnbringers since it was first announced. Cities are perfect as they are.

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    Their backstory is guarding the Shrine of Asuryan. Anyway, the baffling part is that of all the High Elves of that time (Eldritch Council, Ordo Draconic, Swifthawk Agents, Phoenix Temple) this is the one faction they decided not only to spare, but also (apparently) to keep in the next book. I would have never put my money on that. Like, seriously, these were the worst-looking minis of the High Elves line-up of that time, while some of the squatted ones still look better than the Lumineth.

    I guess it's karma for dunking on fyreslayers, but to me they're the best looking. I mean, a well-painted flamespyre is a work of art.

    To me narratively, they play into how diverse the realms are. They're a religious cult that worship a godbeast.



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  9. 21 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I don't think risk of alienating people has ever stopped GW before.

    Don't forget there's a decent sized number of people with old Wood Elf collections or who just bought Wanderer stuff for CoS too.


    If they're looking to retain the most popular cities units, they'll look at sales. 

    Phoenix guard have been the standout battleline choice of the current cities book in terms of rules. Most people who played cities have bought or converted phoenix guard, as well as frostheart phoenixes

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The least believable part of those rumours is GW not squatting the remaining High Elf stuff (Phoenix Temple). 

    I'm not saying the person isn't reliable, I'm just genuinely surprised. 

    They have a fantastic narrative backstory, and also it would potentially alienate a lot of people - most people who have cities have phoenix guard.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    I'm not saying it's impossible they'd remove Flagellants, but it would be weird.

    In the Warhammer+ hammer and bolter episode 'Monsters', which has darkoath vs dawnbringers, flaggelants are there. I guess it's possible they redesign them/rename them.

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  12. Not to be a naysayer (as I have a substantial phoenix temple army) but AFAIK there's never been a phoenix start collecting box.

    The old cities ones were anvilguard - with scourge privateers and kharybdis; and greywater fastness - with dispossed. There was also a hammerhall firestorm box with freeguild.

    Also, it'd surprise me deeply if they squatted wanderers because they've just released a novel with a wanderers prince. 

    Unless of course Arenai are old wood elves reimagined.


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  13. 4 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    Yeah, I think they could be done really well if they were redesigned. Personally I'd drop the naked part (at least for most of them: perhaps have a unit that keeps it, but even here I'd give them bloody trousers) and give them armour. They aren't Slayers, they aren't trying to die in glorious battle to atone for past sins, I am sure there's a lore reason why they are naked now but just quietly ditch that and give them cool gold armour (perhaps they've collected enough Ur Gold to make armour from it). Go look at the Auric Flamekeeper for inspiration: just extend his helmet/facemask and giant belt-buckle to the rest of his body and you'd have something that looks good.

    Beyond that they need more unit variety: mini-magmadroth cav, some sort of Ur Gold Golem, perhaps even a warmachine? Again, they're not slayers, they can do things other than fight in melee.

    If GW did this, and did it well, I think I'd be interested in the army.

    Agreed, trousers should be at the top of the list if GW is ever considering a redesign. 

    Also, I'd like them to have actual hair, rather than hair sprouting from their helmets.

    They could even create a narrative reason with them remodelling themselves in Gotrek's image. 

    Edit: but yeah, they could totally go in the opposite direction and move away from the old world slayer design, and I'd be fine with that too. But I don't think anyone is over the moon with how they currently look


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  14. 47 minutes ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

    I know the forum has been through this before and a lot of people don't like the idea, but IMO the obvious way to go is to soup them with Kharadron. Kharadron need infantry. Fyreslayers need artillery and missile units. Win-win.

    Also, conceptually, they are both offfshoots of the classic Dwarfs, representing the rational engineer's guild side on the one hand and the more esoteric slayer/runesmith side on the other. Throw in a couple of unifying units - Grombrindal, a dwarf feminist cult of Valaya that swears allegiance neither to the code nor Grungni/Grimnir (why not even a High Queen?!), mini-magmadroth cavalry with aetherguns, or an airborne 'chariot'-style unit with Fyreslayers on a ship rushing towards close combat, you name it - and a unified force would be classic Dwarfs on steroids. I'd be all over that.

    I think if dwarf soup does happen it'll likely be through the next Broken Realms-type series. Maybe with Grombrindal as the star 

  15. 28 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Fyreslayers (as an example) are probably going to be left high and dry for quite a while.

    They need a stormcast-type redesign. There's never been a bigger mismatch between the narrative and the models imo. 

    You buy into them because of the axes and beards, and then you realise you've been sold badly-proportioned middle aged men in nappies.

    I painted about 30 of them and then had some sort of existential crisis. They're just too weird.

    I'd love for them to get a full rework.


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  16. 2 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    It could be that Khorne consists of sexy buff men and women in a loincloth, whereas Slaanesh consists of buff sexy men and women in a loincloth!

    (edit: I think both factions will look great and will be very distinct because the design team is great, but mostly naked sexy people are in both of their portfolios)

    This is a pet peeve. GW is so basic. 

    We want to show these guys are strong - let them roll up without a shirt on so everyone can see their muscles.

    Because of this, you get things like chaos marauders, who are supposedly from the frozen wastes, who don't wear shirts. Those bearskins draped over your shoulders, won't save your nipples son. RIP.

    It also works the other way too. We want to show these guys are fat - again, no shirt. Let their bellies hang out. 

    Give them some dignity, for pity's sake.

    For instance, look at this Cursed City ogor. Absolute perfection. Notice he's wearing armour. Just make miniatures that are interesting, rather than try and make design statements like HE'S FAT as obviously as possible.


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  17. 17 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Valkia is one, but the Khorne cultists that were just revealed for 40k are mixed as well. The Iron Golem also was somewhat Khorne themed and mixed.

    I'd think a new set for either would also be mixed.

    This is the way - more mixed units. 

    Highland Miniatures are doing an amazing old world dwarf line called 'sons of ymir'.

    Their latest models are slayers, and male and female dwarves fighting side by side looks so much better, and has me hopeful for a fyreslayers refresh. 


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  18. 3 hours ago, willange said:

    That’s fine, but how often would you reasonably expect each faction to be updated then?  Seems like most armies would average to once every 4-5 years

    The GHB should perhaps be a more substantial rules patch, rather than just a points tweak (which doesn't often do much to fix underlying issues).

    Then we could see two or three battletomes a year, each with a substantial miniatures refresh for the armies that need it. 

  19. 11 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    I think it is an Underwords warband/Warcry or an event model.

    I always find it somewhat tragic and frustrating when they update ancient models through underworlds/warcry.

    Still frustrated by the lack of new frostsabres, nearly three years on from the release of Hrothgorn's Mantrappers.

    It would be the ultimate troll move (and just like GW) to make one or two new centigor and lock them behind an underworlds warband.



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  20. 3 hours ago, madmac said:

    Maybe that'll change in the 1.5 years we have left, but seeing 8-9 battletomes released in the first half of next year is not giving me confidence on that front.

    Hopefully the next wave of broken realms books will come with significant army updates. Although last time around it was just a character/centrepiece.

    57 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I'm pretty confident that the Summer book will be Cities, probably in June.

    Agreed. I think they'll probably end up previewing them in May for WarhammerFest.

  21. 3 hours ago, madmac said:

    a Death on Death box, likely FEC vs OBR.

    FEC vs OBR would be in line with the 'unspeakable vs uneatable' theme of the last ogor vs OBR box.

    Also, do we know for sure Beasts are just getting one miniature? The WarCom article talks about 'releases' (plural).


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