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Posts posted by kahadin

  1. I finally played a game of AoS 3. It was pretty alright. A lot of the stuff I was afraid would bog down the game or be really cumbersome was not an issue. I'm still nervous about how much grand strategies and battle tactics score compared to objectives though.

    I played 750 points with some skullfiend Khorgoraths. They did pretty well. I was disappointed in my skullreapers. I feel like Wrathmongers would be a better overall pick. I was playing against Soulblight Gravelords against another learner, so I don't think the actual game really said a lot. 

    However, the system wasn't bad. I enjoyed the game and was afraid I wouldn't. I'll probobly play some more 750 games before graduating to 1k and using the real battlepack. 

    • Like 5
  2. 31 minutes ago, yukishiro1 said:

    In a badly designed game, sure. Which certainly describes a lot of iterations of GW games over the years, admittedly. But there's no reason this necessarily has to be the case. There are better ways to build some comeback potential into game design than randomly giving one player two turns in a row. 

    Which brings me back to it being crude game design designed to mask even cruder game design. Which is better than no masking, but still not great. 

    Please name some well-designed games rather than just allude to them existing.

    • Thanks 1
  3. @Roark What Grand Strategy are you going for?

    It looks good. I like the idea off bloodthirsters. I'm hoping that they will be able to score some battle strategies for some extra points. BT+ Knights should hopefully be able to kill anything and score some points.

  4. @Gigachad
    Its too early to say ;_;
    The way scoring works in matched play has changed dramatically. I think that alone will change what works and what doesn't.
    I don't think anyone has a handle on whats cutting edge yet.
    Archeon should be good. He is a monster and a killer. He should be pooping out battle tactics points every round and hopefully stop opponents from killing your warlord or all your heroes.

    He is especially good now that new coherency stops a lot of models from being in range to attack him.

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  5. I was thinking about taking a grand strategy for having remaining BL and making ways to heal the skull crushers. If I can make them hard enough then the opponent would have to make a choice about killing them or my knights/ other scoring units. Hopefully I would be able to score with whatever was left. I'm going to try and see what I can work out with it.

    I'm trying to plan for how to accomplish battle tactics right now. I think that making a plan for when and how they will be scored is vital and they can be planned for. "Some seem really easy, like the run 3 units one" and chaos knights should be able to eat a unit.
    I wish Khorgoraths were monsters. I'm not sure they would be great, but I'd love to squish some extra points from them for battle tactics.

  6. I used Warhounds in the past, they are a favorite of mine, but now they are much smaller. I guess they still work... you might still be able to get a wide frontage on them.

    I'm thinking I dismissed Mighty Skullcrushers too soon. They are actually competitively priced per wound to our other battle line. Now that we lost our old battalions they have more function. They are pretty tough with no support. Faster and tougher than Blood warriors and blood reavers.

    Not sure it its worth it over just 20 sacrificial blood reavers though.

    I still don't believe in their ability to hurt anything (Skullcrushers), but tough and fast battle line seems like an asset.

    Maybe its time for skullcrusher and chaos knight cavalry. With Khorne on Jug for the BL and some other support.

  7. Boy I've got a chance to play some games coming up, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around Grand Strategies, Battle Tactics, and out new 1 prayer per Slaughter priest.
    I guess some of the best prayers are now command abilities that everyone gets, so I can just blood boil or blood bind, but it feels like a hit.
    As far as grand strategies I'm not thinking clearly about how to score one or deny my opponent from getting theirs. Also with the Battle tactics it seems like you score more if a monster does it. Incidentally I stopped playing monsters a while ago, that has to change.
    The Battle line stuff threw me for a loop too. Its like I'm forced to take bloodrevers now. I used to like taking marauders or warriors, but they are no longer battle line.

    I read a bit of the thread, and it looks like I'm in good company with struggling to make a list. I    think I'll just have to put any old models on the table and see how they do.

    I think Skullreapers should still be good if they can survive shooting.

    I can't believe Skullcrushers are any good. Niether blood warriors blood reavers nor Wrathmongers.

    Slaves to darkness may be some of the best units we can get. Knights and Lord on Krakadrak seem like they still work ok.

    I don't know how to screen with new coherency

    I'll try to report any games that I play and what I end up putting on the table.

  8. 19 hours ago, AaronWilson said:

    I had my first game of AoS 3 last night, I took Slann, Starpriest, Astrolith, Oldblood on Carno, 4 x 10 skinks, 1 x 30 skinks, 2 razordons, 2 salamanders, 2 x 5 chamos, opponent had Blades of Khorne with 5 heroes, 1 a bloodthirster, 10 bloodreavers, 10 blood warriors, 6 skull crushers, 2 x 5 flesh hounds, 10 wrath mongers. 

    Dude, you were playing a great Lizardman list against the worst BoK list I've ever seen. There was nothing the guy could have done against anyone regardless of edition so long as they didn't rely on the path to glory tables to roll up an army.
    I'm going to play some Khorne to kick off the new edition soon. I'll try to post my games.

    • Like 1
  9. I have a prayer that Dwarfs get the Lumineth treatment. They get their whole line redone as new units with a newish theme and feel, but its still the same old stuff.

    They could come up from underground in Chamon to try and straighten it out.

    There are always Grugnicast Grugeternals as well, but I'd just like to see dwarfs be a new lumineth (No old models carry over, but its like a new classic dwarfs army).

    • Like 2
  10. Destiny dice are the original NPE. Old destiny dice were worse than the current ones. I think they are still a pain, but you now need to use 2 dice for casting dispelling or charges, so its not as bad as old DD because you can't just brute force as many rolls.

    I stopped playing original Disciples because you could easily guarantee every vital roll in the game. Autocharge and dispell and cast 9 different roles if you were not maxing extra DD. I did not like it.

    Current DD feels fair enough to me that I will play them. I only get NPE reactions against people that have never played Tzeentch before. I even had a nagash freak out when my 7 turned into a 12 on the LoC even though he was actually dominating magic all game other than that roll.

    However after the first few times it happens people learn to live with it (Sometimes even in the same game). People hate Flamers more and incidentally they tend to get hyper mad about Slaughter priests if they are popping. I've had SPs just delete characters many times. People really hate that and often never get over it.


  11. @LuminethMage Don't you bring priests into this! Slaughter priests and warshrines are a very positive play experience. I've always felt good playing them on the table.

    I will coin the acronym VPPE to describe priests.

    In all honesty I think Teclis ' +1 cast/dispell and auto dispel is whats really bad. I have not been to scared of LRL casting, although eclipse is scary. However having a bonus to all your dispells and an auto per hero phase is rough. I will try to play a teclis game with my Tzeentch to see if it is really super oppressive or just a nuisance.


    • Confused 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, yukishiro1 said:

    As I said before, I don't think you're actually going to see them much because the top of the meta is stuff that hard counters them.

    I'm just glad we agree. I'd go as far as to say khorne should have no problem with it either.

    I've seen a few people playing with new LRL and it sounds like the NPE thing is exaggerated from the games we are seeing.

    I hope that people who bring up NPE stuff can provide real examples and not just general ideas about who gets killed by LRL.

    Maybe even some real LRL lists. Can someone post some lists of busted LRL? Then we can talk about that and objectively compare it to other armies lists and think about how we can counter the list with other armies. Maybe discuss tactics.

  13. 57 minutes ago, yukishiro1 said:

    Now this does take 500 points to shut down a single unit, and they'll just get shot if your opponent has any shooting. But against a predominantly melee army without shooting, it is NPE of the worst kind. And you don't even really need two foxes to do it, a single one can do it almost as well vs almost everything.

    Bottomline up front: Windy Wendy doesn't get +3" choose to pile in range (like seeker cavalcade). This means you have to charge with them. This means your opponent can choose to retreat on their turn if they even want to.

    I'll be straight, I'd laugh at any chump that tried this. If it makes people play multiple threats on the table instead of just death stars I'd be happy to see it. Even without locking units out of swinging back using 2 units to lock up a unit has always existed. You don't see it because its a bad exchange.

    The victim can either continue sitting on his objective or retreat to the objective you stopped him from reaching. Or bring in another threat to kill those chumps. If the chumps retreat in the victim's shooting phase then it only frees the victim unit to charge something.

    I'll play against this with my blades of khorne mortals and I'll report back about how I cried when I got my skullreapers locked for a turn while I scored all over the board with everything else.

    My earlier comment of my three lumineth games was true. Even blind (unaware of any of their rules) I beat them with blades of Khorne. I can't imagine the game getting harder when my opponent replaces 500 points of their army with these fox spirits.

  14. I think the bilepiper design is inspired. I have always loved the mini, but I was disappointed with him.

    The new song mechanic is really cool. I hope other armies get bards too.

    Another favorite mini of mine is the beast of nurgle, and I've seen rumors they get a wars roll update too. I'm pretty excited. 

  15. So, I just want to throw my 2 cents in.

    I played my first game against lumineth with blades of Khorne blind (I knew nothing out lumineth at all). I was in a bad mood all game and was complaining about how unfun and busted they were. I then summoned 10 fleshhounds and handily won the game on points. I could have probably summoned a bloodthirster or 30 bloodletters in a very fair and fun to play against manner, but I really needed the flesh hounds reroll charge, speed and model count.

    My second game against them I played Tzeentch and shutdown all their magic. I was in a very good mood this game and laughed as my flamers burned all of the elves. It was super funny when the spirit of the mountain killed himself by charging my flamers and taking so many mortal wounds from hurting them. Super fair and super fun for me. I assume my opponent was having just as much fun at the time. I did have an unfun moment when I realized my pink horrors would sit out the whole game on my objective.

    My third game was with new slaanesh. This was another unfun win for me. I was very disappointed with my bravery and the playstyle of new Slaanesh, but I'm pretty sure it would have been fun playing against Kharodrons or something and I'd like new slaanesh.

    I'm getting ready to play LrL a fourth time and I'm sure it will be unfun as usual, I'm hoping my opponent instead brings Nagash grimghasts or Ossiarch bonereapers (Petrefex of course). Something fun to play against that promotes a positive play experience.

    • Confused 1
  16. 18 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    ...the changeling which, I believe, works exactly how this new guy will work

    It is and I wanted to make a smart mouth remark that new changeling deployment rules were just leaked in the grand alliance chaos book. I actually like the changeling and play him. So I've seen something like the loreseeker in action in many games.

    I'm not convinced objective secured will break the game on this guy and I don't think he is indestructible because he has a 3+ save.

    Further I notice a lot of people complain about LrL, but also most people are still winning against LrL, including me.

    So what do we care about? the NPE or the balance? I think @Kadeton had a good point about separating the two.

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