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Everything posted by rattila

  1. Well, the good point is that you can proxy boneshaper for ossifactor & vice-versa. Also if you want 2 boneshaper or 2 ossifactors, there you are with two different models. But also, you could just avoid to spent money on this guy. That is a little sad, as you said its as far as we needed or wanted. Now, maybe does the rules will be well worked for the whole faction. Hell, why not making one more profile for the morghast and saying : this one is a hero ? Cant wait to see. As we said, i'm expecting not much... but still hope to not be disappointed.
  2. Yeah, i cant see what the plan is. Would have make so much more sense to go with 15 mm scale for rank and files games. I dont know anyone who’s ready to go back to oldhammer…
  3. Ah! Nice tought. Would be fun to have new sculpts for beasts of chaos. Maybe then this warband could be some gors, one slaangor, one tzaangor, on pestigor, one khorngor… led by a shaman ? But if it is beast of chaos, we will probably have some morghurites thing inside.
  4. So, for Warcry. We got nurgle vs chaos (rotmire vs hashut), tzeentch vs order (jade obelisk vs skinks), khorne vs death (karanak vs askurgan). The last box of this season will it be slaanesh vs destruction ? And based on the title (nightmare quest), what faction do you think it will be? Could be gloomspite grot (that underworld band who’s on a quest). Maybe savage orruk, with a quest to kill a big monster ? I cant see other real possibilities for now. Or maybe it will be a box with flesh eater court, who’s also on a quest, altough it will disrupt the scheme of « chaos vs allegiance box ».
  5. Well, not tomb king, but if it is Death, why not Ossiarch ? They also have a samourai -esque inspiration.
  6. Well they did something like this with the 13 crusade (for 40k) and the storm of chaos (for Battle). Turns out not so well because some factions were sur-represented and other almost not there. Plus, for 40k they had so much imperium player that they had to tweak the result to make a story, because otherwise abaddon stayed in the Eye. Same for Battle but the other problem : they had to slow the advance of chaos because it was way too fast. Still a nice try. Maybe that, by opening this only at the tournament some problems would be solved but it seem a lot of effort. Or maybe just saying : this particuliar tournament will decide the fate of this planet, assuming its not one of the essential worlds for the setting.
  7. Si order battletome will be seraphon (spring with new saurus warriors / guards?) and cities / dawnbringer (summer). the guy with the asian knot may be for slaanesh ? No idea for the other two mini. Something with wings ? Alas nothing shown for ossiarch here i think !
  8. Whatever the story is, there will be space marine. But that can be good, if they show the grimdark side and not the noblebright one.
  9. So, to go further in the idea of new mini's, we have the pyramid which show the structure of ossiarch society. What do we have in this schema that we dont in the game ? https://ibb.co/hC4kCSY - Morghast Archai seems to be higher ranking than morghast harbinger. So why note making them really different, with one a Leader and the other one a unit ? - Liege-Mortek : the inevitable combattant on-foot hero - Aviarch Messengers - Addendans and exiles Also, we have 4 guys who follows Katakros but who could be on their own: - Liege-Immortis - Prime Necrophoros - Aviarch Spymaster - Gnosis Scrollbearer Alas, nothing indicate in this schema new units with missile weapons, despite the fact that of all Death factions, the Ossiarch would be the prime choice to be the "shooting faction" of a Death. I mean, zombies, ghouls and ghost dont really have the profile to be marksmen. But constructs made for war, with bodies and tools designed to kill, on the other hand, made the perfect option for that. I really hope that we will have more than mortek archers. Those creature are magical, they can have thompson machine-gun who throw darts of bones ! Would be hella fun, no ?
  10. Well a foot hero and mortek archers look kind of obvious as you said, but also the most disappointing thing that can be thinked off. I mean, those are constructs. Just getting « skellies with bows » seems not enough. I kind of hope two things : - a hero with the height of necropolis stalker / immortis guard. Or maybe just rewrite the warscroll of morghast to make them hero. - a unit with missile weapons like light ballistea, the size of necropolis stalker or morghast. Obviously the weapon will not be held by the warrior but incorporated to him. It could have 4 legs and lauching bones with pointy end. Go wild GW. this faction deserve some new cool tools.
  11. The pants is not very eldar -ish. Maybe cities of sigmar model on azyrite ruins ?
  12. Well you could also take a soulmason to babysit one of your mortek unit. Rerolll 1’s to hit + empower nadirite weapon seems great, as mystic shield and reroll all saves. And you can put all that every turn to the unit, as he is a two-cast spell+the throne and he gives a RDP. Plus the mini look awesome and its mini-arkhan, and that leaves you with 50pts for a triumph or an endless spell.
  13. Well i dont know, i will start an army of OBR in 2022 but this box only has one unit i want to play under 1000 pts : the mortek guard. So unless a big discount (like really big) i will not buy it, despite the fact that i’ m the public targeted.
  14. I know =( maybe it will be possible to kitbash them. Well we’ll see.
  15. I would be delighted for a New OBR tome, altough i would prefer crossbowmen and liege on foot rather than bowmen and liege on monster.
  16. Agreed, however i vant decide if the 5+ ward is better than the 3d6 for the charge. In any case, the halberd seems stronger, especially with some buffs (+1 / reroll 1 for hit / etc...). Plus the models looks terrifics. I have started to think to an army with several of these, and i came with this list in 1000 pts: Soulmason (140) Mortek guard (reinforced, so x20) (280) Kavalos Deathrider x5 (190) Morghast Archai x2 (190) Morghast Archai x2 (190 Total 990 pts. The idea is to put the soulmason in the blob of mortek guard to protect him, so he can cast Empower Nadirite Weapons and Soul-guide safely. The kavalos are there to grab objectives and the morghast to kill the biggest threat, maybe by flying over the morteks or by following the kavalos.
  17. However, if you manage to win the GW-lottery….
  18. Well we are gonna discover them tomorrow, so…
  19. Good luck let us know the results ! Also try to keep the count of mortek reanimated / wound healed by the gothizzars !
  20. Well i wanted to start a 1000pts OBR army for 2022… what do you think could we find in a (hypothetically) OBR battleforce ? And at what cost ?
  21. New Comic with goblins. The chief ask the gitz to find the secret of « deep gitz », « khorne gitz » and « lizard gitz ». Hint at the next battletomes ?
  22. I too am interested because on paper it looks great but i fear that the harvesters not close enough will be to make a true difference…
  23. Interesting. But as the wise man sauf… Pics or it didnt happen =D seriously, no christmas bundle will be sad. First year in, what, 6 ?
  24. Right now we have no true rumor at all for AoS (excluded specialist games), right? I mean we know only that the dragons are coming in december, but we have nothing for november and nothing else for december…
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