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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. Well I can see a preorder preview with both AOS (DB6, Abraxia, Chaos Nexus and Gunnar) and 40k (the CSM Codex + boxes with the 2 new guys). It was done before (or was it only with other specialist game ranges?).
  2. And the new Memorians alongside the trailer-shown Reclusians.
  3. Just a reveal of the entire AOS 4th ed. Launch Box : Stormcast Ruination vs Skaven.
  4. That's great ! The arts are stunning there. Very nice indeed of GW to release such Battletome supplement for free, like the Ironjawz one (which was probably also considered an "end-of-edition, Dawnbringers-related" ruleset, worthy of being released for free). And I mention the arts, but the lore and little short story are great too. And the rules will be updated in the - also free - Slaves to Darkness 4th Ed. Index, by the way. 💯 (cool) online marketing strategy by GW. Last time (3rd Ed.), they did it via a friendly-but-less-known YouTube channel.
  5. Very nice ! I'm glad manifestions got real warscrolls like proper units, it's quite logical after all (Manifestations are similar to Daemons and Nighthaunts). (Only little complaint : the Incarnate should have gone to the Primal Manifestation Lore with Ravenak's Jaw)
  6. BTW with the new (gorgeous) Thunderstrike Prosectuors, I just remembered this (quite anti) AOS meme from 2015
  7. The question remains : will a potential Catacomb-style board in Warcry 2nd ed. be more like the original Catacombs (a few scenery) or the Kill Team Space Hulk (full walls and add-on sprues) ??
  8. Thanks for the clarification ! If, against the odd, GW indeed does a Sigmarite City Setting for Warcry 3 next year, then I (and probably @Asbestress) would be pretty interested in something like Dave Ghallager's concept for Hammerhal Aqsha : (Nice Piranesi influence there)
  9. When @Whitefang back me up said the Intact Dawnbringers buildings were scraped, it was one of my saddest (hobby) day I was hoping they'd come alongside CoS Battletome or by the end of the Dawnbringers series, coping past that to have them released as the 3rd edition new scenery range, but I see I'm in for disapointment again... (Well, having to finish my Age of Myth Chaos ruins for Warcry I refrained from buying the WIP Dawnbringers buidlings, so getting some in the 4th Launch Box would be very sweet indeed ). Who would sign with me an online petition for GW to release Intact City Of Sigmar - Stormcast Buildings / Fortress, like in pic rel (from Realms Of Ruin) ???
  10. Maybe, but it contained various Mordheim style buildings and was inhabited (Watch tower, skeletal prisons, Bell tower, etc.) So ruined Order city (AoM) vs ruined Order city (AoS) doesn't look promising to me (and woudl be too Old World-y) and unoriginal compared to the Gnarlwood and Seraphon Ruins concepts. And as you say, there is currently a Dawnbringers "WIP" buildings range, so that would just bloat that range (yes yey I know GW does not shy releasing similar looking scenery range, but they are more carful about that these days it seems )
  11. ? Re-read your quote, I mention "Catacombs" by name. It is a discontinued Warcry 1st ed. set, and I'm calling for a reintroduction of the concept in Warcry 2n edition (for example in the form of a Seraphon Space Ship Board).
  12. Those new versions really are beautiful but I do hope we get closed helmet like in the trailer ! BTW, the "tactical columns" are from Dawnbringers Buildings.... Maybe a hint from the Launch Box / New Edition scenery range ???
  13. You just said your rumors were for Summer 2025 (so new edition time, not midway. New edition means opportunity for new rules and new setting). So, Mordheimized rules for Warcry is possible, but as GW is trying to separate the Fantasy setting (WFB-Mordheim-TOW-TWW etc.) from AOS in terms of rules and visuals (even if they are still officialy linked in the fluff of course), I really don't see it. But in a few years we could see Mordheim coming along like we have Necromunda (it's aequivalent) and Kill Team (our Warcry) both in the general 40k universe. If you talk about a Mordheimized setting for Warcry 3rd edition in summer 2025, well I don't see it either. We already have "ruined city" theme in Warcry 1 (and a whole range). They tried the whole Old-Worldy style with Cursed City (it was quite nice for sure). And, again, now they are differenciating their IP's.
  14. Those rumors are reffering to rules, not to setting, right ?
  15. Warcry 2nd edition (Heart of Ghur is from August 2022) will enter its third (and last) year this summer. Every supplements is leading closer to the ruins of the Seraphon Space ship - the inside of which is (partially) described in the main rulebook and elsewhere. We have yet to see a ruleset to adapt "Catacombs" style game to 2nd edition (like that Kill Team Space Hulk). IMO, ergo the last year of 2nd Warcry will be Dungeon style inside the Seraphon ship. There is enough AOS factions without a Warcry Warband* to last another year of dual releases. Only in third edition (summer 2025 - Warcry won't be discontinued) will we move to another setting than Gnarlwood/Talaxis. * Idoneth Deepkin, Kharadron (Gholemkind ?!), Slaanesh, Skaven (Eshin or Pestilens ?!), Gloomspite, (Ironjoawz), (Sons of behemat). We could get a SCE Ruination team too, and or another CoS Team.
  16. Me too - WFB era would be Mutalith, Magister, and different kind of deamons (bar the Lord of Change and the Blue/Brimstone Horrors), but still ? BTW you all forgot about MAGGOTKIN OF NURGLE - going by Dawnbringer 1 and the rumor engines, we should immediately receive more models. Any day now.
  17. I'm maybe not a tournament specialist, but this article wasn't very clear to me... I.e. it's just like now but simpler ? Glad GSs are going away, tbf. That said, can't wait for the article on Battle Tactics, Matthew Ross we are looking at you on this very issue ! Show your skills EDIT : 1-year GHB Season Rules + suggestion on how to place scenery on Battleplan Maps : GOOD
  18. I understand. He will be playable in 4 different games, at least. I just think he is first and foremost a White Dwarf Journal "Goodies" (sorry for that term applied to mighty White-Fur), more than a game piece. I would be nice of course if he stayed in the range as a fully officialized duardrazhal character, but my point is : we shouldn't be surprised that he is treated like he always was treated - as an anniversary model (at least this times with rules for four different games).
  19. Yeah, Cado, Drekki and Gotrek got permanent AOS models in current edition, but they are mainly BL Characters integrated in the wider AOS narrative (i.e. as named, special characters). IMO (but our interpretation differs) Grombrindal, being tied to the WFB and AOS narrative as well as the White Dwarf Journal as an institution, exceed the three aformentioned models' cases. Hence his special treatment (which is the same as every time there is an WD anniversary model).
  20. Why are people surprised that the (GORGEOUS) Grombrindal Model coming for the White Dwarf anniversary 500th issue is an anniversary model treated like any other Grombrindal Models over the years and any other anniversary models ? The fact he is getting rules (Legend or not - what's the matter ?) for AOS, Warcry, WHU and Cursed City makes me really happy. BTW, I hugely recommand the Wanderer Chronicles and the Grombrindal Series for AOS, IMO this how you should port WFB characters into AOS (and this should be done with uttermost care and limitatively).
  21. Indeed. Today's Artwork must be relatively old, because one the first AOS2 Corebook Artwork (2019!) had proto-new Design for COS (vs StD / Darkoath-y dudes and Khorne) ... Then, at the same time with the Warqueen (Malign portents end 2018) we had the basics of the current Darkoath design established (based upon the Chieftain from Silver Tower 2016). On the left, between the Chaos Knight with Icon and the grinning Bloodreaver.
  22. Of course, for online marketing and social media, no problem. But if you have discontinued units / older versions in the pages of the new Core Book (or units about to be replaced), it's kinda lame. Core Books must show the variety of the ranges in the four Grand Alliances, but editors must be carful to present the game under its best aspect (so don't show units about to get squatted/replaced in AOS, even if they are still part of the lore somehow - like still in Warcry).
  23. @pitzok Yeah it's an old picture, made when the 3rd ed BT was released. GW just slapped an #NewAoS tag on this old photo...
  24. @Baron Klatz In AOS1, it was already 1" coherency. Speaking of movement tray, I'm glad of the 0.5" because it is made to fit the official Warhammer 40k Apocalypse Movement Trays, which came with 25-32-40mm base sizes options, each with a 0.5" coherency distance (as per the rules of that game) : https://citadelcolour.com/videos/apocalypse-movement-trays/ EDIT : sorry didn't see the MOD HAT. Stopping here I must say I'm very excited about AOS4 rules and releases, way more than I anticipated. That means I sadly also completely stopped my AOS3 games projects with my 2 regulars AOS friends, focusing on my Warcry group instead...
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