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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. Going by the Broken Realms Short Story "The Squint" and "The Clobbering", plus the TONS of hints in past supplements, White Dwarf Tomes Celesital and  recent Destruction Battletomes like SoB, Destruction will get a huge lore treatment with the Siege of Excelsis quite soon !

    Let's hope it is a full model release treatment :P 


    Today was amazing. I absolutely loved Silver Tower and Blackstone Fortress, rules were nice, models were AMAZING. Can't wait to see what's happening in Ulfenkarn !!!

    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. Broken Realms : Tome I announced the Hedonites battletome, so Tome II could announce Battletome : Soulblight Gravelords.

    EDIT : if the 3rd (and last ?) BR book is indeed about Alarielle, then it could announce BT : Maggotkin (a very old one) just before Starter Set for 3rd edition and DESTRUCTION HEGEMONY / FALL OF EXCELSIS

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, Dreddships said:

    Teclis invading Shyish is not at all where I predicted this to go.

    Is it just me who can't imagine this ends well for ol' Aelfy boi?

    It took Archaon, Belakor and a collosal army to deal with Katakros and Olynder alone...

    What is an Aelf with a Big Hat going to do against not just those two, but also the other three Mortarchs and Nagash himself, on their home turf?


    Well they kinda teased that recently, notably with the Hammerhal Herald IIRC...

    Also, Katakros is busy in the Eightpoints, so Shyish is less defended now (well, the God  of Dead was just there)

  4. 4 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I think it'll depend on what exactly the Soulblight release is.

    If it's a 'replacement' for Legions of Nagash, I could see it being in Broken Realms.

    If it's truly making Soulblight into their own, standalone thing, then I think it'll be a Battletome.

    Interestingly, given the new name on the Vampire Clampack leaked Monday, I still think we'll get a Battletome : Soulblight Gravelords (IMO in replacement to Legions of Nagash). 

    We know BT can coexist with Broken Realms boosks, because of the Hedonites coming soon. 

    The new Lumineth Wind Temple  wave will probably take the rules space in Broken Realms : Teclis, as they already have a Battletome. 

    It's worth noting Teclis wants to bring an end to the Soul Wars, i.e. the entire AOS2 narrative arc.... Leading right to a new edition right ????

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  5. 2 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

    I think it depends on how / when they want to move Slaanesh forward as well as when Gordrakk and Skagrott are going to show up at Exclesis.

    Absolutely. Now we know Telicis is taking on Nagash, not (mainly ?) Slaanesh...

    Slaanesh gets a Battletome soon, so its story should move forward with it. 

    I'm confident Gordrakk and Skargrott will lead the siege of Excelsis with the new Edition (Starter set coming after Broken Realms ?)

  6. 1 minute ago, Beliman said:

    Not exactly. The last KOs battletome mentions a special KO unit (Black Marines) to fight them (AoS 2.0).

    We already know that the leader is a vampir (Varkos Varaktyr) and the troops were just a GA:Death.

    Yeah, but precisely : with Ghost ships and normal Death troops on top, so nothing  really similar to the very defined identity of the Vampire Coast in WFB. 

    That's why it couldn't come like this to AOS. 

    5 minutes ago, novakai said:

    new BR fiction is out is about Skargrott and his gitz

    gTaKcfJQAAiilFPY.pdf (warhammer-community.com)

    Thank you ! Vers interesting read ;) 


    You seek prophecy, wretch? You go to your death!’ he boomed. ‘ e gate will shatter! e earth will tear! e sky shall eat the storm, and the serpent’s tide will rise! e Changer’s riddle is born anew by the splitting mirror of the Dark Prince!’


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  7. 1 minute ago, Beliman said:

    AoS have the Wraithfleet too.

    And let's be honest, giant bats with zombies full of bombs, vampires riding giant zombie crabs and ship-colossus thing with a gatling gun instead of an arm seems to fit perfectly for AoS.

    Well, the Wraithfleet would have been more of a Nighhaunt-pirate theme, right ? And it was more like a one-page reference in 2017, never referenced in AOS2. 

    But I agree with your description of wackyness, alas as of now it is wayyyy to much linked to the existing WFB franchise (Vampire Coast in 6th and in Total War, Dreadfleet in 8th) to fit as an identical, whole faction in AOS. That's my problem with it (in AOS, not per se). 

  8. I for one am glad that Vampirate meme (a 100% WFB theme) can be put to rest ! 

    I'll be happy if Vampire Coast is a playable army in TOW in five years, but given its popularity with Total War, it wouldn't have belonged to AOS :) 


    .... Then watch the Warhammer Quest / Board game take place in a sunken pirate ship :P;):D

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  9. Okay those two Vampires are great. They share common design elements while being distinct. 

    The first one (bat-hair) is apparently designed to be a battlefield commander with a certain volume and presence to him/her, while the lady for WHU has a classic duelist pose, fitting for a small group of models and skirmish battles.

    Also the WARCOM article confirms we'll see the rest of the war band Saturday, that the schedule will be postponed for a month, and that ORRUK BONESPLITERZ are next for WHU ! ... So not silent people or spiderfangs (no biggy IMO).


    • Like 3
  10. I'm still convinced we'll get Warhammer Quest style boxed game with Death vs Witch-Monsters Hunters in it (on top of AOS and WHU vampire releases, that is), because : 

    - The different kinds of Death looking Rumor engines (still a LOT) and the Halloween image ; 

    - The trailer that showed both "Zombie" and "Skeleton" types as well as an Adversary for them : (human) Vampire Hunter ;

    - The fact that the new Vampire is for AOS, and that we also have a Soulblight WHU warband coming (both AOS and WHU are announced for the preview),

    - The absence of Warcry release from the aforementioned preview, where the Witch Hunter could have belonged.... 

    - GW always said they would go back to AOS for WHQ. Blackstone Fortress is over. When BSF got new releases, its logo was shown alongside other games to preview the Preview, like we got yesterday.

    - With Slaanesh, Teclis and Gordrakk on the horizon (Broken Realms, AOS 3rd Edition), a last Battletome, a WHU warband AND a boxed game all themed around Death could be a great way to finish the Death narrative arc from AOS 2nd Edition. 


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  11. 2 minutes ago, dekay said:

    Soulblight Gravelords are a cool name and I'm glad that apparently blood dragon aesthetic is here to stay. The name suggests that skeletons and zombies might be rolled in to the faction as well. Wouldn't complain (and I probably decided on my next army project :D).

    Absolutely ! Legions Of Nagash were quite clearly Grand Alliance : Death 2.0, as those Soulblight Gravelords are clearly Vampire Counts 2.0. 

    Because in between we got Nighthaunt, new FEC, and Ossiarch Bonereapers

    And "Gravelord" can cover everything that was in Legions of Nagash, at least skeletons and zombies in addition to vampire-related stuff like bat

  12. 8 hours ago, Captaniser said:

    Mother of god


    +++ MOD EDIT +++ No leaked pictures please

    AHAHAHAH, crrrrrringe ! How can these compete with our GLORIOUS new Exlated Steeds of Slaanesh ?!

    (Just kidding, also prepare to see those creature totally wreck the Blissbard Seekers 😛 )

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  13. 5 hours ago, madmac said:

    I don't do AT either, but apparently the thing at the start of the new Years preview was a new Titan for it.

    Ah yes silly me, how did I forget that recent teaser ??? Thank you for the reminder ! 

    To be frank, there are so many Rumor Engines (and trailers) that could be Death-related that I don't see the release being "only" Vampire or "only" Deadlwalkers / Zombie for AOS (new Battletome(s)).

    The different styles hint more, IMO, toward a Warhammer Quest-style game with different kind of Death Creatures, just like Silver Tower and Blackstone had a great variety of Tzeentch and Chaos models.  So we could get a dungeon with Vampires, Skeletons, Zombies, Werevolves, keys, etc.

    The few Sigmar-y RE we got earlier could also be the Witch / Vampire Hunters warband. 

    BTW what @Chikout said is also more than likely : a boxed game with new or refreshed designs can totally hint at a Battletome coming (just like a WHU Soulblight warband). 

  14. Honestly that preview looks (strangely) big...

    AOS : Broken Realms : Teclis, with Lumineth Wind Temple preview

    WHU : Vampire Warband

    ??? logo : new Critters & Keys Warhammer Quest board game (Vampire, zombies, etc. vs Witch Hunters)

    KT : Ecclesiarchy or SM vs Necron 

    40k : Ecclesiarchy or ???

    Adeptus Titanicus  : ??? (I alas don't follow that game)

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  15. 4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    That ? will either be Warhammer Quest or something totally out of left field. A new death themed Warhammer Quest with solo play would be ideal for these times as it would also work well online.

    The underworlds preview will be the Vampire warband so the show will be worth it just for that. Exciting times. 



    100% with you. 

    Then watch the WHU preview being a new arena death match supplement no-one cared for :D 

  16. Hey, I'm late to the party. So : 

     "Dead" (written in BLOOD) is probably a new Boxed game :  Vampires + undead minions (inc. new Zombies) vs some Witch hunter. Or a Legions of Vampire Counts book for AOS.  Or "just" the WHU Vampire band, which ALSO could be shown during the preview ( but I don't think they'd name the preview after just one WHU warband....).

    "Divine" is either Ecclesiarchy for Kill Team or boxed game or Sororitas new wave, or Lumineth 2nd waves, or something else like Witch hunter (Order of Azyr / Devoted of Sigmar) as a proper faction (my dearest wish. Also with a map of Azyr). SCE and Custodes seem off for now. 


    RE : Broken Realm. 

    This week should see another Short story (as it's every two weeks, Wednesday for those with newsletter, or else Friday on WarCom). 

    Either it contains hints of the next installment (while the first fives were tied to BR : Morathi), or we have a full article previewing the new book (IMO featuring either Teclis / Slaanesh / Gordrakk). 

    • Like 5
  17. 18 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I absolutely love, that from a corner of a small map, you can tell it's a new one. The resident Cartographer strikes again!!

    EDIT : that map is NOT new, I repeat, that map is NOT new !

    It's the south-west corner of the Ossiarch Empire map, but without the locations names (map found in the OBR Battletome or Wrath Of The Everchosen).

    Sorry :P

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  18. Just now, novakai said:

    could be related to Arkhan and his Null myriad bonereaper being in conflict with the Thunder lizard constellation that they mention in the battletome (though i think they were in Chamon)

    Yeah, going by the recent teasers and short story, plus that "funny text" about Celennar, it could be LRL vs OBR 

  19. 2 hours ago, MitGas said:

    I might be seeing things but the trim looks very chaotic. I originally thought it was for deepkin and they'd get some cool crab-people ally or something.

    You're right, it's strange. Slaangors don't have those trims tho. 

    I still think it's Idoneth, gems are aelfy stuff :P

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