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Posts posted by RuneBrush

  1. On 17/09/2016 at 5:55 PM, ElectricPaladin said:

    I'm disappointed by the direction they're taking the Burning of Prospero. It was fun to use Betrayal at Calth to catapult myself into playing 30km, but it looks like this new box isn't going to be as generally useful.

    Think it depends on what you are likely to play in 30k. Death Guard and Iron Warriors look weird in mk4 ;)  This box, like Calth, is intended to get the base plastic marines into production to ease FW's production so they can focus on the rest of the 30k minis.

  2. Happy to announce that I've now added in a Behemoth wounds table :D  Simply tick the box and fill the items out and it should add in a table at the appropriate point.  Let me know about the style of the table too, I'm not necessarily convinced it's right but it's a starting point.  Equally I've not thoroughly tested it on all browsers :P 


    On 26/08/2016 at 10:59 AM, brbrbrbrbr said:

    (Juste ignore the fact that it's zelda)

    I did have a look into this and couldn't find any real reason.  Potentially it could be a erroneous character - if you log into the site with Google and save it to the database I can have a look at this a bit more accurately.

    • Like 1
  3. 35 minutes ago, daedalus81 said:

    I'm certain Sad Panda mentioned Custodes and Sisters, which would make them 100% on the way.

    FW 100% confirmed Custodes and Sisters in February at the HH Weekender - sisters are going to be very similar to nuns on bicycles.  Inferno will also see 'wolves, thousand sons and spire guard (thousand son local militia type force)

  4. 20 hours ago, Zen said:

    Really love this, and plan to use extensively in the future - until they release actual rules cards.

    Have a suggestion though: Perhaps allow users to add custom keywords - as is, not all keywords are on the list and thus can't be added (f.e. Stormcast Eternal, Liberators etc)

    4 hours ago, someone2040 said:

    Actually, custom keywords look to have been implemented a while ago according to his changelog. It seems they're persisted locally, just not up to a central database at the moment.

    Custom keywords need a bit of TLC.  Basically you have to type what you want and then hit enter without hovering over anything else.  It's a bit poor but does as a stop gap.  Currently it's only got Chaos keywords added, I ought to try and get some of the others popped in at some point :)

    20 hours ago, Zen said:

    Also, I'm having problems actually exporting the warscrolls so I can print them. When attempting to save as PDF or JPEG it just loads eternally. 

    What web browser are you running on and I'll have a look.  I've found JPG is the easiest as you can then drop them in to a document and format them however works for you.

    4 hours ago, someone2040 said:

    The one thing I was going to suggest is maybe figuring out if there's a nice spot to put unit points. It is easy (and nice enough) to just stick it in the warscroll title though so it's a really trivial thing.

    I had contemplated points and I was waiting until somebody asked for it before adding anything in! It certainly wouldn't be too tricky too add something in a corner if we went for a simple "enter the points cost" concept.

  5. 8 hours ago, daedalus81 said:

    The nagging questions are is he a re-imagining of their avatar for the Age of Sigmar?  Is he going to be part of a faction or will he be a freebie for one of the first few issues?

    I must know!

    Curious too - the last 3 or 4 have been WD exclusive purchases and had no rules (vampire hunter, film director etc), could well be in the same vein.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Changer said:

    Yeah I'd say it was 30k due to the dead MK3 armour on the base.

    Spotted the same - could well be the rumoured new plastic HH boxed game (with Mk2/3 marines in).  The dead marine also has a gem stone that I've only ever seen on Space Wolves too.  However there is also a strong rumour that the next part of Curse of the Wulfen is due towards the end of the year (along with Russ and Inferno).  Who know!  Lots of smoke and mirrors :P

  7. 16 minutes ago, MechaBriZilla said:

    As mentioned, I believe the next focus is on Tzeentch.  But maybe, as in the case of the Stormcast getting released along with Bloodbound, Tzeentch will need someone to be opposing.  Maybe Death will be in there.  I feel like that wouldn't be a bad spot.  Two factions best known for powerful casters...

    Will keep fingers crossed for this - it does sound quite plausible :)

  8. I can see where you're coming from - brother is a huge TK fan/collector so I hear similar comments from him.  The season/age that we've been in was very much Order & Chaos driven but this is now done and ultimately re-established Order as the guys currently at the top of the tree. 

    I actually think Death is being saved up for something special.  Chaos has received a bit of a kicking and Destruction only just emerging as a force.  Likely Nagash has been waiting in the wings to see what happens and has some devious machination to twist things to his own ends - which would be very thematic!

    • Like 2
  9. Just added a missing "magic" section.  With the exception of a wounds table (Behemoth) I think you can now create any type of warscroll in the designer now.  Custom keywords needs a little bit of assistance as it should really be storing these into a database - plus I need to add in the missing Grand Alliances (Order, Destruction & Death)

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, James McPherson said:

    There's also an AOS mini campaign event on Sunday for those who are sticking around to make a weekend of it, called Seeds of Hope. 1000pts, 3x Games, Results go into the Summer Campaign as its the last day of participation. I'm going to be at both.

    Likewise - travelling up on Friday too :D  Not decided if I'm going to play all 3 games or not yet but really looking forward to it - I should have my 1000pts done in time...

  11. 11 minutes ago, Dez said:

    Any pics of the Ironjawz Shirt and Mug?

    Cite link above should have them in m8.  Would have to pass on picking them up and shipping them purely because I'm going to & from on the train so fairly limited on what I can carry!

  12. The things we know of:

    FW bits @Shane has mentioned

    New WHW only Stormcast model

    Ironjaws T-Shirt and Mug

    New art prints


    In addition at the Open Day there is also:

    Participation game (bring a Hero and do a dungeon bash)

    New Sylvaneth Diorama

    Golden Daemon Warhammer

    Demo Pods: How to Paint Spirits; Painting Ice Effect Weapons; Maw Krusha Notes


    Beyond this - nobody knows!  I'm hoping there will be a few bits, but GW tends wait until a product is finished and ready for distribution before announcing it.  With luck we can extract a bit of information on what might be coming.

    Cite: main WHW website

    • Like 1
  13. I think I've just fixed an issue where after an hour of inactivity you'd be unable to save/load anything without signing out and back in again.  Will confirm in 50 minutes ;)

    I've also just added in the ability to save the warscroll as a JPG.  This should mean you can save your warscrolls and easily merge them onto one sheet :)

    • Like 2
  14. On 05/08/2016 at 2:42 PM, tjgreenway said:

    Not enough likes in the day for this tool. Hopefully having these beauties printed out will speed up playing, hate having to flick through books and remember whether I've got a Lightning Hammer or Tempestos Hammer before I can roll for attacks. Just need to do a bit of highlighting now to match the colour of my one phrase cheat sheet that was thrown together halfway through a game tonight (edited to be family friendly :$:P 

    Thanks :)  As weird as it sounds it's really nice to see something you've created virtually actually being used!

  15. Hi Guys,

    Thanks for being patient with this, it appears I didn't copy a handful of files over and there was a slight discrepancy between my local server and the live one.  However this has now been resolved and it's all working correctly once more (I've done a load of live testing).  I've also fixed a problem where the Google Authentication didn't always tell the Warscroll you were logged in - if you are logged in you should now always have "Save to Server", please shout if you don't.

    Frustratingly any lost warscrolls have gone the way of the dodo :(  I've just tweaked the routine so that if something goes awry on the server it will no longer remove the local copy.  On a positive @Bowlzee I did have a Blood Warriors warscroll I'd done which I've copied over to you.

    • Like 1
  16. Well there we go - at least the first part.  The website should now allow you to sign in with Google and subsequently change the "Save to Local Storage" button to "Save to Server".  Any local warscrolls will be available, but the first time you edit/save them they'll be moved over to the server storage instead.  I'll likely investigate proper offline access at some point in the future (I want to for another project anyway) but this could be a little more challenging as I'll need to handle conflicts and such like.

    I've tried to keep the above bits simple as I've never played the Google API - please let me know if there are any problems!

  17. 14 hours ago, Bowlzee said:

    I'd prefer Drive, but then I'm a google user and use it all the time. 

    It's easy enough to share folders or individual items from Drive

    8 hours ago, mhsellwood said:

    Not a Google Drive user, so how easy is it to share to a large group, and people unknown to you? Long term it would be great for this to be a community driven resource, and that really needs easy sharing to happen.

    Sounding like save to database with an option to save PDF to drive may be the best option.  The "file" I need to save is going to be a raw data file so not much use to share "as is" if that makes sense.  This would allow you to directly share a PDF via drive.

    Saving to database would also make it a bit easier with sharing as you could share a link to a warscroll which you could then edit/amend without breaking the share.


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