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Everything posted by jazman84

  1. C&C please. Allegiance: Khorne Realm: Aqshy Slaughterhost: Reapers of Vengeance Leaders x4 Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster - 320pts General Mage Eater Skullshard Mantle Archaon - 660pts Slaughterpriest - 100pts Blood Bathed Axe Blood Sacrifice Bloodsecrator - 140pts Thermalrider Cloak Battleline x3 Flesh Hounds x10 - 200pts Gorehounds Flesh Hounds x5 - 100pts Gorehounds Flesh Hounds x5 - 100pts Gorehounds Bloodreavers x10 - 70pts Warscroll Battalion x1 Blood Hunt- 120pts Other x1 Karanak - 140pts Judgements of Khorne x1 Hexgorger Skulls - 40pts Total: 1990/2000
  2. It's all 100% legit. Pg 70 of the battletome. All Khorne units in Khorne Armies get the Slaughterhost keyword.
  3. Archaon can simply be picked as a leader in Azyr. As far as getting the Reapers of Vengeance keyword, wouldn't he receive it as any other Khorne Daemon? He's a Khorne Daemon in your army that is Reapers of Vengeance. If you were to pick a Daemon Prince or Lord of Khorne on Daemonic mount they'd be part of it. Hell, if you were to ally a unit of Khorne Furies they'd be part of it
  4. I myself have a WoK, IR, Skarbrand, Exalted Thirster and an older metal Thirster. If I ever want to run 4, I'll likely be going 2nd due to drops. Any advice to fill the rest of my force?
  5. I was also thinking Flesh Hounds, but my drops were pretty high. I like Judicator's list here. 3 drops, lots of Battleline wounds and a flying Bloodsecrator! 😂
  6. This looks really cool. I love the flying Bloodsecrator! You've found a great way to cover one of the weaknesses of Tyrants which is the amount of drops with that Battalion. I wanted to try a similar Tyrants list but with 3x5 Flesh Hounds as battleline with a unit of Reavers to Sacrifice , Karanak, Spriest, Scrator and some Judgements. However I was looking at 8 drops!
  7. I'm finding it a little annoying trying to creare a 4xThirster Tyrants list under 2k; while having priests/judgements to play with. Points are scarce! 😅
  8. Just looking at new Fyreslayer stuff. Can't help but think they are what Khorne should be...
  9. And I hate it... What have they done to my Khorne?
  10. It was aimed towards the transition from fluff to tabletop. We are less of a murderous close combat army and more of a casting/anticasting one now.
  11. So.... What's the Khorne Cookie cutter ??? Personally, looks like a mess....
  12. Any word on if they are going to change any of the FW Khorne stuff?
  13. By the time they get there it's turn 3 and you've lost a few to shooting/spells. We need speed, and we didn't get it...
  14. We can agree to disagree here. If I know Khorne as much as I think I do, he'd simply hamfist it by throwing more berserkers/daemons at the spells/casters. And throw them fast.
  15. I don't want to view anything in a negative light. Khorne is simply no longer Khorne. It's plodding footsloggers for the most part and pious fanatics directing the key aspects. It' just doesn't feel like Khorne anymore. #notmybattletome
  16. I've been in and around Khorne armies for 25 years. I have never once heard anyone have an issue with their being 1 dimensional. The whole point of the God is the simplicity of in your face battle, slaughter, drawing of blood and taking skulls (in a close and personal fashion). What is Khorne now? God of Jihad?
  17. I really can't get excited about this tome To me it seems to be a case of: "Current Khorne players already have the models they need; how do we get them to fork out?" "I know! We'll give them Endless Spells Prayers. Then they have to by the models" "Oh and a battletome of course" Because these changes are definiltey aimed at the current crop of Khorne players, cause they aren't going to get many new ones, by God. Why would anyone want to pick these guys up now? Where are my Berserk fighters tearing around the battlefield? Instead we are going to be plodding around while praying for magical ****** to fly around the battlefield. That's not fun, that's not Khorne... Blades of Khorne? More like Radicals of Khorne... They've totally lost their identity for mine 😕
  18. Hard not to be disappointed considering the other recent battletomes.
  19. Yeah, I really hope we are given reasons to diversify our armies. And I don't mean simply nerfing out current better options... *cough*Bloodletters!*cough*
  20. Maybe get creative with a Jug or Demigriff. In the fluff they are just beasts that go insane for blood, slaughter, skulls etc.
  21. That's not as hard as you think. Just look for a big beastly looking thing on a heavy cav base I have a finecast Scylla I heated/bent into a lower pose on a heavy cav base with some minor changes that I use as a Korgi.
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