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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. Yeah, it just reads like another "My dad works for Games Workshop and says TOW is rushed, the end is nigh!" piece of bait like we've been getting since Day 1 of it being announced.
  2. PDFs for The Old World non-core armies are up. WarCom article.
  3. PDFs for the non-Core armies are up! WarCom article. Skaven Dark Elves Vampire Counts Ogre Kingdoms Lizardmen Daemons of Chaos Chaos Dwarfs
  4. Bretonnia and Tomb King Made-To-Order waves next week.
  5. Bretonnia and Tomb King Made-To-Order next week.
  6. Horus Heresy didn't get one, so I wouldn't count on it. There is an unofficial army builder that's already quite decent.
  7. They are. The numbers you can take depends on the army list. Dwarfs can have 25% of their army be from a single ally, which are Empire, Bretonnia (Uneasy) and High E*ves (Suspicious).
  8. Does the name change imply Rob is not going to be an honest wargamer from now on? ;^)
  9. I would guess Monday, since WarCom usually only drops PDFs on weekdays and they seem to have Monday as the TOW day (as opposed to Thursday for Heresy). We know influencers have them already, so I can't imagine we'll be waiting long now the game is officially out.
  10. It's funny that two weeks after pretty much everything plastic and resin on the webstore selling out, we're already back to "TOW will flop" talk. Surprised we've not circled all the way back around to "TOW won't even be on squares!" while we're at it.
  11. Probably sometime in the next week. Technically the game only launched today and they tend to publish PDF stuff during the weekday.
  12. So the prediction they'd pull an Uno Reversal after the Dwarf dice and revealed Orcs & Goblins came true. Kind of surprised they're not putting out a big centrepiece model, which I'm fairly sure they said was happening for all the armies? Or I could be misremembering hearsay as WarCom fact. This probably does quash the Empire vs O&G Summer rumour then. While the Battalion isn't flashy, having a cheaper jumping off point than the £150/£175 boxes does make some sense, even if the savings won't be quite as good. It certainly makes the buy-in easier for people who are on the fence.
  13. Not sure if it's been said already, but one thing I actually quite like about the Riverblades is their less armoured grunts wearing those rather simple shirts and suspenders, which rather sells them as 'fishermen'. That's the nicest thing I'll say about an E*f model though.
  14. As somebody who woke up and bleary-eyed checked their phone for the Preview roundup, when I saw the thumbnail for Krethusa I thought, for one mad moment, "wow they're really putting out a new Grombrindal model? Look at the length of that beard!" Then my eyes properly focused.
  15. Interesting that the 'Warhammer Legends' was the original idea to reboot Fantasy. Shame we never saw Battle For Black Fire Pass before AoS.
  16. I could see it. Especially when they largely led with Bretonnia the first time around and may want to hype up a 'Evil' army more so this time. I am probably reading way too much into that, mind. Watch it turn out to be Wood Elves or something.
  17. Infantry-sized models are generally fine. Some of the more infamous and/or larger ones, like Abaddon and the Daemon Prince you mentioned, may need pinning, but for the majority just super glue and a bit of patience holding it into place worked out alright for me.
  18. The cat is out of the bag now with the dice, so that would be my guess too. Especially if they're only revealing the one.
  19. The unreleased Bretonnian Lord on Foot mentioned in an older article is coming to MTO, along with some other stuff. They also implied some other models - like the below Games Day Exalted Champion - may be coming back too. We'll also be finding out what the next returning army is this weekend.
  20. The unreleased Bretonnian Lord On Foot coming to MTO. The article also mentions "he's far from the only rarity to return," conspicuously below the Games Day 2009 Exalted Hero.
  21. The Great Slaughter is slated to be up for pre-order 'in January' so that's probably the next two weeks sorted, but since Legions Imperialis is a Specialist Game they might sneak Dawnbringers IV alongside anyway?
  22. Just 40k and Titanicus next week, unless you want the pin merch anyway.
  23. Dawnbringers "The Story So Far" recap. Announcement on Sunday for next Saturday Pre-Order seems likely? Can't remember if our resident dates expert confirmed it or not.
  24. I think the big issue is that outside of Longbeards, the entire Dwarf Core is currently OOP, as well as all of their artillery, which does make it somewhat difficult to really recommend what to buy unless you're using third party models. In terms of GW kits you can buy right now... Runelord Dragonslayer (the current AoS Grombrindal) Longbeards/Hammerers Ironbreakers/Irondrakes Gyrocopter/Gyrobombers If you enjoy converting, you could also make a King/Thane on Oathstone out of the Warden King and a Master Engineer out of the Cogsmith, however both those models were Special Characters during Fantasy (Belegar and Burloksson respectively) so if you just want something to do straight out of the box I'd avoid those. The current 10-man stuff will almost certainly be reboxed into 20s which will be a decent discount when them being sold by LFGS' is factored in again, so it may not even be worth buying Hammerers or Ironbreakers yet for that reason. That being said, I could see builds of 20-Ironbreakers with a 10-Irondrake Detachment being popular. If you really want to grab something to build/paint now I'd go with 10 Irondrakes. My suspicion is the big box set will probably contain 32 Warriors and 32 Thunderers/Quarrellers, as well as the Cannon/Organ Gun dual kit. I could see them including a 20-man Hammerers/Longbeards kit as both are a fluffy unit for the seemingly inevitable new Shieldbearer King model to join. Very roughly this would come to around the 1250pts they've been touting the Bretonnian/Tomb King boxes to be. Gyrocopters can be brought in units of up to 6, which is something to consider if you want to build/paint one now and it ends up being included in the boxset. Gyrobombers only come solo, however. So yeah, it's all a bit in limbo right now unfortunately. A Runelord/smith is probably your safest bet right now, since I can see lists taking more than one of those.
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