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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. Ulgu Elves, Frankenstein Zombie, Ash Wastes something, Chaos Knight, ???
  2. I think it's just the Imperial Knight aegis, since we know there's a good chance of the new Chaos Knight stuff being unveiled there as well.
  3. Underworlds starter with Stormcast vs Malerion's Elves?
  4. CAD design means they might just outright reuse the same bit, no?
  5. In addition to what Astro said, the leaker for the Underworlds warbands was correct about Pirate Ogre and Frankenstein Zombies if I remember correctly, and said one of the next bands would be Clan Eshin. Whilst Underworlds isn't tied to AoS' releases too much, The Crimson Court did coincide with the Soulblight Gravelord BT and the Thunderstrike/Kruelboyz warbands were only a couple of months after Dominion.
  6. Which would be ironic since Khorne is still using WotE for it's sub-factions no?
  7. My expectations: Horus Heresy boxset reveal Chaos Knight reveal Maybe a CSM tease Necromunda Ash Wastes Underworlds warband Maybe the new Underworlds starter Campaign splatbook for AoS (ala Wrath of the Everchosen)
  8. Warhammer Weekly on Fyreslayers. Timestamped accordingly:
  9. The Underworlds Frankenstein warband seems a given. I don't think we'll see a Cursed City expansion yet because the full re-release isn't until the end of the year, right? There was some theorising that Nighthaunt were using recycled art because it would spoil a new model reveal, but after Fyreslayers ended up 100% using a recycled cover that seems far less likely now. Still, Adepticon would be the place to reveal it if that were true. Maybe another pair of War Cry warbands...? Although Red Harvest wasn't that long ago. All I can really think of is them announcing a Wrath of the Everchosen/Vigilus-esq splatbook which will contain rules for a few models which won't be getting Battletomes in the immediate future. A whole new army (Chorfs WYA???) seems unlikely when Horus Heresy is presumably going to take up a lot of the momentum until the second half of 2022.
  10. UK announced a couple of days ago that it's sanctions on Russia would include luxury goods, so it's probably a decision motivated more by the bean counters than anything else.
  11. I imagine there might be a bit of Schrodinger's Balance here. If all the top tournament lists are bringing stuff on the Priority Target list anyway, is it still a balance pass?
  12. It's the minimum effort required on there part, but still nets them applause from the "see? SEE? GW -is- listening and making changes!"
  13. Guessing Fyreslayers just missed out on being on the Prime Hunters list, to rub more salt in the wound.
  14. The Death section being completely blank of targets did get a chuckle out of me. It's interesting that there was that (supposedly) fake 40k ban-list doing the rounds last week, and AoS seems to be taking the opposite approach by punishing you for losing powerful units, rather than outright banning them. Curious to see how this works out.
  15. In a time when even the majority of "Game first, models second" rulesets have both their rulesets online for free AND regularly update them without charge, I don't see "GW are a model company first" as much of an excuse, especially when they charge the prices they do.
  16. Some more White Dwarf information. Tome Celestial for Blades of Khorne - Skaven looking more likely for that Battletome? Two new War Cry campaigns, including rules for the Flamekeeper and Thrallmaster.
  17. The Underworld leaks didn't mention anything Destruction-themed right? Cursed City should probably be my guess too.
  18. With the Battletome roadmap out and the big reveal for Adepticon almost certainly being the new edition of Horus Heresy, I would not get my hopes up for anything major when it comes to AoS unless you count the new Underworld warband. With the Fyreslayer Battletome using recycled art, I think it's fair to assume the Nighthaunt cover is similarly just reused and not because a new model would be 'spoilt' on it.
  19. Hope none had any last minute purchases to make, because the prices hike went up an hour early.
  20. It was an Heirloom in the 2.0 Battletome as well and did the same thing. Not having to take your Lodge artefact and then Ash-cloud Rune/Icons might diversify the artefacts taken now at least.
  21. By the sounds of the voice files, the Chorfs in Total War will be based off the Legion of Azgor list rather than newly designed/reimagined the way Cathy and Kislev were.
  22. It is kind of funny how the Fyreslayer 'tome is less than 100 pages, the Eldar book is around 200, but both cost £32.50.
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