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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. I do wonder if we'll actually see the leaked StD stuff here. The 40k show was just the CSM and one League model. If the AoS show is Sylvaneth and Skaven stuff, that would follow roughly the same timeframe. If StD isn't coming until Winter - even if it's an Army Set coming first - I wouldn't be surprised if they were saved for a last minute quickfire video of the stuff we saw clearly in the leaks.
  2. The rivets would be too small for Possessed. It's definitely a Daemon Prince. Probably a throwback to the old metal one/this piece.
  3. I wonder if the Sylvaneth controversy will be Wanderers units being part of their Battletome and later taken out of CoS? We know there's a very large Chaos Space Marine wave coming as per the Big Leak and they've shown the cover art today, so there's at least going to be a lot shown on that front. My guess is we'll either see what will be in the pre-launch Army Box for the League (although they might not specifically say that's what's going to be in it) and maybe their Kill-Team on Friday, but the focus will be CSM.
  4. Kruelboyz feel too much like they're Not!Fimir by design for them to come back now.
  5. Not AoS, but they've been previewing Defence of the North rules for almost half a year now, and we've been seeing the models since February 2021. Seems they spread rules previews out over a longer period now. I think the Tyranid ones were about three weeks worth before pre-order? Granted, that had been another 'entire codex leak'.
  6. Pretty sure the AoS Reddit still has all the leaks up on their front page.
  7. So Horns of Hashut aren't Dwarfs? That's... odd. It's like having Human cults of the Horned Rat - possible, but definitely not what you think of. I guess if the Horns and Legionnaires aren't Chorfs though, it's a good sign that they'll be receiving their own Battletome rather than just being folded into StD like this leak initially made a bunch of us come to expect. "sent forth by the Father of Darkness to claim territories in advance of his marching legions." I certainly hope that's a winkwink nudgenudge.
  8. I would be happy to see it, but I feel like Hobgrots would be being saved for a dedicated Chorf Battletome.
  9. I wonder if the speculated Army Box will release ahead of the actual Winter BT release? They're usually at least a month before, sometimes a few more (Sisters), thus why the leaker has it so early.
  10. I doubt we'll see a Cities Battletome without a decent sized model wave. Then again I thought that about non-souped Fyreslayers.
  11. I don't know why they're keeping the Destruction Battletomes a surprise. There's only Gloomspite and Ogres who haven't received a new Battletome. It could be Sons already of course - it's not impossible - but since they're not Elves, that seems unlikely. Plus with the big StD release hot on their trail I doubt it'd be a big, new army wave.
  12. The change of Battletome design to something more abstract is interesting and I doubt it's a Collector's Edition cover if it's a leak.
  13. Higher quality of the Chosen/new- thingy. Open the image directly to zoom in.
  14. Isn't she just the Khagra's Ravagers Sorceress? Just to manage expectations, Whitefang's been Like'ing my Dwarf/Fyreslayer theories for a while and nothing's come of it so far.
  15. Skaven Battletome's probably still coming, it just won't have a big release wave.
  16. Could the Centurion Marshal and Chaos Legionnaire be Chorfs as well? Chaos Warriors and Chosen are still on the list, so I don't really see what other role they'd fit between those. They're also directly above the Horns of Hashut, but below the other, 'normal' Warriors of Chaos units in their own little section. If you look at The Damned Legions section, one is 'Wrought in Iron and Hatred'. Also, you know, Legion of Azgorh and all that. Horns of Hashut definitely scream Warcry (heh) with their placement next to the other bands.
  17. New novel. "Hey, remember Eight Lamentations? Well, we'd rather you didn't."
  18. We already know the next Underworlds team is Vampire Hunters. Kurnothi (or at least Sylvaneth) for Warcry would be my guess.
  19. Rumours are the Champions format of Underworlds (AKA the deck building) is getting taken out back next season and will just be Rivals. If one huffs a bit of hopeium, it might be they end up re-released with cards redesigned for Rival decks for the new season.
  20. There was a time, not too long ago, when it was easy to justify picking up any Underworlds warband that took your whim. Sure I don't need the cards and models, but I would really like to practise painting yellow. The Ironjawz warband it is! After all, they're only £15... But looking at The Exiled Dead, it's £26 for 6 basic zombies and the vaguely necromancer-Vampire. A few more quid and I can pick up a whole AoS unit... or hell, £9 more for 20 Zombies. It was only a couple of years ago that buying the Kharadron warband for the Aether-Khemist was actually cheaper than buying the standalone AoS model. It's no wonder that Underworlds has rapidly started drying up around me with the new price hikes, when it was with Beastgrave that the game was really picking up momentum as the fast-and-cheap option for people who wanted something a bit more competitive without splashing out for a whole army. It was also cheap enough that people were less wary of spending money on a non-40k/AoS game that might go into cardiac arrest at any moment the way most people are with other games. Just a rant.
  21. I'm surprised to see the Beastgrave Warbands go. The Wurmspat Sorceress is a better model than the new plastic.
  22. New Rumour Engine. Guessing it'll be for the Underworlds Witch Hunter warband?
  23. Skaven look great. Shadowstalkers look identical to the existing ones and we already had a DoK warband at the end of Beastgrave, so it's pretty soon. Seems like a wasted opportunity to put out difficult sculpts for others who actually could've used the diversity.
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