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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. They definitely picked an hilariously poor time to drop digital sales of codexes/battletomes.
  2. I think this shows that GW really need to start committing to a roadmap for battletomes. So much is in frustrating limbo.
  3. You don't get much more comical than giving Nighthaunt a new unit immediately after giving Fyreslayers... a new Hero model.
  4. To be fair, from the AoS side of things there didn't seem to be much hype at all. On the predictions thread people were expecting Battletomes and the Nighthaunt Hero. You don't really get much lower hype than that short of them having said AoS isn't appearing at all.
  5. Nighthaunt crossbowghosts look great, though the armour errs a bit close to the new Skeletons which gives me a bit of cognitive dissonance - I thought they were new Soulblight models for a second. Scriptors Mortis looks a lot more unique than I expected (I thought he'd just look like a Krulghast from the previewed silhouette), like a mix of a Ghoul, Ossiarch and Nighthaunt. High Gladiatrix is... meh, it's another Hero model based off a unit. It's fine. Surprised to see another AoS boxset so soon - Fury of the Deep hasn't been out a week - but I guess that might be down to the shipping situation being so borked.
  6. Glad I didn't stay up. What's worse? Having a Battletome souped, or having no Battletome at all? Hmmm...
  7. Warhammer Day's over half a year away and we just had this years Store Anniversary models revealled. Sooo... Warhammer World anniversary, or event exclusive? The former is coming up soon, but I'd have expected something Bugman themed for that.
  8. I have no issue with leaks per say, but I have a suspicion a lot of them come from playtesters who don't need to worry about losing their daily bread if discovered. My concern, if that's true, is somebody higher up in the sales department decides that if playtesters are causing such a ruckus then just scrap them entirely and go back to relying exclusively on the studio designers. GW's always had a few drops leak out, but the veritable burst pipes they've had over in 40k for the last few months must have some people internally running about in a tizzy.
  9. Well for what it's worth he's reacted to my Grombrindal theory a few times, so there's that.
  10. Considering how the hype seems to have a deliberate 40k (30k?) bend to it, I'd not expect much more than that, yeah.
  11. It's 'Eavy Metal's painting style giving that effect I imagine since OSL is non-existent on their paintjobs and it has the effect of always making fire look unnatural.
  12. All this said, I am going to laugh if the Kharadron airship is just on there because it's a parcel delivered by them and has absolutely nothing to do with the reveals.
  13. Doubtful. It would inevitably be slimmed down versions of the existing lore/world building, with some handwaved excuse that "Grungni united them closer than ever before but some animosity remains because Duradin never forget a slight." That's the crux of why I'm not a fan of it. Fyreslayer and Kharadron cultures and aesthetics are so radically different compared to something like Warclans or Mawtribes that inevitably something is going to give on the world building front, and it also gives GW an excuse to just leave Fyreslayers out to dry on the modelling department - "Well actually Fyreslayers DID just get a model, the new Kharadron airship they can take as part of the Khalazid Grudgebearer Battletome!"
  14. Vince doesn't like Dwarves I think. I figure he's a bit tongue in cheek when he says it, but I doubt he'd get too excited and also risk being seen as a 'leak' by talking about a Dwarf soup 'tome during the theorising segment.
  15. Honestly, getting soup'ed might just convince me to Ebay my Fyreslayers and hang up my AoS hat until Chaos Dwarfs arrive in 2025. I've no interest in them being soup'ed and left to rot on the Scrappy Heap more than they already have been unless they really pull something out of the hat to impress me.
  16. Yes. Maybe. Probably. The Dawi in Be'lakor appears to have been Grungni, but the Chronicles of the Wanderer had him Isekai Grombrindal back into existence and we know he's been running around for a while (as per that story and the Gotrek books). My guess is Grombrindal will end up being the actual tabletop model, whilst Grungni keeps to being a presence in the lore.
  17. It'll probably be more mechanical bookkeeping than fluffy and I don't see there being a 'Big Waaagghh' equivalent.
  18. Kharadron silhouette spotted. Hope you like soup.
  19. Kharadron silhouette? Oh no... oh no, no, no...
  20. I've noticed a lot of Chinese Whispers when it comes to sources as well these days as well. A lot of people are now claiming things like, "[Rumour] comes from the reliable 40k B&C leaker" or "this comes from the Eldar Discord leaker" when they said nothing of the sort on a certain rumour, or just straight up lying to give it credibility.
  21. The supposed Witch Elf being a Cursed City expansion makes the most sense to me. She resembles a normal Sister of Slaughter too much to be a new kit or Hero whilst still looking unique, but both Underworlds and War Cry have seen dedicated DoK releases very recently. Add to that Cursed City's roster largely comprising of Order characters and the whole 'blood' theme running through the game, it would fit imo.
  22. They've always been really weird about third party advertisement. It's completely random. Wrath & Glory (the 40k RPG) had it's own series of short comics on the Community page, but after that you nary heard a word about it and I don't remember WHFRP 4E or Soulbound getting any press on the Community page after either. I could see Space Marine 2 getting a lot of Community coverage just because it encourages people into buying Primaris.
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