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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. Sons of Velmorn article. Too many cards to link here. Is a painting video though.
  2. Kind of looks like Malekith's mask? Albeit not exactly. I'd laugh my rear off if it turned out to be another DoK warband though.
  3. Warhammer Fest in 2023. Tickets on November 11th.
  4. From the company that brought you such gems as Angry "Angron" Ron and Perturbed Peturabo.
  5. Fluff article for the Sons and, interestingly, Ogor Mawtribes as well.
  6. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
  7. New Underworlds season! The Death models look amazing. Grave Guard vs Darkoath. Possible tease of a new Freeguild warband already?
  8. Knights are popular too, but seeing full armies of them remains pretty rare due to perceptions (valid or not) of them being skew or unfun to play against.
  9. I think it's just a niche faction outside of tournament play, thus the lack of buzz.
  10. Honestly it's not that far removed from the old Empire Engineer on Mechanical Steed.
  11. The codex launched with no new models. That's pretty much unprecedented. The Possessed and Accursed Cultists didn't arrive for about two months. Pre-Covid (and most of the time during it) they've been pretty aggressive at pushing stuff out with the Codex.
  12. Judging by the CSM release, some things have gone wrong behind the scenes. Could be Somali pirates love the Lumineth as much as they do X-Wing.
  13. Just Tzeentch next week. No Lumineth, however... Tzeentch Vanguard.
  14. Which is funny because a lot of people bemoaned the Empire and Bretonnian models still existing in AoS as 'generic' but these are shaping up to be an even more generic fantasy DnD mashup of the average Human Fantasy Guard. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.
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