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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. Gholemkind have been referenced enough since 1.0, to make me think they're more likely than a Dwarf soup book at this point. Soulbound mentioned them hanging around in Order cities as far back as the core rulebook. I guess if they appear, the question will be if Dispossessed end up being merged with them as a 'Grungni Army' or if it's a Sylvaneth/Wanderers situation. On the other hand, GW seem to enjoy writing Duardin lore exclusively for books and rarely does it manifest as anything on the tabletop. Still waiting on that Grombrindal model.
  2. I think everytime a supposed """leak""" mentions release dates and schedules, they've been fake.
  3. They can be quite random about when/what they yank from the webstore. The Cerberus was announced a while ago for 30k, but it's still up on the FW store even though most other stuff going plastic typically vanishes even before it gets confirmed.
  4. I think it's just a Boneshaper with the back-spikes exaggerated for artistic flair, otherwise it looks very, very close to the existing model. Good spot of the new art though.
  5. The only reason I'm sceptical about a Total War connection is that they're aiming the DLC to be in April. Between Seraphon and Cities, it seems unlikely they'd be any earlier than very late 2023. Then again, they announced Votann on April 1st last year and they didn't fully release until October-ish so I could be full of rubbish. Announcing another 'dead' Dwarf army getting a revival on April 1st again would certainly be hilarious.
  6. There'd certainly be space for it, with Autumn/Winter/Spring to fill. Could also be that Flesh-eater Courts see a big wave in that slot instead, particularly as they'd be the only army without a 3.0 'tome once OBR and SBGL are out (unless I'm missing something?) Though we did get LRL Wave 2 and Soulblight back in early 2021, so both FEC and a new army isn't out of the question. War Cry has been alluding to Chaos Dwarfs making their way into Thondia with the Horns of Hashut being the scouting force, which may not be a coincidence.
  7. I'm not expecting to see anything for Underworlds until Adepticon, when they'll probably show off the new 'six month' starter. Then again, we saw the probably-Underworlds Tzeentch tease last week. Too soon for War Cry and Kill Team. Lord of the Rings hasn't seen anything for a while. Interestingly the Iron Hills Warriors set vanished off FW a while ago, but a plasticification of that popular kit feels like something they'd similarly leave for a show like Adepticon. Then again, they've always been weird about when/where they show off MESBG stuff. I don't think it's impossible we'll see another Seraphon reveal, but I imagine they'd also want to save some gas in the tank for AdeptiCon. Blood Bowl/Necromunda/30k are probably the safest bets.
  8. My expectation is we'll see the remainder of the Seraphon stuff at Adepticon, including any Army Set they may or may not get, then Dawnbringers at WarhammerFest. The Dawnbringer Previews will probably end up being the vague CAD teases, because I like to keep my expectations low. The 'New Model Mondays' will be a mixture of systems but include the OBR/SBGL obligatory Heroes and Battletome announcements in between the usual Blood Bowl and Necromunda stuff.
  9. Imo Epic seems more likely because it would slide neatly into the usual Q3/Q4 Specialist Game new edition slot. Titanicus has also been suspiciously quiet when it comes to models and rules, despite apparently being a decent selling game which may not be a coincidence. So far we've seen nothing out of TOW except concept art and some fluff, plus they forewarned us it was a very long way off... immediately before Covid screwed everything up, and we know they've been scrambling to play catchup on their existing gamelines since. Three years even without Covid would have been optimistic.
  10. Valrak's job is generating headline grabbing clicks. He definitely has some good sources of information, but he repeats nonsense as often as he does stuff that's correct. People just seem to remember when he's right. I'll be genuinely surprised if TOW is 2023, especially in the year of a new 40k edition.
  11. They're only a couple of years older than AoS is, but I think the Longbeards just suffer from being designed to be ranked up. The shields look much better, but for some reason GW almost never uses them in promo shots. The Ironbreakers/Irondrakes in particular I still think are fantastic.
  12. Not out of the question. Didn't they reveal a bunch for last years roadmap at the same time?
  13. WarCom article with the Gryselle’s Arenai cards. AoS Warscroll for them.
  14. I believe Soulblight have already been getting reboxed, so it seems a given it'll be them I'm afraid.
  15. Given that this isn't being advertised as a big Preview event with a stream and such, don't get your hopes up for seeing much of anything. Maybe one 40k reveal and one AoS reveal is my prediction.
  16. Regiments of Renown rules are up (WarCom article). PDF link.
  17. With the speed at which they've been converting Horus Heresy' resin vehicles over to plastic, I'm starting to become a lot more optimistic about most of TOW's range being plastic. I still think it will be a mix, mind you - probably with more niche characters being resin. But I think it's increasingly likely much more of the range ends up being plastic than originally expected. If you told the 30k community a year ago that so many kits would be in plastic by this point, you'd probably be laughed out of the room as delusional, but here we are.
  18. Unavailable? Hidden? For a long time? Skaven vs Malerion starter announcement confirmed.
  19. Back to Necromonday. Maybe KO/Dispossessed can convert it into a golem or something.
  20. In GBP. Rune-Throng you more or less get the Runelord for free at RRP as it stands now. I guess these are already at the 'new prices', so if Longbeards and Ironbreakers go up in price (and there's every reason to believe they will) then 'technically' it's better than that. I suppose the other way to look at it is there's no other way to get Longbeards at a discount, so if you're after some it's not bad.
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