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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. Need? No, but depending on what it was I wouldn't complain (*cough* Chorfs).
  2. I wonder how much of it is them trying to catch up with the Covid 'backlog' - the rapid fire of Votann, Guard refresh and World Eaters over on 40k would certainly point to that too.
  3. Bretonnians Flesh-Eater Courts Army Set goes up for pre-order next week. Shocker. Also, so is Da Grotmas Gitz.
  4. Makes sense. They're one of the only Finecrap units left for Guard.
  5. Another Christmas model. Da Grotmas Gitz. Also has a Warscroll. Note the mini-mini Stormcast. Warmaster AoS confirmed!!!
  6. FEC Battletome rules previews have started. Army Set can't be too far out until pre-order then, probably next week?
  7. I think if Kislev were coming anytime close to launch they'd have announced it by now, but I definitely think they're still on the cards given the big deal they made about designing them with CA. A Great War Against Chaos supplement seems inevitable, which is presumably when they'll cover Kislev and Chaos Daemons. I doubt FW will be able to resist the urge to release Magnus the Pious, Engra Deathsword and Asavar Kul models.
  8. It's that time of the week again. Combat Phase preview.
  9. Speak of the devil, The Old World Combat Phase preview.
  10. Is this the same person claiming they worked on the rules in an afternoon, which is physically impossible?
  11. MESBG is getting new translucent plastic Army of the Dead. I wonder if we'd ever end up seeing Nighthaunt released in this way, or if it's a bit to late for that?
  12. Necrons and AdMech next week. Nothing AoS by the looks of it.
  13. It may be that Ushoran is crucial to the narrative, rather than FEC getting any additional rules in there. Kind of like how the whole series is called Dawnbringers, but CoS only get narrative battleplans and the like.
  14. I don't say this lightly, but I think Ushoran might be the best model they've ever made for Age of Sigmar.
  15. Based on absolutely nothing, I'm guessing the first one will be a Thunderstrike Liberator or Bastian Carthalos.
  16. If real, maybe it's not Ushoran? Could see Nagash promoting a prominent Ghoul to serve as a Mortarch to better try and 'control' them, particularly when he did something similar with Olyander.
  17. I can't speak for experience as a disclaimer, but Green Stuff World do a Martian Earth which is meant to be a derivative. The videos I watched on it seem to come quite similar to the two GW crackle paints.
  18. Thankfully there's a lot of much better priced texture paints out there from companies like Vallejo and AK, so the loss won't be as keenly felt as it might be otherwise - unless you're stuck or choose to only use Citadel products. I'm honestly surprised they're being scrapped though. I was always under the impression they were a strong seller, considering most people don't seem to sand/flock anymore.
  19. I doubt it's just Bretonnians and Tomb Kings to start with, especially when a number of those armies you could still build via current 'AoS' kits anyway. My guess is they'd return the same time as all the new stuff goes up for pre-order. They're bringing back most of the reboxed AT/AI stuff alongside Legions Imperialis on Saturday, for instance.
  20. Another Old World rules preview, this time Shooting.
  21. Death Order in the court! The intestine wig is beyond inspired.
  22. Nothing AoS next-week aside from Black Library, but Legions Imperialis finally gets to do a victory lap.
  23. I don't think so either, but I needed the excuse not to spend more money ahead of Legions Imperialis.
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