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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. Almanack III, this time on painting the models. Includes the 'Eavy Metal recipe for the new Bretonnians.
  2. Aye, they appear to be as they've been shown in a few preview photos now (top row, centre, under the Engineer).
  3. Good to know Gyrocopters are in. I know the assumption was they would be, especially with Irondrakes being shown, but their conspicuous absence from any Dwarf photographs thus far had left that lingering question - what with them being relatively 'modern' designs in-universe.
  4. That tracks with Elves having a lot of them.
  5. Another daily Almanack. This time on designing the models and redesigning what they could for copyright purposes. Cynicism aside, it's not a bad read.
  6. I was surprised they hadn't done that to be honest. I was at least expecting Island Of Blood, with those models being much more 'modern' in design. I guess the "Space Marine Cocaine Fund" was running a bit low for their liking.
  7. Huh, you know I never looked that hard at the symbols. Neat.
  8. GW realised the awesomeness that is the Karaz Ankor could only be contained for so long and, eventually coming to their senses, decided to move them up the queue. Too late to come out ahead of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings of course, but they spared themselves from an even bigger Grudge. For now. In all seriousness, it could just be that the Summer Empire vs Orcs & Goblins rumour was false, or that Dwarfs are coming sooner. Or this just managed to slip through the cracks somehow and it's been sat in a warehouse forever long. When you think about it, if GW are planning on re-releasing armies in pairs (like Tomb Kings vs Bretonnia) it actually makes the Summer rumour more suspect. There's not enough armies on the list for them all to be 1v1 pairings, and the Empire being in the middle of a civil war - as well as their recent surge in popularity due to Total War - makes them the most fitting faction to drop on their lonesome. Dwarfs vs Orcs & Goblins Wood Elves vs Beastmen High Elves vs Warriors of Chaos Empire (vs Empire)
  9. I feel like originally they weren't, but in a bunch of places there was a very strong reaction to that initial 'Factions of The Old World' article which Tomb Kings were slid under Evil - I guess because 'Neutral' just being occupied by them and perhaps the Wood Elves would have been too tiny? - and this was them reacting to it. They removed that header from the article pretty quickly, but there's definitely been some clinging onto it since. Personally I only recognise two camps: Dawi and non-Dawi.
  10. I'd prefer Grombrindal and/or Grimnir to a committed Fyreslayer Gotrek, honestly. I think Gotrek is just too iconic as an 'Old World Slayer' at this point. I'm a big proponent of Grombrindal getting a big, multi-part kit which lets him be built up for the three different Duardin armies. I know some people would prefer to get army-specific characters, but he's just such an iconic character at this point and it feels fitting with his stories. Also a good way of netting one new kit for three different armies at once.
  11. Sprue Preview for Bretonnian Knights of the Realm On Foot and the Lord on Pegasus. Confirmation Foot Knights will come in a box of 20 and aren't dropping this week as well.
  12. Sprue Preview for Bretonnian Knights of the Realm On Foot and the Lord on Pegasus. Confirmation Foot Knights will come in a box of 20 and aren't dropping this week as well.
  13. I think it was just theorising based on them having gotten a mini-wave relatively recently and an Underworlds warband earlier still, coupled with Death slated to be getting a Warcry warband.
  14. There's still two Mondays between now and the 18th, so I don't think it's impossible we could see the rumoured Morghast Hero and maybe a Nighthaunt (there was that silhouette in the teaser) before then, with LVO being committed to Book IV. Been a while since the last two Warcry teams, so I'd assume we'll see at least a new one there. Maybe another Underworlds team. But now we're in the leadup to 4.0 and FEC still waiting in the wings, I'm definitely not expecting much.
  15. Rulebook alone is £42.50 separately. The Bone Dragon seems to be inflating the price a lot over the Bretonnian one, so I imagine the overall set will be a decent saving... even if the initial cost is a high one to swallow.
  16. You need to account for the arbitrary GW Foreigner Tax when it comes to non-UK pricing.
  17. A How To Play video for The Old World. These are rarely very exhaustive, but another rules preview can't hurt.
  18. KO only receiving the Codewright last year despite being the AoS Anniversary model admittedly doesn't fill me with optimism, but then again, there was the Boxing Day Ghoul King.
  19. A Runesmiter is this years Store Anniversary model.
  20. Store Anniversary Fyreslayer Runesmiter! Hopefully a sign that more is to come for them in 2024. I know 'another Fyreslayer Foot Hero' is a running joke now, but at least he's an improvement on the existing, admittedly kind of awkwardly posed, Runesmiter who comes with the Magmadroth. And a Tau Ethereal, if you're into that.
  21. The most egregious part of that list are the dice costing £26. I know they've been combo raising the price and shrinkflationing their dice for a few years now, but that's a crazy price, even if they are an optional accessory.
  22. It was £32.50 RRP, which is around $65 in current GW pricing (accounting for the arbitrary GW Foreigner Tax) That being said, it's a box of 20 rather than the 10 they were originally sold at.
  23. The list mentions Knights of the Realm On Foot, so it's probably fake considering neither the article nor video states they're going up for pre-order next week.
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