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Posts posted by Retro

  1. 8 minutes ago, Dan.Ford said:


    If you look at the Gore Pilgrim at 140 

    You think you have gain 60 but to re place what is lost.

    Re roll prayers

    Immumity to battle shock.

    To replace what we have lost you have to get an Exalted Deathbringer at 80 points plus an Command one point per turn.

    Dark feast , a reduction was needed.

    Well the reroll prayers is technically available for free now

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Bululu said:

    Anyway guys ill be out for like 12 hours, feel free to ask any questions, ill try to answer them all when im back home!

    On that note, any update on council of blood battalion? Is it even still around? I just bought 4 bloodthirsters and skarbrand..

  3. So I'm pretty sure korghos khuls command ability is a copy paste mistake.


    At the start of the charge phase, and gives reroll 1s to hit till the end of the phase. So you actually never benefit from it?

    Either that or goretide have some funky rule where they attack in the charge phase.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, kcmerc said:

    Skarr Bloodwrath now rolls 2D6 at the end of the movement phase. He comes back on an 8+. Nerf

    But now it isn't reliant on 8 models being slain, so on a slow turn you still have a chance at bringing him in.

    Also, the wording changed for his attack, before you had to attack each unit with the number of attacks, now you can throw them all into one unit. Slight change but gives more flexibility.

  5. 5 minutes ago, andysonic1 said:

    Edit: also I was totally correct about being able to move your Bloodsecrator now. We're getting so spoiled I love it.

    It's a shame that they reduced the range of it as well as making it wholly within.

    16" is still a decent bubble radius though so with him being mobile it might still be an overall buff.

    Might be worth going back to having 2 of them in a list!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Zamik said:

    The effects he listed as 7 and 8 points are both "once per battle," so maybe we have multiple mechanics to generate blood tithe, but balanced with being unable to use the really powerful effects more than once?

    He also mentions the effects last for the remainder of the battle, so it should be a non issue that you can only use it once per battle.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Forrix said:

    I'd say not BS looking at the new Warhammer Community article and comparing it to his spoilers (which were posted before the article).

    I'm kinda reading in-between the lines but it looks like Blood Tithe is only in your hero phase instead of yours or your opponent's hero phase.

    To me the article implies you can use them in the opponents phase. It talks about the blood tithe being a safety net if your opponent gets a double turn.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Zamik said:

    This exactly. I'm hoping for it to be a really cheap way to pick up an extra command point an artifact by doing the things I was going to be doing anyway.

    Exactly, I was already looking at cramming 2 battalions in for the extra artifacts, if the costs are cut in half that makes for a good quality of life change.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Zamik said:

    So it looks like Gore Pilgrims is still in as a battalion, and interestingly enough any priest within 8" adds 8" to the aura instead of 6". Which, if the Secrator's range stays 18", then the max would be 26". Hmm. I sure hope they make the Bloodsecrator mobile, because this is a downgrade.

    I'm fine with that as long as the points for it drops.

    Same for murderhost, from the preview it looks like it might only be the single +2 to run and charge.

    I'm hoping for a cost somewhere around 100 points to keep them competitive and in line with some of the newer armies.

    • Like 1
  10. 41 minutes ago, Judicator said:

    Can some one please tell gw that making khorgoraths fun and usable with for the brass citadel means they need to give khornes greatest khorgorath Scaarac The Bloodborne the khorgorath keyword!


    If this does not happen I Will be more angry than the Blood God himself.


    Scaarac is hot garbage and allowing him to reroll all is failed hits and wounds would make him fieldable again and could big if COULD lead to some competitive khorgorath lists that look diverse and have a cool center piece vs just having 6 of the same khorgoraths running around.


    For the love if khorne add khorgorath to scaaracs warscroll gw.

    I would also like to request his old command ability to come back, I bought him and never had a chance to use my him in my monster mash list before they changed it.

    • Like 1
  11. 33 minutes ago, Surtur said:

    True, it speaks of prayer and judgement rolls. However, Gorepilgrims speaks of “Bloodfuled Prayers and Blood Blessings”. I assume that judgement rolls are different from prayer rolls, but that they will subsume Bloodfuled Prayers and Blood Blessings unser prayer  rolls. Anything else feels silly and, more importantly, complicated.

    I'm hoping they remove the distinction between blood blessings and prayers. At the end of the day, blood blessings ARE prayers, they just have a different name for no particular reason.

  12. 30 minutes ago, Dan.Ford said:

    My biggest interest is what the points are going to be for the Khorne units and Battalions, so I’m waiting this out.

    If you have ever run Bloodcrushers in an army, you will know their damage output is poor. 

    The mortal wounds ability on the charge is good . But only on the charge, most player already defend against this , with chaff. Then counter charge the unit.

    I’m so looking forward to this book , new battalions, points , etc

    Do you think you'll be jumping back to them for tournaments?

    I know there was at least one where you played a different army.

  13. 41 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    Well, against a 6+ Save against Mortal Wounds Model it still deals on average 6.7 MW on normal trigger and 13.4 MW with the 16MW trigger.

    Against 5+ Save it would be "still" 5.4 MW on avg and 10.7 on the 16 Wound Trigger. So actually still a buff I guess?

    I'm going to assume your maths is right due to laziness, but to add to that.

    Using a weighted average, it would give 7.8 wounds for a 6+ save and 6.3 for 5+ save. On average. (9.4 for no save)

    So I'd say it's a fairly sideways step. Slightly more against those with no mw save, and slightly less for those who do have one.

    • Like 1
  14. Rumour from /aosg/, so a good chance it is made up. But hey, it's the rumour thread not the fact thread 🤣

    Rumors from Dakkkadakka
    >New ogor faction on the way
    >Enormous models, each is about twice the height of a current ogor model and even fatter
    >Armies will consist of only a handfull of them, but they will each hit like small monsters
    >Food/fire theme, Butchers will be the main heroes of the faction
    >Centerpiece model is a butcher riding a massive pig dragging a cauldron of gore
    >Will be called Gutbusters, but most current ogor models will be squated

    • Like 3
    • LOVE IT! 1
  15. 1 hour ago, zombiepiratexxx said:

    Following on from feedback, made some tweaks, what do folks make of this revision? Seems a little light on bodies IMO. 


    +++ New Roster (Age of Sigmar) [1940pts] +++

    ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Chaos - Khorne) [1940pts] ++

    + Leader +

    Bloodsecrator : The Brazen Rune


    Mighty Lord of Khorne : Mark of the Destroyer, General

    Slaughterpriest : Killing Frenzy, Hackblade & Wrath-hammer

    Slaughterpriest : Killing Frenzy, Bloodbathed Axe

    Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster

    + Battleline +

    Blood Warriors : 10 Blood Warriors, 1 Goreglaives, Icon Bearer, Paired Goreaxes

    Bloodreavers : 20 Bloodreavers, Hornblowers, Icon Bearers, Meatripper Axes

    Flesh Hounds : 5 Flesh Hounds, Gore Hound

    + Other +

    Khorgoraths : Khorgorath

    Khorgoraths : Khorgorath

    Khorgoraths : Khorgorath

    Skullreapers : 5 Skullreapers, Daemonblades

    + Battalion +

    Battalion: Gore Pilgrims : Gore Pilgrims

    Looks better, it has less bodies but you make up for that in killing power. I'd split the bloodreavers for an extra bloodtithe point and a bit more flexibility. 

    • Like 1
  16. 23 hours ago, Bjornas said:

    On the topic of summoning, are there any special rules regarding command groups (musician, banner champ) in newly summoned units? I'm assembling my first unit of Bloodletters and wonder if I should bother with the command parts. The trumpet would be nice I guess but I'm not sure I can be bothered with the banner.

    Nothing has been specified about them so most people assume it follows the same rules as if you were setting them up at the start of the game.

    Personally I like having the banner just in case. Rolling a 1 on battleshock and getting d6 back doesn't happen often but when it does it is awesome.

    • Like 1
  17. 3 hours ago, Salyx said:


    You can summon Bloodletters for Blood Tithe Points. You receive a Blood Tithe Point for wach unit that ist killed. For further Info, check the general's handbook.

    @Belakor You can also find all the summoning details for free in the blades of khorne erata, in case you don't own the generals handbook.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Mortarch said:

    The new FAQ released today has confirmed that Zombie Dragons and Terrorgheists when taken as battle lines are NOT behemoths... meaning more than four FLAPPIES in an army.

    Could this mean something similar to BCR in their hopefully new book?

    At this point I feel like they should just get rid of the force organisation chart altogether.

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