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Posts posted by 5kaven5lave

  1. 10 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Did you get to bolt the enemies much with the D3 damage from the cauldron? 

    Yeah, she was utterly besieged at one point so was managing to pass it around. We had some rules queries though as the warscroll says they become one model and so at one point my opponent and I were attacking each other via base to base with the Cauldron. I think that’s how it’s supposed to work?

  2. Well, having had a test game today to try the Fellwaters and Hag out, I have say that the Hag with Gryph-Feather charm is almost unsinkable, even taking the MW from the cauldrons, and that the Fellwaters are brutal. Took 10 wounds off a unit of Palladors in one combat. 

  3. Ok, so I’ve moved my list on a bit, this is what I’m now thinking:

    Troggboss 300 *Pulverising Grip / Mighty Blow (The Glowy Howzit)

    Hag 380 (Gryph-Feather Charm)

    Fungoid Shaman 90 -The Hand of Gork-

    (Mollog 170 / Batallion 180)

    Fellwater x6 320

    Rockgut x3 160

    Rockgut x3 160

    Stabbas x60 360

    50 Cauldron 

    Gives me either 1990 or 2000 points. My Hag has arrived today, can’t wait to see what she can do at -2 to hit in combat regenerating D6 every turn. 

  4. 51 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    So I'm looking to make a more competitive, less fluff list for the Troggoths.

    This is more or less where I'm at atm, I think my issues are, need a couple of wizards, both for the spells and the potential to hold objectives. Could use a few objective holding units, right now there are some battleplans where it's hard to hold/protect all my objectives while also pressuring my opponents. I would like another Troggboss but I'm not sure it fits, much as I wouldn't mind another one with an artefact giving +1 attack on his crushing grip my god is it expensive.

    So, first things first. I don't have a Hag so she's not on the table. I also think she might be a tad costly no matter how amazing she is.
    Zarbag (and gitz) seems like a cheap amazing addition. He gets a choice off the spell lore (Hand of Gork) and brings a unit for 160 points.
    Molog is a cute option but doesn't seem like what the list needs.
    Fungoid and Deathcap shamans both look like solid adds.
    Stabbas/Shootas are way to expensive for what I want them for.
    More Troggoths is an option, I'd either grab another 6 Fellwater or 3x3 Rockguts
    Squig Hoppers, Boingrots, Squig Herd or Spider Riders all seem like reasonable choices for bodies/space with varying degrees of cost.
    Squig Rider Stampede or Spider Rider Skitterswarm both feel like good ways to get an extra artefact.
    Troggherd is an option but it's expensive for doing very little.
    I feel like I want lower drops so I can teleport the unit before my opponent gets the chance to block me, Potentially going up to 12 Fellwater would give me 2 choices for this.
    What are peoples thoughts. opinions and/or comments for rounding out the list. I think I'm looking at something like one of these

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    There is the choice to drop Zarbag (And Gitz) along with the Squig Gobba for another 6 Fellwater. I'm not sure if it isn't shaving to much off the top though.

    Hmmm....is this actually Dank enough or should it go in the standard thread.

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    Actually think I prefer this option. Not sure if I would go 6 Fellwater or 3x3 Rockgut, just because I love the new Rockgut models! Slightly less utility than the other list but the extra 6 Fellwater do give more dank!

    Man so many options to fill out those 700 points...man I'm really not sure. I'm an Ironjawz player damn it, I'm not used to having options 😭

    I posted mine a couple of pages back, basically I went with a Hag,  2 Fungoids and 100-odd points for the endless spells so I went magic heavy with it, looking forward to my first test game. 

  5. Refined my 65% pure Troggoth list somewhat:



    2x Fungoid Shaman

    6x Fellwater

    3x Rockgut

    3x Rockgut

    40x Stabbas

    20x Stabbas

    110 for Cauldron and Shackles


    +Plenty o’ Vomit

    +Fungoid CP farm

    +It’s nice to see Trogg and wife take to the tabletop

    +Board coverage with sneaky gitz

    -30% Grots

  6. 18 minutes ago, Rid said:

    Actually, sod those extra cp’s, put in that spider Cauldron spell and the hag gets access to the Grot spell lore 👌🏻

    Yep indeedy. Her unique spell is a beast as it is so more nice spells won’t hurt one bit. I think that Cauldron spell is going to be huge. 

  7. 20 minutes ago, Eevika said:

    Thats the price you pay to play something fun and thematic

    Absolutely correct, and I reckon that a Trollherd with a few Gobbos running after them and looning about is just as thematic and fun, albeit with a slight concession to competitive play. 

    EDIT: Sorry, I have no idea why this is in massive font!!

  8. 7 minutes ago, Rid said:

    Maths is hard

    1 Dankhold Trogboss 300

    1 Trog Hag 380

    1 Mollog

    6 Fellwater Trogs 320

    3 Fellwater Trogs 160

    3 Rockgut Trogs 160

    1 Dankhold Trog 220

    Troggoth Herd 180


    leaves 110 for two command pts and possibly a triumph 


    Love this list. Not sure how many games you’ll win with 19 bodies though, which I guess is why people are taking a few Grots as well. 

  9. Well, I don’t think it’ll be good but I’m gonna go for this for starters:


    2x Fungoid Shaman

    Dankhold x1

    Rockgut x6

    Fellwater x6

    Stabbas x60 in some variation of units

    Cauldron endless spell to zing out some spells. Or maybe the Balewind and Geminids  




    Would like the Hag too, could be done if I ditched the endless spell, a Fungoid and 3 Rockguts / Fellwaters. I do think having a blob of Grots will be a good shout as you get half your investment back through the shrine and we’ll need bodies. Any thoughts gratefully accepted. 

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  10. Right, I think I’m gonna go for the following as my starter rule of cool list:

    Dankhold Trogboss

    Fungoid Cave Shaman x2


    6x Rockgut Troggoth

    6x Fellwater Troggoth

    40x Shootas sat next to the Shrine

    Rogue Idol


    Troggherd Batallion



    2k bang on. Would like Mollog in there but will have to wait. Will it be good? Probably not. Will it be big smashy things? Yep indeedy. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Dirtnaps said:

    From the leaked potato cam image I don't thing it does but it's not exactly that clear so it might, it could be a customisation option on the sprue though.

    Thanks man, I know it sounds ridiculous but that’s my yes / no decision on that whole model. 

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