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Lord Panther

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Everything posted by Lord Panther

  1. Here’s what I’ve managed to get done this weekend. Finished up my Gyrocopter that I will use as an ally. Still need to source a round base and flight stand but it seems to fit the army well. Might and some Prosecutors as well to create a Tempest Eye aerial army in the future. I’ve also come up with a solution for the flight stand that seems to be working. I just drilled into the flight stand and added a pin. Drilled a matching hole into the socket on the ship, fits nice and snug. And I’ve managed to get my second unit of Arkanauts based and undercoated as well as assembling my Khemist and Navigator.
  2. Thunderers done. I think I’m getting the hang of the blue armour now, these guys didn’t take long at all to get done. Next up is a Khemist then another Arkanauts Company.
  3. Here's how my first boat is progressing. It's been a bit of slow going, quite complex with lots of sub-assemblies. Still need to do a few little touch ups and figure out the base. The flight stand is giving me a few problems, the ball joint just lets the whole ship roll over. Don't want to glue it so will have to figure something out. Maybe some sort of pin arrangement.
  4. Endrinmaster is complete! This is my favourite model from the army so I'm pretty happy that he is finished and came out so well.
  5. Here's a bit of what I've been up to. Endrinmaster is coming along nicely. Washes are all done so no it's just highlighting. I've finished putting the Thunderers together and done the first section of the Frigate. It's such a great kit to play with.
  6. Here's my completed Endrinriggers. Quite like these guys so have already purchased another 3, will probably equip with a grapnel and 2 more rivet guys. I've made a start on my Endrinmaster and had just started assembling my thunderers. Was a bit confused considering the new changes to the wars till about how best to equip them but have settled for the full mix of weapons. Will probably do just the rifles for the next 5.
  7. Managed to get 3 games of Skirmish in this arvo, my first ever of AoS. A mate was playing Fyreslayers, those Grimwraiths can really mess things up. Came away with 2 wins, the second one I tabled him, despite him turning that massive hill pictured into a volcano with most of my warband on it.
  8. I've made a start to the Endrinriggers, pre-shade stage. I quite like the balance, keeping the majority navy with the cream accent. I'm going to use the nuln oil gloss on the blue armour just to give them a bit more polish than the normal troops.
  9. Arkanauts all done. Pretty happy with them but the colour scheme isn't going to translate directly to the more heavily armoured units so some experimentation is needed.
  10. Arkanauts almost there, just got to finish the basing. Meanwhile I'm trying to figure out how to do the Endrinriggers. I don't want to do them all metallic so will be trying for dark blue armour. Just gotta figure out the balance.
  11. Managed to get a few more up to the shade stage over the weekend.
  12. After a bit of mucking around I've completed my first Overlord test model (minus the basing). I'm thinking I can call this Barak Mjornar . Close enough.
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