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Nuno M

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Files posted by Nuno M

  1. Open Play Battleplan Cards

    The Open Play battleplan generator, found in the Core Book 3.0, is the best format for pick-up games.
    Many Deployment formats, Twists and different Victory conditions to challenge different army list strategies. There is even one Victory condition that involves a mysterious Objective (the Arcane Prize) in the center, that has to picked up by a unit but you never know what it is going to be! It could be trapped, it could be a warding icon, it could give off an arcane aura bonus!   What's better than battleplan generator tables? Why, those tables in card format!   Here is a set of cards with all the AoS 3.0 Open Play battleplan tables to print out. Using a professional printing service, in cardstock, yields best results. It's become very useful at our local gaming shop!!   Enjoy!



  2. Warfront - An Age of Sigmar Map League

    Hello folks.
    I decided to share this piece of rules kit that I developed for our local games store, to solve the problem of getting all players together on the same day for a Map Campaign. We've all been there, and it's complicated.  Hence, after a couple years figuring out how to best solve it (and being inspired by Firestorm!), I came up with Warfront.
    This is a Map League/Campaign for a gaming group/store, where every game played, even random one-off games, can count towards the overall advance of each Grand Alliance as they conquer territory along the map. Even better: each new game can benefit from the bonuses accumulated by previous games from players belonging to the same Grand Alliance: either previously established garrisons on the map or Spoils collected from previous victories. All very easy and straightforward: 1-2 pages of rules. All you need is some corkboard, some coloured pins, and presto!
    Winning battles grants the winner control of the map region and Spoils markers, or if they win a Skirmish battle they can choose to earn Intel markers or destroy the enemies' fortifications. Players keep track of which territories their Grand Alliance controls, and how many Spoils and Intel markers they have accumulated using the coloured pins. Fortified and Garrisoned map regions, as they are developed by winning players, are further marked with extra white/transparent pins (these are places with defensive earthworks or full-fledged forts, respectively).
    Warfront is also very customizable: the ruleset is meant to be so simple it should work for every map you can come up with for your own gaming group, or even work in multiple systems. It is truly more a logistic framework to organize players than necessarily a rules supplement. The easiest and laziest way to insert narrative into your games.  
    I have done two maps: one adapted straight from the Firestorm Box set (Flamescar Plateau), and another from the Shyish map for Malign Portents (Southern Innerland Marches of Shyish). But any map released in any Age of Sigmar publication can be turned into a Warfront map: just draw Map Regions lines across it and presto! Just make sure you include 25+ regions, and scatter a few "Permanent Regions of Entry" for Grand Alliances: realmgates serve perfectly for this, in order for armies to be able to always attack across the map and prevent one Alliance from dominating too much too fast.
    Of course, within the larger pool of players participating on-and-off in the League, a smaller group of players can always come together to play an army progression campaign "story" together, growing their armies as they go via Path to Glory or Skirmish. All the while participating in the larger war for the territory.  Because the WarFront rules contain an in-built balancing system when forces are of different sizes (Sudden Death and Ruses/Stratagems), even when some players have played more games it would not severely unbalance the game if they have a larger force.
    Enjoy, try out and feedback is more than welcome.
    Nuno M,
    Warhammer Narratives (WHFBNarratives@blogspot.com)



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