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Everything posted by Eldarain

  1. Gloss finish seems to be of utmost importance when using them.
  2. Welcome to the thread @LuminethMage They really are a beautiful range. I'm still lying to myself that I'm just doing Teclis and Eltharion for fun and old times sake (first army was HE)
  3. I love everything about that post. Someone you battle needs to convert up a Link to battle those Chickens
  4. I would think Halberds as Nurgle wants as many hits as possible for proccing the 6s to wound and their big bases makes getting volume in with Greatblades difficult.
  5. I would definitely try a version of the Nurgle list with the anti ranged Circle. 6th isn't much use if you're full of arrows.
  6. Especially when Mr. 800 points is already in the list. I like the idea of trying a Max unit of Chaos Warriors with the Harbinger. I also always try and get at least one Sorceror in as Oracular is one of the best automatic abilities in game. Archaon Nurgle Sorceror Harbinger 2x 3 Ensorcelled Varan Nurgle 6th Circle 20 Chaos Warriors Nurgle.
  7. When the GW imbalance kills my motivation I like to step back and just absorb some lore (by far why I stick around) helps me get going on hobbying again. Not sure if you already know but all the Black Library audiobooks are on Audible and you can get your first book free and subsequent books for far less than on BL. Might get ya goin again.
  8. It can work but far too many things can launch themselves from zone to zone or out of deep strike/reserve to rely on getting the charge. Given the absurd power disparity out there it's not at all unreasonable for Knights to get Lances on the Charge Ensorcelled otherwise. I'm sick of some factions having pros and cons to balance while others are wall to wall fandex level power without compromise.
  9. Been building Conquest minis as all the WHFB batrep nostalgia has me missing Rank and Flank. Going to paint the humans like the Bretonnia army I never pulled the trigger on. Going for an Elder God leper cultist vibe for the Spires faction. August's plan is still Teclis but I'll be shifting my hobby focus to Conquest after that I think.
  10. @Kramer That sounds like a great idea. I've been on a huge nostalgia kick recently and have been reading all the WD Batreps from my childhood. The Lustria table used in the Skrolk/GUO batrep vs Lizardmen was a real stand out.
  11. @Lowki Thanks. It's my table at home. These are probably the best shots of it I have on my phone.
  12. Luckily he's for August I have everything except the LEDs ready. Everything else for the conversion is built and primed. I got completely sidetracked by a Rank and Flank game: Conquest. I appreciate the reminder though as I'm a horrible procrastinator
  13. That's fantastic @Kramer it's not easy to make an effective diorama on such a small base but you've nailed it.
  14. That autocorrect is both very fitting for the content of your post and worrying that your device went there repeatedly
  15. What have you undercoated them with? Normal white or one of the Contrast specific ones? I've been tempted to try the Templars over metallics approach for my other army. I've heard it's a nice finish for slightly worn black armor. Have you experimented with that at all?
  16. That "construct a hero" couldn't have come along at a better time for your centerpiece there. I'm not super familiar with it but can you assign subfaction/Artifacts to Anvil characters?
  17. The Cauldron for Gitz works that way and says it must remain within 1" insinuating you can move them.
  18. @Kurrilino They gave the Varanguard item the exception to do so outside of 3".
  19. Ok friends. Finally time to get started. My take on everyone's favourite Elf.
  20. Alright. Got these boys done. Will post up my big August project tomorrow.
  21. They only lose the ability to choose if you both pass. By piling in your Varanguard they can choose a unit to activate if the Guard moving makes any of their units a valid choice. It's mostly useful for not being denied their second pile in through casualty removal or being able to reach normally out of reach units.
  22. That's unfortunate as they look so cool and their mobility is such a cool concept but sadly doesn't seem like it quite comes together. Your conversions are brilliant though. They'll look super cool and dynamic while being underwhelming at least. Hope they get another pass soon for you.
  23. In a Slaves army Archaon only has one. In the Allegiance section it says he has to pick one Mark of Chaos keyword to apply for the game. Not just what aura he is projecting. It's possibly a more interesting question in the other armies without that restriction.
  24. In general you'll want those warrior units at either 5, 15 or possibly 20 as their reroll saves kicks in at 10 and turns off at 9 or less.
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