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Posts posted by Tom

  1. Hi can anyone give me any advice on a good starter agro deck for the orcs please?

    just getting started with shadespire after a friend has badgered me to get into the game. Have zero clue what I’m doing lol. 

    After a starting point that I can tweak as I go along an get more Idea what I’m doing.


    thanks in advance

  2. Thanks for shout out @Chris Tomlin

    I find it funny because your the one that inspired me to start the blog lol. So glad I can return the favour.

    spent a lot!! Of time in traffic this morning so managed to listen to the latest episode of the black sun and triumvirate! Yeah ****** you rain. 

    Black sun as always is boss. Or should I say mega boss! No issue with the car audio personally. @Titcher this is a must for any ironjawz player. Well aos full stop really. It's what brought me here ect. 

    I had a few games of skirmish against @Dan Hadert on Thursday. An I think jawz are ok in that setting. We gotta be good at something! Was good to hear your insight also. 

    Yeah triumvirant what can I say about that. I was resisting 40k till this point. So yeah thanks...... not. Thats what I need another army to paint lol. I'm like you guys really used to play but fell off due to not having a PHD in 40k rules an army construction. Now that it suits dummies like me I may be tempted back in. The new death guard are amazing..... but then orks could be good now...... aaaaaahhhh I hate choosing another army. 

    Any way just checking in catch up on the weekend..... when we get to stomp the realms!!!!

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  3. A cool list definitely includes a cabbage imo. Maybe put the 2 lots of 5 brutes to a unit of 10?

    iv not even thought about what I'm gonna take. But will prob look similar lol. Always does I guess.

    anless your going to lean into one of the battalions i spos most cool jawz list include a little bit of everything. 

    iv got 5 brutes to finish an I'll be converting some bb orcs myself. Got 3 boxes not quite sure what I was thinking there. Lol. Ardfist!! 

  4. @Chris Tomlin I spoke to @Dan Hadert he said we could do with an easy win? So he's up for a grudge match! 

    Ok I'll look in to doing a thread. Thanks for the support. Worst ways I can get some ideas An feed back. Works manic at mo, do prob won't get time till the weekend to do it. 

    Keep up the good work brother!

    got the podcast downloaded can't want to hear what the hell "narrative" is. 

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