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Everything posted by Elmir

  1. Finished 2 more! The fyreslayers and ironjawz. I decided to base the fyreslayers on the World of warcraft Dark Iron Dwarves: These models were a lot of fun to paint. Especially the dwarves who actually have very dynamic poses for such short stubby guys!
  2. Finished 2 more! The fyreslayers and ironjawz. I decided to base the fyreslayers on the World of warcraft Dark Iron Dwarves: These models were a lot of fun to paint. Especially the dwarves who actually have very dynamic poses for such short stubby guys!
  3. They are from a miniatures blog run by a mate: http://corvusminiatures.blogspot.be/2010/04/cloud-backdrops-for-your-miniature.html I printed them on A2 Satin photo paper... (It's vulnerable to damage though, I often have to touch up damage via photoshop, but only on the background... Things like scratches, gauges etc). Mind you, printing a single background like that was around €16 each here, so it's not a very cheap option. I've also picked up a cheap, fold-able lightbox. And I still use a very old (like 7 years old I believe) compact camera, but one that can go full manual mode and take RAW pictures (it was fairly high-end in it's days).
  4. Tidal wave of updates: Still working on 20 dire wolves and another block of 40 skeletons! I'll be expanding into nighthaunt units soon after that.
  5. My sepulchral guard got finished: And I also update the paintjobs on my first 2 warbands: First, the diversity inspector came by to check on the reavers: While steelheart's champions received some very minor touch ups, mostly on the face and hair.
  6. My sepulchral guard got finished: And I also update the paintjobs on my first 2 warbands: First, the diversity inspector came by to check on the reavers: While steelheart's champions received some very minor touch ups, mostly on the face and hair.
  7. Yeah, if I can't find anything cool at the flea market, I'll give that a go. I kind of want to try the flea market first, because old stuff actually tends to be sturdier than mass produced stuff.... If it's a good sized box, it should be easy to put a steelsheet in it to magnetise it.
  8. Thanks for the answer! I'm afraid hobby lobby doesn't have any shops in Belgium afaik... But you did inspire me to get out of bed early next sunday to scan the local flea market for something similar... it's super characterful to transport your army in something like this!
  9. Where did you find that box? Both the big and small one... They are bloody amazing for this game!
  10. They are made with a 10/0 brush, that was as tiny as I could find them at my local arts and crafts shop (I don't believe GW makes them that small).
  11. Quick group shot now the big guy is finished and standing in the display closet. Better pictures will follow as soon as I'm able to get the lightbox out again.
  12. It's done with either a bright silver (on the metal) or a light grey in a criss-cross pattern. The effect is deliberately very stark, because I then a apply a thin glaze of the highlight colour of the cloak over it, so the scratches become a lot less obvious and more subtle. And yes, I've retouched the sword of the champion now and the warband is nearly finished. I'm hoping to get some decent pictures tonight.
  13. Just a very quick update on the shadespire warband: First 2 models done! Just finishing off the bases to match the rest of my undead force left (will be snow themed). I've started experimenting with adding textures on the armor and cloth via micro scratches. The shadespire models really are gorgeous things to work on!
  14. Just a very quick update on the shadespire warband: First 2 models done! I've started experimenting with adding textures on the armor and cloth via micro scratches. The shadespire models really are gorgeous things to work on!
  15. Oh, don't get me wrong, I really like Shadespire. But I really cannot convince my current wargaming group to really start it as well. Also, IF shadespire continues the same way it does now, the cost to entry is only going to increase to rival that of X--wing. It's only been out for less than a year, so it really can't get to the point of equaling a game like X-wing, but it's getting there full throttle. Also, having to dismantle one deck for faction 1 and reassemble it for faction 3 because some cards are being used in both is annoying as well. Having every faction in the game really doesn't seem to interest them either, as they only really are interested in the warband related to their GA. And I would never equate owning 36 models (shadespire season 1, costing €185) to having a 2000p of every army in AoS... Comparing it to a TCG isn't even something that ever came up when discussing it, as it's about as "apples to oranges" as it can get. PS: nobody is playing X-wing in our shop for almost the same reason.
  16. I like the fact that shadespire took off the way it did, but they REALLY have to start releasing the card decks separately for a much lower cost. It's a competitive game in design, not a narrative one like AoS, and in order to be competitive, most decks contain a few cards from each single warband out there. This puts the starting costs for shadespire at a starterbox of €50, followed by an almost compulsory €135 worth of expansion boxes = €185! This isn't an introduction/hybrid into wargaming anymore, it's the actual price of an average decent sized warhammer army... It's actually one of the main reasons why it's hard to convince people in my gaming group to pick up the game.
  17. I gave up after listening to them ramble about which animals can actually swim well... If anybody has more patience than me, I hope they can boil the whole thing down to the important things that were being said....
  18. Figured I could go nuts on his base since he won't get an armor save bonus from cover anymore now ethereal was changed...
  19. Harbinger done! He's carrying his own cover around! It's a piece of Canadian slate that I drilled flat on one side with a dremel tool. It's a bit of a scenic base, but it's actually quite a bit more stable than he previously was.
  20. This rumormill picture, along with a previous one that looks suspiciously like the spectral ghosts from the undead range makes me more hopeful that there will be new death models in the second half of 2018. Looks like LoN, despite not adding a lot of new things, does unlock the whole range of death to hardcore death fans like myself, so I'll be able to amuse myself loads until that time comes.
  21. Also, I managed to finish off the 3 crypt flayers, expanded the ghouls by another 10 dudes and finished the ghoulking to put him on his Zombie dragon mount, finally finishing that Start collecting box that was still in my pile of shame! Just in time for Malign portents:
  22. The skintone started from black, highlighted using the airbrush using dark reaper grey and then onto Thunder hawk blue. The chest is done with VGC wolf grey. Wings and hair patches are simply picked out with vallejo model colour brown sand and the bones with dark sand. The whole thing gets a coat of army painter quickshade, a matt varnish and I then start rehighlighting with thunderhawk blue (airbrush and edge highlights) finished off by a 50/50 mix of thunderhawk blue and VGC wolf grey. The edges of the wings get faded out from dark brown to pure black before the whole wings get a drybrush of brown sand again and the bones are rehighlighted to cover up the mess from the drybrush
  23. The blood knights are done! 10 of them finished now. Some shots are screwy because the focus of my old camera is starting to act up... Apologies for that: I also got the first vargheists done as well :
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