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Posts posted by TheOtherJosh

  1. 8 hours ago, Qaz said:

    Also the tzeentch battalion does not have any keyword (Beast of Chaos) underneath/on top of it's name...

    So.. ? Can I use in DoT?

    Yes, but they're all counted as allies. (Until otherwise FAQ'd.)

    "Q: Some warscroll battalions included in battletomes do not have a faction listed above their title. How do I determine which faction they belong to for the purposes of allegiance abilities?
    A: The battalion belongs to the battletome’s faction.
    For example, the warscroll battalions in Battletome: Stormcast Eternals are part of the Stormcast Eternals faction." From Core rules Designers commentary p.7


  2. 48 minutes ago, PlayerOfGames said:

    Hmm, I am not impressed... for 6 Skyfires that's on average 1D3 MW @24" range per shooting phase (and of the 9 DD, on average there are 1.5 sixes...). Add to this ~2D3 normal damage @rend -1 ... And that unit costs 440 points (or maybe 400 ?). 

    Maybe it's better to regard their shooting as a bonus and see their mobility plus close combat (with re-rolls) as the main feature.

    So. that mortal wound? It ignores negative modifiers.

    No issue with Look out, Sir!

    Aerial Battles? Ignore that “subtract 1” on targets over half range.

    Seraphon Coronal Shield problems? No problem... ignore that -1 to hit ...

    Wanderers -1 to hit the bearer artefact? No problem!

    Previously, the only chance you had was the Aviarch, unless you were within range of the Shaman.

    Sure, in general it will do fewer mortal wounds... but natural 6s are always a success.

    If your unit is “Wholly within” range of the Shaman buff ... great. But there’s a bunch of Artefacts and abilities that subtract 1 from hit rolls.

    And it does answer the issue of Skyfire Spam. Without more cost increases. (And aligns them with all of the newer battletomes.)

  3. The change to “Natural 6” is actually pretty awesome ... you can’t get modified out of Mortal wound damage. Sure, it’s not as consistent ... but it’s a 33% chance of mortals natively for all attacks that hit.

     Any -hit from your opponent no longer matters ~17% of the time. Roll a natural 6 to hit ... and Mortal Wounds it is.

    It is the cool annoyance that the Spirit Hosts have (Natural 6s causing mortals) only they cause mortal wounds on 50% of their hits as they only hit on a 5+.

  4. 2 hours ago, Kevlar1972 said:

    3 priest gore pilgrims build.  With prayer rerolling and the +1 bonus if you kill someone it's quite possible to turn 70 points of reavers into 7 blood tithe by turn 2

    @Kevlar1972 For those folks who didn’t follow your math, it looks to be the fairly standard usage?

    “Blood Sacrifice - If this prayer is successful, pick either the PRIESTor a KHORNE unit from your army that is within 3" of the PRIEST. The unit you picked immediately suffers D3 mortal wounds, but you gain 1 Blood Tithe point.”

    And Gore Pilgrims allows rerolls on prayers. And if they kill something they get a +1 on the prayers roll.

    So, 3 successful casts of Blood Sacrifice for two turns gives one 6 Blood Tithe. (Is the 7th from the assumed death of the unit?)

    @Coyote It’s the first Reward on the Blood Tithe Table ... however it would cause you to loose all remaining Blood Tithe. (ie You can only spend for one Blood Tithe reward.) So expending Blood Tithe is either Summon units or take a reward from the table.

    Per the faq “Page 79 – Blood Tithe Table, Bloody Exemplar Change the rules text to:
    ‘Select a friendly Khorne Hero that has a command ability on their warscroll and immediately use that command ability without spending a command point to do so.’”

    @Choombatta And the Expenditure Of Blood Tithe happens in the “start of Hero phase Abilities” per the faq and errata “Page 79 – Battle Traits, Blood for the Blood God! Change the first sentence of the last paragraph to: ‘Unless stated otherwise in the rule for a reward, Blood Tithe points can be expended at the start of either player’s hero phase, but only once per phase.’”

    “Q: When can I expend Blood Tithe points in order to use a reward in the hero phase?
    A: Blood Tithe points must be expended before your opponent uses any start-of-turn abilities in your own hero phase, or after your opponent has used any start-of- turn abilities in your opponent’s hero phase.”

  5. 1 hour ago, kenshin620 said:

    Edit: Also this is just me but if you still have the PDF or GA Chaos around, I'd allow the other weapon options. It may not fly in a tourney setting but as we seemed to have established here, the Beastlord is the farthest thing from broken.

    So... it would be completely out with any tournaments ... with the new Warscroll in play, and with a date associated with it that would, unfortunately, completely depreciate the old Warscroll. :/ And technically would be out for a game between friends unless you had some form of agreement ... 

    Q: If I have two different warscrolls for the same unit,
    can I choose which to use, or must I use the most recently published version? Do I have to use any errata that applies to the warscroll?
    A: You must use the most recently published warscroll and must use the most recently published errata that you or your opponent have available. Warscrolls with a date of publication are always considered to have been published more recently than a warscroll that doesn’t have one. If you have two warscrolls for a unit and neither has a date of publication, you can choose which warscroll to use.” (Core rules FAQ July 2018 p.2)


  6. 24 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    Though RAW the Flesh Hound is not a mount, kind of like the Moonclan Grot Warboss with Giant Squig. Especially in the latter case since it's a "weapon option" rather than a separate profile from the normal non-squig grot warboss.

    They should really say "mount AND accompanying models/figures that are clearly separate entities". Other examples would be other models that aren't the pullers on chariots like the bloodletters on a blood throne, or the additional vampires on a coven throne.

    Because the book is an earlier battletome it doesn’t specifically call it out. In the newer battletomes, like Nighthaunt they do.

    For example, Lady Olynder’s Banshee Handmaidens:

    “COMPANIONS: Lady Olynder is accompanied by two Banshee Handmaidens, who are armed with Spectral Claws. For rules purposes, the Banshee Handmaidens are treated in the same manner as a mount.” P.72 Nighthaunt


  7. No. 

    “Artefacts of power have no effect on attacks made by a hero’s mount unless noted otherwise.”

    The mark specifically talks about the bearers Weapons. While it would be amusing to see the MLoK holding the Flesh Hound by its legs and beating folks with it while the flesh hound bites at people ... that should be an image all forgotten...

    The MLoK is accompanied by the flesh hound. He does not wield the flesh hound.

    That being said, the Axe specifically calls out “bearers attacks” So ... if his Axe attacks don’t kill something make sure that Spawn model is ready. 

  8. If the objective is to flood the Nurgle units with attacks then some “cheap as chips” Bloodreavers ... but with Reaver Blades instead of Meatcleaver Axes?

    They would natively give you Reroll ing 1s, and depending on the Banner could give you Rerolling everything ...

  9. 12 hours ago, Killax said:

    David's army has Flesh Hounds that arn't GW Flesh Hounds for example that are on 40mm bases.

    As a side note, those look to be 50mm bases, which is the current Flesh abound standard. 

    Hopefully the Wrath and Rapture set will give us plastic flesh hounds ...

    • Like 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, Grendel said:

    How about Sayl The Faithless?
    He might not support Khorne, but he doesn't support the other gods either!

    And teleporting units could add an extra level of maneuverability.

    Sayl is a 200 Point Unit that only synergizes with units that have the Slaves to Darkness keyword for his teleport.

    @Ratzinkaiser If you’re concerned about fluff and Khorne and Wizards, consider reading The Black rift Of Klaxxus ... there are multiple fluff sources and there are multiple scenarios where Sorcerers have been both used by Khorne Warlords, and used Khorne Warbands to their own ends.

    At the end of the day ... is that Sorcerer or Sorcerers in that army the true General pulling the strings ... or on the end of a very short leash by a Khorne Warhorde Leader ... or perhaps an ally of convenience?

  11. 47 minutes ago, Calum Todd said:

    Infusion Arcanum on him instead to make him more reliable in combat

    Treacherous Bond is also extremely valid ... when used in combination with Pink Horrors you get a replenishing pool wound pool on a solid beat stick. (I’ll have you know that an Ogroid Thaumaturge with 28 effective wounds sticks around for a crazy number of rounds ... and can generate a crazy number of Blue Horror Points ... true story.) 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Bululu said:

    im gonna order the 160mm round one and the 170mm oval one and see if any of them fit, if i dont find any of them suitable ill just get some wooden custom sized ones. But im definitely putting them on bases

    Okay ... take a peek at the pictures back a page. 170mm is 6.8” ... that’s not likely big enough.

    The actual war Mammoth is ~10+ inches long and ~5-6” wide ... and that may not properly cover the tusks (they would likely go long). If you’re basing it, it’s likely a 250mm oval at a minimum. (Which would be custom.) (it’s bigger than the lotr Mumak.)

  13. 2 hours ago, MOMUS said:

    Unit must be wholly within 15, pretty tight ?

    Yeah ... have you seen the size of the mammoth? Right?


    The guy at the top is standard Chaos Warrior Size...


    With the tusks ... depending on where the model is it could be close to fit it wholly within ... if you’re not using the FW model ... and proxying something else ... but the real ones are insanely huge. 

  14. 20 minutes ago, Retro said:

    I like the idea of whipping a mammoth with a bloodstoker then teleporting him with sayl the faithless. Expensive combo but would definitely force people to deal with a back line first turn charge from an absolute beast (or 2 in your case)

    Given that the anything that can use “Traitors Mist” can’t move in the subsequent move phase and the Mammoth base is HUGE ... it would be interesting to see how it works.

  15. 5 hours ago, Drib said:

    I noticed, that the Gaunt Summoner, the Magister and the Ogoid are now "Webstore Exclusive". Does someone know why? Is there even a good reason for any Models to be webstore exclusive?

    Space Limitations at the brick and mortar GW stores.

    They are likely gearing up for the next AoS releases, and need space for new models.

  16. 2 hours ago, Murder Pancake said:

    So if it works by RAI, is it just a matter of Azyr being finicky? In that case, are the familiars compatible with the Balewind Vortex? Or does the GS and Vortex being the same model disrup coherency?

    Azyr has its own issues.

    Familiars are compatible with the vortex. This is because GS and Familiars counts as a “Single Model” per the Warscroll and as such can be placed together on the balewind.

  17. 4 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    Summoner with Chaos Familiars is Arcanites. Which by RAW isn't Arcanite

    Which is really silly. Dang you random s at the end!

    Technically that was from back in the day prior to the Battletome ... and all of the ARCANITES had the additional S.

    They have a similar issue for BRAYHERD vs BRAYHERDS.

    They list “Brayherds” in the Allies list ... but there is no “Brayherds” Allegiance. It’s Brayherd.

    And there are “BRAYHERD” units ...

    It isn’t in a current faq, but I recall that the addition of an “S” didn’t actually change it ... in the original Tzeentch battletome “ARCANITE” and “ARCANITES” as keyword bold was used in several places.

    The top of the Command Traits List is “Tzeentch Arcanites” ... for example.

    The one of the Familiars gives you a base +1 to cast ... without needing to kill anyone btw.

  18. 59 minutes ago, Murder Pancake said:

    Is Arcane Sacrifice a valid option on the Gaunt Summoner? I've tried applying it in Azyr but the option is not available.  I do not have the battletome on the app as I have the physical copy, but can obtain it if needed.

    That depends on the Gaunt Summoner you are attempting to add the Command Trait to. (It would have to be your general.)

    The trait is a TZEENTCH ARCANITE Command Trait.

    For example, the Gaunt Summoner on Disc (from Everchosen) doesn’t have the ARCANITE keyword.

  19. 7 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    I think the problem with the Grundstock Thunderers was more that every model could take the more powerful special weapon over the standard issue at no extra points cost which just made the unit way overpowered. The warscroll was completely changed with the usual weapon restrictions applied to make them a more reasonable unit and less of an auto-include for KO players. 

    The Thunderers had a Warscroll which allowed ‘unit builds’ which were not supported in the parts that came in the box.

    Warscrolls for units are based around the box contents... and they don’t make warscrolls for units that they don’t have models made. (Or didn't have previously existing models for.) 

    This has been done to avoid the issue of unit balance and also discouraging the bits-manufacturers to make parts for the game. Which is why you see few Age Of Sigmar specific second-Party bits manufacturers... sure you’ll see bits sellers on eBay ... and you see alternate line minis for some units ... unlike 40k where you see 2nd party weapons and shoulderpad manufacturers all over.

  20. 22 minutes ago, Boss Salvage said:

    Pretty sure the 07/23 FAQ removed the artefact restrictions:

    Though the Tzaangor Shaman appears to be Mortal, Daemonic and Arcanite anyway, going by keywords.

    They’re not MORTAL.


    Maybe I’m having reading issues? Can you point out which word reads “mortal”? ;) 

    Yes ... I know it’s not there either. I had to make a doublecheck myself. :/

    The restricions for The Artefacts is on the Artefact list, not in the wording section that was FAQ’d out.

  21. 10 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    A question came up though. Is it possible for Pinks to go above starting size? Opponent and the general "rules guy" insisted that they could not, citing the core rules. I can't seem to find anything about it though.  Can anyone help me out? Plus, even if there is a general rule, doesn't warscroll trump it? 

    Can you recall the “core rules” that your opponent cited to indicate that?

    That was a thing in the prior edition... with the wording on the horrors that was added as an faq ... but that wording was stripped out with the change to sumoning in AoS v2.0.

    This would definitely be a “show me the rule” moment.

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  22. 49 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    He then put a single tree Lord on the right and a pack of dryads in the very center 30 or 20 I believe. In his back field he had Kirnoth Hunters with bows (they hurt) and a branch wych. 

    Was your opponent playing with the updated rules for Sylvaneth Wyldwoods?

    Where if a unit is more than 1” in from the edge, or their shooting attack is from a model more than 1” away from their opponent on a Sylvaneth Wyldwood base that they have blocked LoS? (As long as neither unit has the FLY keyword.) I believe that technically means that second rank Kurnoth Hunters can’t shoot into a combat as they don’t have LoS.

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