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Everything posted by lare2

  1. On Dreadscythe, I really loved them prior to this book but I can't seem to get them to work, in theory. Anyone any ideas? On a related note, disappointed to see there's only 1 crone allowed per 10. My units are now illegal... fortunately I've a number of unbuilt spares.
  2. The more and more I ponder our new rules, the more and more I realise I'm gonna need tokens to remember all the debuffs in effect!
  3. OK, I've a game Thursday (probably against Giants) and I think I've settled on the below. No idea how I'll get on but the only way I'll learn is by trying! Any c&c greatly appreciated. Scarlet Doom 1950, 1 drop, Hold the Line, charge triumph Lady O: Shademist – 340 Krulghast – 150 GoS: Midnight Tome, Seal of Shyish, General: Ruler of the Spectral Hosts – 150 30 x Bladegheists – 525 30x Chainrasp – 330 3 SH – 125 3 SH – 125 Hex – 160 Cogs – 45 If can, go 2nd and fish for double turn 1-2. Chainrasp and GoS defend backfield and auto cast cogs. Lady O to target midfield with 1xSH, offering support. Bladegheists to deepstrike with KGC and 1xSH offering support, the latter tanking for KGC Hex running around doing stuff.
  4. Thanks for that. Agreed but most lists I'm building centre around 30 Bladegheists and would love to get that initial 9" Vanishing Phantasms a bit more secure.
  5. Can anyone see anything to improve charges? I can never make 9".
  6. Mate, either way I saved all the pics to my phone quick fast - ha ha!
  7. Not all heroes wear capes. Careful of the mods posting this though. I'm loving Dreadblade. Curse of Loyalty is lush. I'm still taking everything in but there seems to be a lot of combos to make us just... survive. Minuses to hit, minuses to wound, minuses to damage... we just can't be touched!
  8. Anyone seen Grimghast Reapers yet? Hard to build lists with them still in the wild. Just checked, Dreadblade and new Scriptor chap missing as well.
  9. Speaking of how tough Lady O is, am I right in thinking Spirit Hosts can tank wounds for her as well?
  10. Wow... I mean... wow. Just seen the leak and this is looking good.
  11. You'd have beefier hex who could also tank wounds for your general... but then you'd lose access to RotSH and whatnot. I'd be tempted not to bother, with your list.
  12. DoK rules on WarCom. I predict NH rules this week and potential preorder of both tomes Sunday.
  13. One guess would be that there'll be some kind of teleporting shenanigans with it. Edit: I say guess... I've just reread the article and, to quote: "Awlrach adds more than just an eerie model to your forces. He has special rules to help your army get wherever it needs to be on the tabletop, offering his allies passage through the underworlds."
  14. Feels like it's been so long since we've heard anything, I'd forgotten all about the big boat dude we've got coming.
  15. Not to my knowledge... just eagerly anticipating the book.
  16. Hate it when that happens. This really is the best place online for my daily AoS fix.
  17. TGA's been unavailable for me the last couple days. It's good to be back! Hate it when that happens.
  18. My 2 pennies on the Incarnate, if you're a week army (like NH), it's a sensible choice. If you're a top performing army, you'd probably want to spend the points on something else. As someone who runs NH and SCE, I know he appeals to the former and less so the latter.
  19. Been a while since I posted. I don't really want to spam the blogs section unless I do something new to my scheme which I want to log or if I've finished a unit. Just wanted to say that my army's tabletop standard now and took it to my first tourney in a long old while. Was great to get back into the swing of things. Went to Leodis Games' one dayer event. If you've not been, I'd recommend it. It's in Leeds and the guy who runs it was super nice. Anyway, I got mullered - ha ha! Lost 2, won 1. Was chuffed to get a win though. Lost against SBGL first game, lost against Tzeentch second, but beat Orcs game three. Got some pics of my army lined up on the day. Some close ups of my Lord Imperatant as well, who's pretty much finished.
  20. Now that's the truth - ha ha! Man, it's been rough! My tactics have always pretty much been the same every game - run around as fast as possible and try my best to avoid fighting. Saying that, I think I'm undefeated in 3rd with my NH. Would never dream of taking them to a tourney mind.
  21. That's kinda why I said my opinion is subjective, as are the opinions of those you reference. Personally I feel all the books you mention are good and I don't feel I'm living in hope for the NH release - my anticipation comes from my love of the army and my opinion that GW are handling the new books well.
  22. I feel they've handled this edition pretty well, when it comes to the actual game. Everything else though has been atrocious, for whatever reason (e.g., the plague), from communication, price increases, release times, etc. Been playing since release and the actual game, it's the best it's ever been. This is all subjective though, of course.
  23. After a quick Google, it does look like they dropped for Kruleboyz. Thinking more about it though, I do feel NH points were inflated too much as a reaction to their use in LoN. They were never readdressed really after that. Perhaps we'll see a fair readjustment of NH. On the whole though, models are more expensive.
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