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Everything posted by michu

  1. We don't know, but that would actually be good. I believe GHB18 will have both updated and new allegiance abilities.
  2. Shadespire warbands will be available to buy separately: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/05/20/20th-may-pre-order-preview-inspire-your-warband/
  3. Yeah, I think they should do several units and heroes that would show different aspects of Slaanesh. For example I had an idea of infantry with celtic carnyxes that deal sound damage (basically AoS Noise Marines) and Hero that represents gluttony and a unit of his "Game Hunters". He would get buffs for models slain (eaten) by him or his hunters. Possibilities are almost infinite.
  4. Well, I think that we could get new battalions for some armies in GH2018. Maybe they could make Grand Alliance battalions (e.g. one Order HERO, 1 Order Battleline, 0-X Non-Batleline Order units).
  5. @Sadysaneto But teeth arrangement is totally different.
  6. Not sure if true, but... heard that Gotrek in the "Realmslayer" audio drama will be voiced by BRIAN BLESSED:
  7. No, they said it will be more tactical. EDIT: ninja'd
  8. Well, old GW was doing that, but I think they'll be more cautiuos now. There would have to be a really good reason to squat something. And considering recent Necromunda releases you could say, "That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons, even Squats can be back" .
  9. Yes, Warhammer Legends is a way to bid farewell to the World-that-was and I can believe that some models (especially some really old ones that aged badly) will be phased out, but not whole armies.
  10. What exactly was scrapped now? All non-OOP Dark Elves units are still available as Darkling Covens, Scourge Privateers and Order Serpentis. Nothing has been scrapped and I don't believe anything will be in the near future.
  11. How can they be more transparent about that? It was obvious from the very beginning that Bretonnia and Tomb Kings will be phased out eventually, because they can't support OOP armies indefinitely. If your army is still produced then you're probably safe for a long time.
  12. @Sheriff I think you overreacts a bit. They didn't invalidate former Dark Elves units that are still produced. They can be used as both in basic AoS and Old World version now, so I don't think your Gitmob units are endangered.
  13. Actually I checked it right now and that clock is not on the Galvanic Managment sprue. Probably someone used that part for conversion.
  14. It's part of Sector Mechanicus kit. You can see that clock in recent White Dwarf in Realms of Battle article.
  15. New FAQ for GHB2017. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/09/03/an-faq-for-the-generals-handbook-2017gw-homepage-post-1/ Deadwalkers have allies now.
  16. Nice idea for skin. Very good way to diversify your army.
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