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Everything posted by michu

  1. Unfortunately, not the sentiment I'm seeing. People are already claiming that they will be using GHB for pickup games and even narrative events. Honestly, this looks to me like this: Community: "We don't like this part of the rules, we want to ignore it." GW: "Here, a way to do it more easily and officially." Community: "Now we want to use everything all the time!"
  2. A bit late, but RE: Savage Orcs topic - they are not 0-1 (that's for Black Orcs as a Core if you have Black Orc Boss), they are an upgrade to a regular Orc Mobz. You can replace the armour with Warpaint and Frenzy rules. They simply stopped existing as separate units, but they are still in the game.
  3. Shortly after the launch. Definitely not today.
  4. It's not metallic, those cats can have such spots
  5. In Khemri article GW said that they are focusing on Tomb Kings invading the Old World and not on their lands.
  6. What resin Rat Ogres, they were always in plastic! And "some activity" does not mean "whole armies were active on the surface". I'm reading the lore of the Second Civil War and it was so bad that GHR had to intervene personally. It lasted 400 years. The only activity was in Mordheim and those were small warbands of Eshin. Edit: From 4th ed army book
  7. It's not like they can't change this in the far future
  8. No, there are spell lores in Forces of the Fantasy and the Ravening Hordes. Journals will have additional lores.
  9. Battle Report is not the only content they release on W+ each week. And it happened... twice? Thrice?
  10. No, on units of 20 minis, the dimensions of the bases suggest 25mm
  11. Artillery Train of Nuln, GW? Pretty please?
  12. What is random in Settra's overgrown ambition? That man literally complained that the world is too big to conquer during his lifespan.
  13. High elf standard infantry 25s Dragons 60x100 All High Elf Cavalry 30x60s All High Elf ground Chariots 50 x 100 Skycutter Chariot 60 x 100 Griffon 50 Pheonixs 50x100 Great Eagle 50s Eagle-Claw Bolt Thrower 50s HE update
  14. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/04/bretonnian-knights-of-the-realm-on-foot-painted-by-warhammer-community/ Speaking of Bretonnia
  15. What was described sounds AoS-y. While it happened in the WFB world, it was a time when magic was more powerful. WFB is epic, but not in this style.
  16. That's not what WFB is about, let it have different feel to AoS
  17. There was one photo of them in a unit of 20, so maybe...?
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