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Posts posted by AthlorianStoners

  1. 13 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

    How about TK16? ;)

    To be honest, I think TK16 will have moved backwards by way of standing still. Several extra layers (e.g. allies, etc.) have subsequently been added to the meta that they would lack. Plus there is just a general ongoing power-creep that even effects some of the earlier true AoS factions, such as Ironjawz.

    IIRC, some stuff was under-costed, so I guess they would still be upper-mid-tier. However, I can't see them being anywhere near the sharp end, as they were before "Nerferata" put a curse on them.

    Hahaha honestly I wouldn’t have a problem with it. With both versions you can get a good idea of where they stand and what they do, and since they won’t receive new stuff I think it’s perfectly cool to pick whichever one you prefer to play with.

  2. 48 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

    Sure, they haven't invalidated anything now, but said they will - hence people are concerned their dudes are being demoted to narrative-only. 

    Right ok I see where you’re coming from. I made a post earlier about certain factions not being at risk, but I don’t think Gitmob would be at risk, there’d be a fair few armies getting relegated before them for them to be at risk. To clarify I’m referring to outrage on Facebook and other areas, TGA as always is a place where reasonable discussion abounds. 

    @Kyriakin ahhh ok i see your concern. From my perspective I’ve never seen a player running either armies so they didn’t immediately come to mind for me as a point of concern, but I’m a post GHB player.

    Not having played either faction, I’d always assumed players who run them do so out of a love for the modes and armies, not their competetive side. In my mind someone willing to play them now probably wouldn’t be put off by using older points nowadays anyway. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Infeston said:

    Now I fear that they will turn Gutbusters and eventually also Beastclaw Raiders into Legend factions, because they were not exclusively designed for AoS.

    I don’t think you should worry, BCR would be nowhere having this happening to them, for a bunch of reasons: 

    1) They’re in the fluff a lot. Nearly every Battletome has an instance of them fighting BCR and there’s art for around half of those fights. 

    2) They have a Battletome, which signifies a long term investment in GW’s end. Plus they’re largely newer sculpts.

    3) Theyre one of the poster boys for Destruction, and one of the most popular Destruction factions. 

    4) There’s many tiers of army to get cut before you get to BCR. Compendium, then Grand Alliance only factions (Lion Rangers, Ironweld Etc), then non Battletome factions (wanderers, Free people’s). 

    5) They’re really only some points adjustments away from being very powerful. 

    Theres no really not much chance of them getting cut, so I wouldn’t worry :) 


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  4. 4 hours ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

    The guy has a Khorne symbol on his face on the left, and a comet on the right side on his clothing. Assuming it's the same man, maybe it's showing the corruption of someone trapped for eternity?

    I think they’re just two different people maybe. Different nose, eyes and facial hair, plus different armour.

  5. 3 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    I have a feeling that many of the old ranges will be slowly retired in some fashion.  Either by releasing new battletomes that incorporate them or simply by whole new ranges that replace them.  I expect that we will at some point see the legacy stuff quietly retired by removal from the Generals Handbook over a few iterations.  But before that point it is not unlikely to get some sort of Legions of Nagash style book for much of it.

    I do think we will see old stuff pruned from the game at some point, but I don’t feel that they will do anything drastic in the fluff like the did with the swap from the old world to Age of Sigmar.  When stuff starts to go away I think it will happen with a whisper rather than a bang.

    Yeah I can see them eventually phasing out any faction that doesn’t have allegiance abilities. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Naflem said:

    Well, your just talking about DoK then?  I'm not sure we can make a blanket assumption that everyone elf is going to come with a god based on just one release, and technically their god is Khaine and Morathi is sort of secretly usurping him.  (sylvaneth aren't elves other that tree revnents have maybe the barest hint of elf memories, and as I understand from the lore Alarielle doesn't particularly care for elves anymore)

    While Sylvaneth aren’t specifically elves I wouldn’t say it’s unfair in linking them. Half their range were formerly part of an elf faction, their god has deep elvish ties and they can ally with elf factions. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Soulsmith said:

    I feel like I should point out that the black coach itself would not be night haunt. It may have a nighthaunt variant, but a black coach would be firmly soulblight.

    It’s currently a Nighthaunt unit I thought, right?

  8. 6 hours ago, DantePQ said:

    It's possible that Death is next and it could be DoK alike release with 3 new boxes. Makes much sense. 

    I think next after that should be Destruction and Moonclan is quite possible. 

    Don't know about Slaanesh I think Slaanesh could be moved to next year as GW like to keep releases with storyline and Slaanesh have to involve Tyrion, Teclis and Malerion and I doubt we are getting more Elves anytime in 2018. But what's strange that all HE alike factions didn't get anything in GH. 

    It's speculation only but for this year I think : Death, Moonclan,new SCE Vanguard alike release(about 3-4 boxes), then maybe Slaanesh followed by More Elves in 2019 that would be nice balance between Allaiances. Also I think Tyrion and Teclis will be one army (with maybe two different ways to build it) and Malerion will surely get his. But who knows. 

    GW can push DoK alike releases quite quickly. 

    Yeah a daughters of Khaine style release would be awesome. 

    - Multi Build Black coach with 2-3 different builds. Maybe a barebones, one with hero and one with troops. Hero can also be separately mounted. 

    - Dual build infantry kit. The phantom troop unit we’ ve seen in art. Scythe build and sword and board build. 

    - Large spirit hero. The spirit from the latest. MP story, with the padlock. Imagining s fusion between Knight of shrouds and a mourngul. Maybe a named option? 

    Thats three new kits, adding 6 new warscrolls, bringing the faction up to 11 units. Even more units would be welcome but I expect something like this. 

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  9. 9 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

    Rumors are for death this year Slaanesh really late or early next year. Speculation is two more elf armies light and dark ones mentioned in DoK. Moon clan also speculation with no rumors. Stormcast chamber also seems speculation though if GW insists on pushing them its a matter of when not if. Still no actual rumors of it this year. So don’t get everyone confused about what actual rumor is vs wish listing. I expect we’ll start hearing rumor chatter of next years AoS army releases once death is out this year.

    Guess we’ll see when the next faction drops. If there is another AoS book coming we should see teases for it as they start rolling out this new death faction based on the last 4 books.

    I’ll always err on the side of optimism and hope for as many books as possible :) 

  10. 33 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

    Even 40k doesn't get an army every month lol. That's crazy. I think they implied stuff like board games, card games, lore, and anything that counts as a release. Still that's a little lofty even for AoS. 

    I guess, we’ve had one every month so far. Idoneth in April and the new death book in May brings to 5 books in 5 months. Throw in a pair of non model release books like a Legion Of Waagh book and that’s majority of the year covered. 

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