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Everything posted by daedalus81

  1. What is that thing in the bottom right? Sort of looks like a reaver, but nurgly? Also it looks like we're going to be getting a ton of AoS releases amongst small 40K splashes until 40K gets its new edition. This is going to be a great start to the year.
  2. I don't think Judicators are getting replaced. I'd expect these guys to be long range with some sort of move penalty.
  3. Does this spell doom for demigryphs and humans in general?
  4. No - it implicitly didn't invalidate them, however.
  5. Not stormcast, but a very interesting silhouette. Well, I take that back. I does have a double tailed comet on the chest. The helmet might looked weird with some featurs obscured. I am very curious. Maybe its just a statue in this one?
  6. I don't think it needs to be a testing ground. It needs to be what Hero Quest was when I was a kid. Something really easy to get into that gives a taste for a variety of things and draws more people into the hobby.
  7. Oh boy. Where to start. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Warhammer-Quest-Mighty-Heroes https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Warhammer-Quest-Arcane-Heroes
  8. We don't know all the contents yet. The important thing is continuing to expand WHQ.
  9. A box that gives us blightkings on the cheap can't be bad.
  10. Silver Tower isn't order versus chaos. It's heroes in a Silver Tower.
  11. GW's teaser videos sure have come a long way.
  12. I'd expect a dual Slaanesh release to coincide with 40K with Ynnead showing up. Hard to say when they'd fit it in though.
  13. I don't see any of your concern in these models.
  14. Kurnoth are 50% more durable *without* rerollable saves. Ranged Kurnoth does 2 * .5 * .666 * .666 * 2 = 0.89 Skyfire does 1 * .333 * .666 * .666 * 2 = 0.30 (regular) plus 1 * .333 * 2 = 0.67 for a total of 0.97 (assuming shaman is near). Melee Kurnoth does 3 * .5 * .5 * .5 * 1 = 0.38 plus 1.5 mortal for 1.88 total. Skyfire does 2 * .55 * .55 * .5 * 1 = 0.30 plus 1 * .75 * .55 * .5 * 1 = 0.21 plus 2 * .75 * .888 * .666 * 2 = 1.77 for 2.28 total Skyfires are definitely not better than Kurnoth. Edit: added rerolls for skyfires. Skyfires do 18% more damage, but are 66% as durable before Kurnoth rerolls. That they fly makes up for this.
  15. On top of a really cheap book. Those things will sell faaaast.
  16. Get your order button ready...free magic cards with tome... Dice are not while stocks last?
  17. That would make it cumbersome to have to measure every model to see if they are on the cusp or not.
  18. They probably nabbed it to keep someone else from taking it.
  19. I am immediately transported back to my childhood. I used to run LoC and those monopose beastmen. I scrimped and saved for ages to afford that tiny $50 LoC back then and it was the most incredible thing I had ever seen. Now I get to run beastmen again and a LoC that makes me giddy all over again...for more than $50, but oh so worth it! I love this hobby so much I often ponder what I would do in an alternate reality where it doesn't exist.
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