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Everything posted by daedalus81

  1. Those new crossbow units are some crazy glass cannons. The short range one are pure gold for sitting behind friendlies and defending an objective. If there is some rule to move them 'without moving' you'll get a lovely 27 shots from 3 models.
  2. No more default battleline for Judicators. No point drops that I can detect. Scratch that - Vexillor down 60. Azyros down 20.
  3. 10 would be insane considering they're "monstrous infantry". It makes me question the rumor a little since I can't see 10 of them being in play at once unless this is some serious hack and slash.
  4. They're already in the WD. They should be up this weekend. Then I assume the 3rd 40K book and then whatever AoS release after that (Duardin! )
  5. Are you being silly or trying to give me a heart attack?
  6. Yea with full units in the box this will be cut up rather quickly.
  7. Ahh, Zargon returns! It is quite nice that they're giving us full units, if true. The parts I care most about are the rules and expand-ability.
  8. What if it was 'if either army has no models on the table at the end of turn 2'?
  9. It is similar-ish to AdMech. Hard to say for sure.
  10. I haven't seen anything, but speculation on that point. There currently is no replacement for the actual GUO model. There will not Replace BT and LoC to the standards they are currently and leave the GUO as is and just say 'well this one is good enough'. Either they re-release Glott as a duo kit (unlikely) or they make a new GUO.
  11. Actually this makes sense to me. It feels too small to even fit a dwarf. Some sort of fuel hatch clicks.
  12. Judging by the sprue nubs still attached it is a reasonable small door...
  13. Four units of libs is a LOT more than people would usually take. And considering your other units benefiting from this ability have to fit into the mold of the other battalions it could be quite restrictive in options. That is 1300 points minimum before you get to other battalions - not including the cost of the battalions themselves.
  14. Not necessarily a bad thing. They get a wave of sales when early adopters get in on their excitement and another when the bargain hunters pickup the bundles. There's no way I'm waiting for DoT models to bundle. I need them right meow.
  15. Technically 40K terrain, but some cool stuff.
  16. Interesting. Let's keep a sharp eye on the price.
  17. There has never been a rule that you can't use rules based on the color of your miniatures. Other players might find you to be a beardy opportunist, but that's about it.
  18. I didn't say that either. I'll give you a hint. Adding options that bring fast units (cavalry, fast infantry) and a ranged threat (ranged unit) that forces opponents to move gets SC off the teleporting rock.
  19. Nope, because that isn't what I said. You quoted me incorrectly.
  20. The guy with the 'cannon' is a judicator. Stormcast are a very slow army. Judicators are very soft ranged. Prosecutors are costly and short ranged. Adding options that bring fast units and a ranged threat that forces opponents to move gets SC off the teleporting rock.
  21. Sooo 3 units? How many do Skaven have? Ironweld? Does this unit serve more like a jezzails/cannon - a high rend static shooting with long range?
  22. We know Duardin are coming. Patience is a virtue.
  23. Ah ha - it threw me when you said Rob. Looks like I have more stuff to watch!
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