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Everything posted by Fellman

  1. What's coming on the preorder tonight Dawnbringer?
  2. lost a tight fun game vs fyrleyeers with my rotmire creed We were given revenge, to kill each other. My knife and hammer came in first with the shield round two at the back of the long side. My warriors tried to use their higher speed to attack but the dwarves have the same reach on the weapons so couldn't use my spears. On the flanks, my warriors began (one Carrion Catchers and 2 Mirefolk Outcast on each flank) to damage but not enough, the dwarves wore me down and when my shield came in with my Witherlord Bloated One and his 2 Mirefolk Outcasts, I had already lost too much. Managed to kill 3-4 warriors including his Drothblood Thane who rushed at my leaders but failed to do damage. In round 4 I reterated with my Witherlord and two warriors. The highlights was: Witherlord killing his Drothblood Thane Kyndledroth finiching of two Mirefolk Outcasts on one Kyndlebreath abilitie
  3. Same list vis sylvaneth his list warsong revenent doing the tree nuke spirit of durthur kiling my shisp in one go trelord ainchent 2 trelords 2+ dryad units 5 tree revennts geomantic puls turn 1 took one corner andd screend the nuke and durthur lost on unit of arkanots kild one unit of dryads turn 2 he start nuking my ship and kills my navigater gunholer and one frigat. i shott a trelord to bits and hurt one turn 3 he trys to kills my second frigat but i survivs whit one woond my admiral dys to the nuke My thunderers ar stranded and kan do nuthing for the rest of the batle my seckond frigat kills the revenents turn 4 he kills my last ship and whit that my grand stratetgy i retrret whit my balooons but cant do batel tactic turn 5 dubbel turn i kill som dryads whit my baloons and tack a batel tactick He gets 5 points and its over loss bur a gret thigt game hard to play vs teleporting trees
  4. 2 game game one loss vs deapstrik stormcast with celestial prime 2x3 hammer annialetors 3 sheild annialetors lord imperant tried to screens his deapstrik whit arcanots and pick of his units but from turn 2 and forward they killed one of my boats every turn lost on points a tight fun game game 2 loss vs gild of sumouners lost admiral first turn to gatway+spellportal gravetid did som damge trid to pick of cultist and pinn him in but his hero face damge was to mutch. kiled 2 lords of chenge witch wos fun but lost the game two grat fun games vs to fun players
  5. They still have grateweapons in the unit
  6. Loss vs Stormcasts We both bubble wrap and he gawe me first turn moved the screens up and shot a litle he faild his spels and batel tactick and i felt good. turn two i move upp and blast a chariot and take the Puls He casts the comet and kills my adirel and ether cemist kills It went downhill from ther... tryd to play the objektivs but cant kill his drakolines and is puched awey. Fun game tho
  7. ther arme so far lots to do but it better be done
  8. Do you lose the option for battle tactics when you choose to double turn or all double turns? So when you force your opponent to take a disadvantage dubbel turn he/she will lose out on the option for battle tactics to
  9. First match with Kharadrons vs Kruleboys. Built a wall of Arcanaouts. but the krulboys used "Supersneaky" to move forward and CHarge with 30 Gutripas and a hero on vulture. The ship survived with one woond and teleported over to kill the crossbow and orcs. witch failde and they sank the boat but my Thunderers and Admiral repel the Orcs and on the left flank my other frigate charga his crosbows and heroes. Vin to the kharadrons
  10. 2000p to do until the 20of april the goal is battel redy and ewery thing abow that is a bonus
  11. This has to be done to a tournament 20e of april Wish me luck fellow sailors
  12. i was thinking of trying something like this - Army Faction: Kharadron Overlords - Subfaction: Barak-Urbaz - Stick To The Code (Amendments): Trust To Your Guns - Stick To The Code (Artycles): Honour is Everything - Stick To The Code (Footnotes): There’s No Reward Without Risk, Without Our Ships, We Are Naught LEADERS Aether-Khemist (110) Aetheric Navigator (110) Arkanaut Admiral (150) - General - Command Traits: A Scholar and an Arkanaut - Artefacts of Power: Celestium Burst-grenade BATTLELINE Arkanaut Company (90) Arkanaut Company (90) Grundstok Gunhauler (180) BEHEMOTH Arkanaut Frigate (310) Arkanaut Frigate (310) OTHER Endrinriggers (260) Grundstok Thunderers (340) TOTAL POINTS: 1950/2000
  13. Test model and arme list - Army Faction: Kharadron LEADERS Arkanaut Admiral (150) - General - Command Traits: Ex-Grundstok Aetheric Navigator (110) Aether-Khemist (110) BATTLELINE Arkanaut Company (90) Arkanaut Company (90) Grundstok Thunderers (340) Grundstok Gunhauler (180) BEHEMOTH Arkanaut Frigate (310) Arkanaut Frigate (310) OTHER Endrinriggers (260) TOTAL POINTS: 1950/2000
  14. or if he dyes at the hands of khul Whitfang hinted vandus was in truble
  15. So what kind of tees do we expect something animated a shadow silhouette of a skaven wath do you al think?
  16. Separate releases Nead 3 boxes to bild crypt horrors
  17. For tonight Im hoping for warcray whit the gorgers and citys warband preorder
  18. this alone makes me want get my old nighthaunt army back up so i say fairly significant changes
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