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Everything posted by Siorra

  1. Everyone crying the sky is falling because we've seen 3 non-official points drops. Just calmly wait, we may see more yet. (Please don't prove me wrong, GW...) EDIT: I have been proven wrong. Oh well, STARDRAKE!
  2. For people looking for answers to questions instead of just "memes", the event pack is up and can be found here.
  3. If you somehow find you've made a list with exactly 120 points spare I don't see the shark being a bad choice, if only to get up front and soak some shooting. They have their use for sure.
  4. Not just you, the images are too small. Also being from White Dwarf means these won't be usable beyond narrative or casual games so I wouldn't worry too much about it!
  5. Sorry if the image doesn't work, I'm trying to do this via mobile, but to answer that question, yes it is legal. You move 1" over, 1" back, as long as you end in the exact same space as before you're playing within the rules. If your opponent is ok with you saving time, you can just say you did it each time. The rule is there, after all.
  6. Guys I have a little question about the Storm-winged mount trait. Just to make sure I'm playing this right, the wording seems to be on a 2+ on any type of move where you pass over a unit you do D3 mortals to 1 unit. Does this trigger on move, charge and pile-in? A pile-in is a type of move, and with a flying model there's nothing stopping you from dipping 1" over then 1" back and landing in the exact same space to trigger the D3 MWs. Playing it like this, I'm regularly charging in slightly over range then "backing up", doing D3 mortals, then doing D3 mortals every combat activation by "shimmying". If this is correct, why would anyone take a different mount trait? It makes the Stardrake way more killy than people let on.
  7. That's enough! You just need to be sat on Arcane, within 18" of a Stardrake and outside of the enemy unbinding range. Easy.
  8. Whenever I run lists past my group and question dropping the comet for other things they usually respond with "Why? We hate it." Mortal wound output aside (which is great) it just messes with their deployment and movement so much.
  9. A lot of people here will argue not to go Hammers of Sigmar unless you're using a named character that requires it, however nothing feels better than bringing back a large unit of Sequitors when they die. For a casual game when it goes off it's hilarious and game changing, and an easy stormhost to learn with. Mount trait: Wind Runner is my go-to. The extra dice could be the difference in stealing an objective. 3rd leader: They're both great choices which you can't go wrong with. If you pick the Relictor, give him Translocation. Would this list require 2 battleline at 1500 points? Depends on what you've agreed to play of course. Evocators spells: Yes they most certainly can and that's my usual choice. Castigators: The more you can replace with anything else the better. Hope this helps.
  10. Just an FYI about the Sylvaneth tome, I spoke to a few people at Warhammer fest about it. Unless something has changed since then, it's been delayed because the US's entire stock was held up in customs. They couldn't do a worldwide release until the American stock has been OK'd, so until that happens we all need to wait. Again, as a disclaimer, this may be old news that has changed.
  11. That was all provided last year, so I would assume the same here.
  12. As this is a "Rumour Thread" I think a bit of insider info wouldn't go a miss. I know a salesperson who visited the Games Workshop mould shop within the last few months. I know, within a level on certainty, that GW are investing in adding about 50% of the amount of mould machines they're using towards the end of this year / start of next year, which required expanding their entire workshop. These things take time, but it's coming close to completion. If I were a smart man, looking at the timing and supposed "new releases" I keep hearing in here, it's worth a fair guess that they're getting ready to churn out heavy amounts of models, both old and new. Games Workshop have increased in value significantly the last few years due to their new approach on marketing, new 40k edition and AoS - moreso than they anticipated. They've been playing catchup ever since, but it looks like they're close to being able to keep up. There's a lot of lines that need moulding, and more machines will help significantly, I imagine. Take all of this with a grain of salt, but it says a lot about the stock issues and delay on new AoS release.
  13. You know I would totally not be angry if they introduced every new army with a Shadespire unit as a taste of what's to come. I mean, we've had some pretty wicked looking skellybones, so hopefully some shadespire Aelves??
  14. With all of this plus Shadespire, it feels like they might be pushing for Death and Nagash to be the big-bad and centre stage for a while. This will be a nice divulgence from previous Chaos themes and will hopefully please a lot of players. Just, you know, sooner rather than later please!
  15. Tickets purchased! Quick question, when you say 1500 Vanguard force, does that mean we'll only need 2 battleline? Or is it standard 3 battleline rules for 1500?
  16. All I see is a fat T-Rex holding his belly while he serenades the tail of a Brontosaurus. So, Seraphon confirmed?
  17. Good, these are the types of people I don't want to be playing AoS with. Let them spread their toxicity elsewhere. Back to rumours. So pretty much all speculation I read for future armies is from this forum, but how many of these are actually looking realistic? Nurgle, new (pirate?) Aelves and Deathrattle are the ones I'm commonly hearing, but which of these do we actually see happening next year? Because let's be honest beyond Shadespire I don't think we're going to see a new army this side of Christmas. Though, following in the footsteps of the amazing overlooked Fyreslayers Start Collecting box we got, can we maybe expect some great start collecting boxes for Christmas? Other than KO, which "fully fleshed out" armies don't have one? Or maybe some of those £100 "Battleforce" boxes that we saw last year. Though limited those were incredible value for money.
  18. I'm going to need a bit of clarification on what counts as "fully painted" here. My personal aim has been to get every model "base coated" - so appropriate colours on all sections of the models. However I highly doubt I'll have them shaded, highlighted, or anything beyond the use of citadel base paints. As for bases, I use the Shattered Dominion bases which will be base coated and highlighted. Is this sufficient? Because by definition these aren't "fully painted" but they are appropriately coloured. If this isn't enough, I'll have probably about 400 points usable and will likely have a terrible time... So hopefully not!
  19. It's me and 3 others, 2 of which live locally so I should be fine. Looking forward to it!
  20. Hey Chris, thanks for setting this up. Gonna be my first tournament so I'm super excited! Can we just confirm that this is going to be a 2,000 point tournament? I'm building and painting like crazy to meet the deadline but I want to make sure I'm working on the right units. Thanks!
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