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Everything posted by silverstu

  1. Could be as others have said an upgrade sprue for the Mega Gargant kit. On the "no more AoS releases after Skaven/Sylvaneth" thing- the way the releases have been going everything [including 40k] is really strung out [40k has had only one proper army release this year I think]. So one of the Slyvaneth or Skaven books could come out end of September -then its just 2 months and then Christmas release window. They could easily be putting out cursed city supplements, WarCry 2 and underworlds in those months plus the battle boxes in December. Still a reasonably full schedule, plus they will have released 6 battle tomes this year by then [I think]- Fyreslayers, Deepkin, DoK, Nighthaunt, Skaven and Sylvaneth. Model light, yes but they are clearly having problems with supply/production and think WarCry 2 and the Cursed City expansions could be good for adding to the overall range as well.
  2. Well that was surprising- didn't expect another battle box [which seems pretty packed?] and a new kit is great but the absence of battle tomes is very strange. I did read elsewhere someone saying that GW are more badly hit by covid etc than people realise, might explain it. The 40k releases seem really screwed up as well, even if they are more numerous. Plus side- our worries about dwarf soup have yet to materialise. I do really like that eldar corsair.. But I'd really love some new dwarfs/squats.. hopefully this year..
  3. Oh yeah me too! Totally be up for that as I've loved the Kurnothi that have been released and I've done a few centaur conversions- they look so cool. They are a force I'd collect other than dwarfs I think [although VC are very tempting]. Judging from Whitefang's likes I think this is a Corsair - which looks like a radical and interesting development for 40k. Might be possible conversion material for Kurnothi in the future too- you never know! GW have shown a proper pic of the new Avatar- looks amazing in proper photos..
  4. Yeah I think its a shame for GW and a bit of a ****** move revealing this the day before GW are to reveal it. Looking forward to seeing proper non-potato cam pics. Not sure one it - I love the axe and I think I like the bare head but there's something with the new eldar designs that isn't for me . Corsairs look like they could interesting though.
  5. I think it might be an eldar corsair? Possibly a wanderer model? Looks like a feather in their hair - maybe a riff on the old wood elf falconer model possibly to go with the sylvaneth? The corsair idea is because they are supposed to be more flamboyant than other eldar. [probably more of a long shot]
  6. What is this? A soup tome then with a single Grombindal model as the release? A little grim.. although I'd love a new Grombindal model like Gotrek I'd hope he'd be bringing a few reinforcements, not holding my breath !
  7. Only if its accompanied by a nice large order of fresh new dwarf minis...
  8. Close! Squats! The next best thing! Kitbashing ahead!! [although I'd love some new KO]
  9. Hoping to see a cool Cursed City expansion, a faction beyond FS and Deepkin getting an update [probably Nighthaunt]. Would love to see new dwarfs/KO. Wild card - hints of Squats coming later in the year ...😇
  10. I think thats the carrion bird sitting on the Chaos knight shoulder piece from the sneak peek preview video. Todays one looks to be like the mechanical lashing tentacles chaos war machines have so another knight thing?
  11. Yeah I think they might save a few things for a reveal at LVO at the end of Jan [I may mistaken about that event!]. There is quite a backlog of stuff for them to get through in January already! But I hope they give us a teaser taster at New Year of what might be coming in 2022.
  12. Its kind of what 40k had last year - I remember 40k boards looking at AoS very enviously as we had Cursed City coming out and some brilliant other releases via Underworlds and new Battle Tomes while 40k mostly had just Space Marine and Necron releases.The new Killteam box then was Necrons vs Spacemarines and looked terrible. Its maybe exacerbated by the shipping/supply issues due to the pandemic and Brexit but it will swing back round in a few months. Cursed City's return could bring some interesting models, Warcry might get some new things as well as Underworlds in the meantime. Disappointing yes, but I don't think it means GW doesn't value AoS, the emphasis has just shifted to 40k for the next few months, it will shift back I wouldn't worry too much. Hopefully we will get a few surprises/previews/reveals to keep us going in the meantime.
  13. Yes I'm expecting more eldar to be revealed - maybe a s part of the next Kill Team set and I suppose they might announce the preview later in the week [they have before?]. I'm guessing we'll get another Underworlds Warband, maybe something for Warcry and hopefully a set of hints at what's coming for both main systems .
  14. Just checking -have they actually mentioned a New Years preview? Or are we just assuming they are doing one?
  15. Super happy Cursed City is coming back and with expansions! I'm fairly sure I remember the Cursed City Map having areas named which suggested Ghouls and Spirits in each of them. Hopefully we wills more in the holiday reveals.
  16. Man I love that artwork! I really hope GW release dwarfs that reflect it! Although the current Iron breakers and Hammerers are pretty close the previous warriors didn't quite get there.
  17. Yeah that sounds like Kurnothi are a good way off, probably a longer term development idea. I like the idea of a faun/centaur army, possibly with other elves, not wild about humans but it depends on how they are done I guess. This probably means Sylvaneth will get expanded on their own then which should be interesting as there is a lot of room for ideas to be explored. Still hoping we get a few AoS hints or at least news at the festive Preview ..[although the Eldar rumours have reignited my interest in my old army].
  18. Its probably a hint that Eldar are soon but I'd guess its simply the theme of the advent engine, the previous ones have been themed around chaos engines, mechanicus etc..so I'd expect other things beyond eldar, but perhaps a good chunk of eldar stuff. There is a rumour monger who claims to be posting rumours about an upcoming eldar release in a similar manner to the rumour engine, which is beginning to feel a little more than coincidence... No idea what to expect/hope for in terms of AoS but still hoping for some Squat stuff.
  19. Looks like an eldar topknot at first glance. Could be the Idoneth character model's hair [although its a little plain for that]. Maybe Kurnothi? [As in actual pony tail?]
  20. Where have you been? Did you get lost in Nurgles Garden? Good to see you back. EXCITEMENT ENGAGED! I'd love some Grungni Dwarf hints but I reckon they are still a away off. Interested to see what is coming, Kurnothi could be interesting if they appear. For 40k really, really crossing my fingers for some Squat rumours.
  21. I was a bit disappointed but they are probably saving the AoS/ 40k reveals for the preview over the holidays. Plus tomorrow has another Rumour engine and then is allowed by the advent rumour engines so hopefully lots of hints as to what might be coming next year!
  22. I took Whitefangs reaction to say it was a mix of guesswork and correct information, notably it contains his rumour of the Fyreslayer vs Deepkin box. I do expect Chaos Dwarfs to come, how soon is anyones guess. Not sure about the Silent People appearing this edition.
  23. I'm kind of glad those rumours are off - didn't feel right to me- more like guessing around a few established rumours. Still hoping for new dwarfs of the non chaos type next year. Although If Squats arrive next year I'll probably be plenty happy [KO kit bashing!] Hopefully will start to get some hints in the advent rumour engines soon! [and a few reveals over Christmas/new year].
  24. I did think it was Eldar but good catch -looks like a Deepkin character.
  25. Just catching up with this, interesting rumours ! I'm wondering how much will be old kits and how much new- I guess some kits hold up better than others. The other thing that popped into my head was- will they bring back/use the Regiments of Renown [I'm thinking form my point of view Bugmans Dwarf Rangers for example]. Really excited about what they can do with the new plastic tech and sculpting applied to the classic armies. Nice High Elves ! I still have a third edition HE force- Jes Goodwin sculpted silver helms, the plastic spearmen and archers, 3 bolt throwers and 2 tiranoc chariots.. haven't touched them in ages, might need to send the to a new home sometime..
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