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Baron Wastelands

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Posts posted by Baron Wastelands

  1. On 9/11/2019 at 6:25 AM, Greasygeek said:

    Hi all

    So does anyone ever use the Spine crushing blow ability? Every time I consider using it, it just makes more sense to pick the Onslaught universial ability instead. However this does make the Prefector and the Dominator a bit boring. What do you people do?

    You only ever want to use it against toughness 6 or higher, so not much use so far - might be useful vs monsters though! Even against toughness 5, onslaught wins out, as the average number of hits are the same, but you get an extra chance at rolling a crit.

  2. I may be seeing what I want to see, but isn’t the picture on the warhammer community site linking to the battleplan article a picture combining Gutbusters with beast claw raiders? Painted to match, amidst the newer terrain.

    Hard to believe that’s just been done for the community site picture? I’d bet that’s from a new battletome.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, DavionStar said:

    @Baron Wastelands @Beliman Thanks for the insight. I guess I just really wanted to try out the Gunhauler cause of the kitbash idea I'm going to do. So I might give it a shot anyway just to see how it works. I already have the parts so I may as well. Worst that happens is I lose but still have a cool model for my shelves. *shrugs*

    Other ideas I have are, take the Ziflin list, replace the Frigate with 6 Skywardens. I know the Riggers are better, but they're too expensive in this case.

    If you have a kitbash idea, go for it 😁 Would love to see pictures.

    Don’t take a Zilfin list without ships. There is no point. If you want to go without boats, take a different skyport.

  4. 2 hours ago, DavionStar said:

    Ok, I've come up with a few lists for judgement. Every list has Khemist as General with the Earbuster and Rising Star. My additional Footnote is always "There's No Trading With Some People". I looked at the other options for these and felt like they were pretty much always the best with my list ideas. Feel free to critique as much as you want.

    Strike from the Skies

      Reveal hidden contents

    1000 pts

    Barak-Ziflin + There's No Trading With Some People

    Aether-Khemist: General, Aethershock Earbuster, Rising Star

    Arkanaut Frigate: Heavy Sky Cannon

    10x Arkanaut Company: 3x Light Skyhooks, Volley Pistol
    10x Arkanaut Company: 3x Light Skyhooks, Volley Pistol

    6x Endrinriggers: Aethermatic Saw
    10x Grundstok Thunderers: Rifles

    This is the build I played with. Though I've built the list in Battlescribe with all the extra bits like the extra footnote, and the Khemist's artifact and trait. Next time I run this list I'll do as suggested and load up a Company, Khemist and Riggers in the boat to claim an objective, and possibly have the rifles and other Company move on another, depending on game mode.

    Bang Bang

      Reveal hidden contents

    980 pts

    Barak-Mhornar + There's No Trading With Some People

    Aether-Khemist: General, Aethershock Earbuster, Rising Star

    Grundstok Gunhauler: Sky Cannon

    10x Arkanaut Company: 3x Light Skyhooks, Volley Pistol
    10x Arkanaut Company: 3x Light Skyhooks, Volley Pistol

    6x Endrinriggers: Aethermatic Saw
    10x Grundstok Thunderers: Rifles

    1 Extra Command Point

    It's pretty much the same list but without a transport. I was actually having a lot of trouble trying to figure out what to do with points in some of these builds. Had enough to buy an extra CP, but no extra bodies. This I'd probably play similar (but less dumb) to my game on Sunday.

    Fyre in the Sky

      Reveal hidden contents

    990 pts

    Barak-Thryng + There's No Trading With Some People

    Aether-Khemist: General, Aethershock Earbuster, Rising Star
    Aetheric Navigator

    Grundstok Gunhauler: Sky Cannon

    10x Arkanaut Company: 3x Light Skyhooks, Volley Pistol
    10x Arkanaut Company: 3x Light Skyhooks, Volley Pistol

    6x Endrinriggers: Aethermatic Saw
    Vulkite Berzerkers: War-Picks and Slingshields

    I wanted to see what I could do with some Fyreslayer allies. Brought the Berzerkers cause at this small a list I can't bring a hero and a unit. Navigator is in cause I had exactly 90 points left and it felt like a better choice than just 3 Sky Wardens. Pretty much the idea is that the Navi lets the Gunhauler zip around to go where it's needed. Get it out of fights or into them as needed. Vulkites supply a beefy wall.

    Choose Axes, not Boats

      Reveal hidden contents

    1000 pts

    Barak-Nar + There's No Trading With Some People

    Aether-Khemist: General, Aethershock Earbuster, Rising Star

    10x Arkanaut Company: 3x Light Skyhooks, Volley Pistol
    10x Arkanaut Company: 3x Light Skyhooks, Volley Pistol

    6x Endrinriggers: Aethermatic Saw
    10x Grundstok Thunderers: Rifles
    The Chosen Axes

    Pretty much threw this together when I had 200 points to play with and realized The Chosen Axes fill that in perfectly. No specific plan with this one. Just an idea.


    I still like your first list best :)

    The problem with a gunhauler, even though it got cheaper, is that it’s still just not that great on its own. It just won’t do much damage, and in your lists it doesn’t really have any other function. A wing is a more viable option, but not at 1k, and supporting an ironclad is also potentially an option, but again not really at 1k. 

    I can’t speak for fyreslayers allies, as I don’t use them, but they do have some strengths we don’t; but I would say the chosen axes are too many points, especially at 1k. You need more bodies than that, especially if you’re going without boats. I’d prefer another 10 thunderers in that list. Similarly, I think you’d get more out of 5 thunderers than a navigator, in your vulkite list - mainly because your gunhauler isn’t going to be the linchpin you want it to be, I don’t think. Nice model though 😊 Let us know how you get on, whichever list you run next!

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/19/2019 at 4:23 AM, simakover said:

    Hello, that 1000pts list im can build for squig based theme? that would works better?

    im now have:

    2 box of bounders

    1 box of squig herd

    1 mangler squig

    1 loonboss

    1 fungoid shaman

    1 loonboss on cave squig

    1 zarbag band

    1 mollog band

    I have a similar collection, and am also building a 1k list. I am thinking of :

    Loonboss on mangler squig, Loonboss on cave squig, fungoid shaman

    12 squig herd, 10 hoppers, 10 bounders (maybe 5 and 5).

    Comes in at 1k exactly. Mollog doesn’t really fit here, but I am in two minds about whether Zarbag’s gits is a bargain for a cheap unit (3 units!) with a wizard and a bit of utility, or just a waste of points.

  6. 13 hours ago, DavionStar said:


    - Probably going to drop the frigate from my list, at least for now. 

    - Pick a better Skyport for my playstyle. Ziflin didn't do anything for me. Sure, it was vs Ironjaws and they had no flyers, but still. I also didn't use my boat nearly as well as I could have. Also actually keep all those abilities handy.

    - See if I can include any Skywardens in. I'd still love to see those try to work, if only for the anti-charge damage.

    I think your set up didn’t help you get the most out of Zilfin and the frigate, so if you want to use them against some point, I would make the following suggestions:

    The frigate is a transport, and best used to get stuff somewhere fast. The best thing about Zilfin is that it allows you to deepstrike a ship anywhere. Personally, given your list, I would put the khemist, thunderers, and the Riggers on the boat, deepstrike it buffing the riggers and sending them into combat, letting the thunderers give ranged support and drop your khemist back to buff them next turn. Having a frigate as a mobile wall at that point is useful, and all you can expect it to do after it’s delivered its payload. In a thousand points, this kind of strike can deal with your opponents biggest threat, leaving you to play from a position of strength. Volleyguns camp an objective, pike ‘Nauts go forward for one. If you need to split your forces slightly more evenly, then put the pikes in the boat instead of the thunderers, and let the thunderers and volleyguns form a slow moving gunline while your frigate drops melee troops.

    Lastly, as a slightly separate point, I think riggers outperform wardens, generally. Persevere with them a bit, if they get a charge off when khemist buffed, they do a fair amount of damage.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    Does anyone have experience magnetizing the arms on Frostlords/huskarls? I've got the rest of the monster done, but I have no idea how to approach the actual ogre.

    Because you still get two riders in the kit, I just built 2 and swap them as needed; you get the different options too. They even sit on ok, but much easier to magnetise the butt to the saddle.

  8. 2 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

    How do you guys keep your flying stand stable while gluing? I can't seem to get mine to stay still. The frigate slowly falls over each time. I've tried making a frame but that doesn't help.

    Don’t stand them up when they’re gluing.  I literally hold them upside down for 10 mins, then try and stand them upside down (by propping it up with several things, and protecting the top) and leave it overnight. The stand is not heavy, so a lot less likely to droop than the ship.

    • Like 1
  9. On 8/6/2019 at 8:13 PM, Hyperrion said:


    So, I'm going to try to get into AoS soon and I really like the beastclaw raiders. I would like to go and play some tournaments, and since I know that in my area they are played mainly on 1000pts, I would really like if you would give me some C&C on this list.

    Frostlord on Stonehorn

    2x Mournfang cavalry

    Thundertusk beastriders

    2x Frost sabers

    2x Frost sabers

    Tactic is to basically charge with the frostlord and Mournfangs as soon as possible, while Thundertusk providing some range attacks. Frost sabres to hold objectives.
    I was thinking about swapping the Thundertusk for another stonehorn, but I think that it is better to have some range dedicated unit.
    So, what do you guys think? I'm obviously a noob, so any help is really apprecieted.

    PS. Sorry for my english. Really.

    Whilst I agree that buy nothing is the optimal stance for competitive play until we have seen the new book, that doesn’t help you if you’re new to AoS and want to play beastclaw! Honestly, I don’t think you can go wrong buying a couple of start collecting boxes, the models in those are unlikely to go anywhere. 

    If you can magnetise the large beasts, that will give you more options in the future, but if not build a frostlord on stonehorn! Everyone wants one. 

    Then you can run:

    Frostlord on stonehorn

    4x mournfang

    4x mournfang

    for 980 points, until the new book comes out :) 

    You can replace 4x mournfang with stonehorn riders for 1k exactly, if you want to go that route. Getting a thundertusk in requires more revision, however. Personally, I like the combination of frostlord on stonehorn with some thundertusk too, but I wouldn’t advise investing in yhetees to get it done for the points, for the same reasons that @PlasticCraic suggests you don’t invest in frost sabres. Their future is uncertain. 


    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

    I pulled the trigger today at the store and bought a box of arkanauts . What's a good direction to build in for 1000 points? Maybe start with 500 points.

    There are several ways to go, but you want a khemist currently for any of them :) 

    After that, it depends what you like - you can go with large blobs  of arkanauts, or multiple thunderer units, or endrinrigger mobs with ships to drop them. Brokk is also valued by many as a way to add some muscle to a list, though I haven’t any experience with him personally.

  11. 2 hours ago, C-sizzler said:

    Hi there,

    First time KO player here. They've always appealed to me so I picked up an army on eBay that consists of the following.

    1x Admiral

    2x Khemists

    10x arkanaughts (spears)

    10x arkanaughts (hooks)

    3x Endrinriggers

    1x frigate


    The intention is to play this for Meeting Engagements at 1,000 points and was hoping you guys might have some tips for a first timer.

    After a bit of reading, I'm drawn to Zilfin which seems to help me make the most of the frigate and gives me some much needed maneuverability.

    My concern with the list is that it doesn't seem to have much damage in it? Having to run the arkanauts in 10 worries me as they look very fragile.

    I'm happy to change up the special weapons and am not too bothered about running with what they have equipped.

    I don't really want to add to the army until I'm confident I like playing KO and know what I want, so please don't suggest additional units to add, rather just get the best out of what I've got, even if it's not tournament level! 

    Thanks a lot!

    Your total Army is 960 points, so there’s not much advice to give you besides take the lot!

    I think for meeting engagement, I’d split it as follows:

    Spearhead: endrinriggers, khemist (normally i’d send endrinriggers with your ship, but in meeting engagements, given what you’ve got, these will make a decent (buffed with khemist) if fragile (so pick your targets) spearhead).

    Main body: frigate, admiral, khemist, arkanauts with skypikes (buff the pikes, use the ship to get them where you want them and  get stuck in with the admiral in support)

    rearguard: arkanauts with skyhooks ( late game shooting/ mopping up - and grab an objective if it fits)




  12. That’s a beautiful tyrant. I really like how it fits with the existing aesthetic, but looks tough enough to compete. And in the trailer ... Mawtribes? Feast of Bones? Sounds like Gutbusters are properly on their way! Getting hungry ...

  13. 41 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    My GHB 19 Pitched Battles Profile has a misprint?

    It has the points for Stormvermin at 140/500.

    That can’t be right.  140 for 10 / 500 for 40,  

    That is right. You’re getting a 60 pt discount for taking a max sized unit of 40 (since 4x140=560pts)

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  14. If you want to expand BCR, I think the best thing you can get is another SC, though it will allow you to above 1000k. 

    For 1k:

    huskard on thundertusk, 4 mournfang, stonehorn beastriders


    huskard on thundertusk, 2x 4 mournfang.

    For 1.5k:

    frostlord on stonehorn, huskard on thundertusk, 2x 4 mournfang, with 80 points spare for something like 4x frost sabres.

    If on the other hand you want to do 1000pts with what you already have, try (Destruction allegiance):

    frostlord on stonehorn, 40 stabbas, 20 shootas, 3 felwater Troggoth.

  15. On 5/16/2019 at 9:47 PM, grimgold said:

    From suggestions in post here I was planning on magnetizing the heads, and building one as a huskar with bird, and the other as a frost lord. The mournfangs will be built with full command and gargant hackers. Then grabbing another stonehorn box and building it as beast riders. From there I'm kind of open, I was thinking maybe an Icebrow hunter with some frost sabers, or getting the obligatory gobbos to sit on objectives and be test models for contrast. What do you guys think should be the few purchases? 

    Assuming you mean 2x4 mournfang not 1x8 unit, then you have a solid base for a list there. While hunter+cats or allied grots are both good options for your remaining points, have you considered 6 yhetees? They give you another dimension to the army, and are sometimes surprisingly useful.

  16. On 5/17/2019 at 5:48 PM, Sovereign said:

    Splitting the unit of bulls up into 2x6 sounds good and definitely something I will experiment with. My only concern is morale, which is why I was going to run 1950 with the two units of 12 and immediately make them both immune to battleshock with the 2 CP I'd have on my first turn.

    In case that isn’t a typo, split the ironguts into 2x6, not the bulls. I agree with what’s been said - a unit of 12 bulls is a very efficient (points cost) unit, that you can rely on, but a unit of 12 ironguts is too many for the job you want them to do. Bulls anvil, Ironguts hammer. I run guts (and/or maneaters) in 6s, and battleshock is only really a problem against armies that specifically play for it.

    If you want to follow through on your original thought, I’d consider the same strategy but with 2 units of 12 bulls, supported by smaller units of ironguts (even some 3s). If you don’t want to play with grots, this will get you more wounds on the table, and buffable targets, without having to pay over 700 points for a single unit.

    Something like:

    Tyrant, Butcher, 12 ogors, 12 ogors, 3 ironguts, 3 ironguts, 6 maneaters, 3 leadbelchers

    or if you want the extra cp turn 1:

    Tyrant, butcher, fungoid cave shaman, 12 ogors, 12 ogors, 6 ironguts, 3 ironguts, 3 ironguts, 40 pt endless spell of your choice.

  17. 3 hours ago, DavionStar said:

    My own, which I forget the name of, 

    I hate to break it to you, but the name may be lost ... 😝

    @Absolution black, the free city generator, Here, made it clear that many free cities, across all realms, include a Kharadron trading port, so it’s not a stretch to suggest that some maintain permanent outposts. Mine are cheerfully defending the skies around a sylvaneth grove in Ghyran, which has also been encircled and fortified by a stormcast host as the mounting chaos presence in the area threatens the beleaguered grove. 😊

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  18. 4 hours ago, Skavelynn said:

    What's everyones thoughts on acolytes?

    I recently kitbashed some plague monk and warp lightning cannon bits into 10 of them. Are they only good in large numbers?

    Depends what you mean by good. If you mean fearsome damage output, then yes, you will need a large unit, sparked and buffed. If however you mean any one of: cheap objective holder, cheap skryre battleline filler, speedbump to allow another round of fire, nasty surprise for over confident heroes & war machines, ablative arch warlock wounds, or even just sneaky little unit your enemy will usually ignore, then even units of 5 can be good.

    • Like 2
  19. 13 hours ago, archont said:

    Great to know! Thank you for the replies :) I will try it with BCR then. I removed mollog, put a frostlord instead of huskard and added a second bunch of yheetes to my list( i will prox them to see how this works, and if it does work well- i'm gonna buy them :D)

    Sounds good, yhetees can be surprisingly effective. Here’s hoping they get new (plastic) models soon though! Let us know how you get on :)

    • Like 1
  20. 23 minutes ago, DestructionFranz said:


    If I were you, looking at your list, I l'll put just one unit of  4 Mournfang's. 

    If you are able to charge your enemy's line you can first attack with Huskard, than after that with the 4 Mournfang's ( for your Huskard ability). Than your opponent will reply with the few remaining models. After that you can make a 6"pile in with Yethees and attack with them. 


    While I agree that 4 mournfang are better than 2x2, you wouldn’t have then enough battleline in this case.

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  21. 9 hours ago, archont said:

    Hey guys, i wanted to start playing AoS with BCR. I just love the fluff, the models, etc. I plan only to play casual 1k point games with my other casual friends. I don't think i would choose any other faction(only gutbusters are just as cool, but most of their models are ugly and some of them are metallic... bleh) but i've heard many bad opinions about BCR. That they are completely unplayable. Will this be the case in the casual play? Because honestly, so many bad opinions are driving me off the game, and i don't know now if i should play it. I made this funny little list https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cf0WX81DWBH2KU1IDtpKXMv1qkbv5Xlq/view?fbclid=IwAR3xkqqsxmibQ4_epCWG_7IKEo_hYIOALlP-PUkNV1qf-2fVS0efX1kuFo4  which is obviously not designed to win many games, but i just wanted a cheap army to start the game right away(start collecting box+yhetees which i just find cool, even if they are bad). What are your opinions? My friend is probably gonna play sylvaneth or khorne warriors, will all games be one-sided victories for him?

    Not at all, in casual play BCR do fine. Sometimes you will lose because you can’t control objectives as well as your opponent, but other times you will win because you wiped out their army.  Your list looks ok, but I don’t think Mollog brings much to help you. Also you’ll find a frostlord on stonehorn more fun than a huskard on stonehorn - the frostlord is a really strong unit that gives you massive damage output.

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