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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. They practically did with the Molten Infernoth, I could see that being remade into an actual Fyreslayer unit at some point. A good middle ground they could go to keep the spirit of Endless Spells/Invocations active if they are looking to take a hit is a Destruction Elementals faction lots of people have been wanting(and indeed we thought was happening when Endless Spells were first teased in Malign Portents leaks) All living spells, neutral daemons, spirits and realm manifestations as active units in their own army but like Sons of Behemat can “merc” themselves out to other grand alliances and summoned in by wizards & priests.
  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if the spider incarnate is shelved for something else later. Between Brexit & Covid it probably missed it’s release window when we were still close to the Crawling Pits(underground place part of the fallen spider-Grot empire filled with giant spiders) still mainly in Gnarlwoods next to those pits & especially underground in Gallet and it’s bug filled caverns. And now we’re heading out of Thondia with the edition on the horizon about to fling us out of Ghur focus. They probably planned on an Incarnate per season to up interests and flesh out each Realm per edition but that plan got skewed with all the global problems. Pity but far from the first case of cut content. Hopefully whatever it REincarnates into is useful to a faction and they bounce back. (on the Endless Spell front I’m 100% for them. They give factions much more flexibility and are easily some of GW’s best kit boxes full of great figures for both living spells rampaging on the eldritch Realmscapes and great kitbash bits for stuff like new Mega-Gargant weapons 💕)
  3. Right? I love this forum but it gets so weird where copy and paste are concerned. 😅 Anyway, above all Get the Soulbound Rpg books. They are a treasure trove of great lore, art, culture and history in the Mortal Realms. https://cubicle7games.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar Example of the Realm of Fire Great Parch map in the Soulbound Corebook: Which funny side note a friend on twitter made a Aqshy realm lore thread, I’ll show it at the end of this post.* Then speaking of Corebooks I heartily recommend the current 3rd edition Corebook and 2nd edition core books. Mengal has a good review on the AoS2 Corebook to give you an idea why you want to nab it. http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2018/06/review-age-of-sigmar-second-edition.html?m=1 For other Lore books(that are quite rare now) worth hunting on the internet I say keep an eye out for: Malign Portents which kicked off AoS 2nd edition and the rise of Endless Spells. http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2018/02/review-malign-portents_14.html?m=1 A very rare one now is Realmgate Wars:Godbeast which was a climatic campaign book which started the end of Chaos’ domination of the realms and set-up many of today’s current stories and races like the Sons of Behemat. http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2016/06/review-godbeasts.html?m=1 Wrath of the Everchosen was a bit before AoS 3rd edition and a good lore book for seeing Chaos on the back foot after the events of Godbeast, All-Gates & Malign Portents while showing more of the workings of the Eight-Points sub-realm which used to dimensionally connect the 8 major Realms and chaos staged it’s invasions from. http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2020/02/review-wrath-of-everchosen.html?m=1 Now here’s an easy find, the Thondia Narrative tome chock full of great lore on the Realm of Beasts and was used as a major set-up for this current edition there. You can find it on Amazon for like $10. http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2022/04/review-season-of-war-thondia.html?m=1 After that well, basically all the battletomes have a map of part of a Realm they like to inhabit along with their history leading up to the current narratives they’re in. Purely for lore I’d say the top 5 to get are: Cities of Sigmar. It is Brimming with lore of the cities, cultures and goes over each realm a major city is in with examples to smaller cities clinging to existence or thriving on magi-tech industries to the point I want to grab an additional book or two of the same copy it’s so good. Then the Seraphon tome which goes over the Arcane cosmos of the setting and it’s more cosmic elements. NightHaunt, the recent tome really digs into their unique lore and how they spread fear to anchor themselves to reality but some of the biggest lore tidbits are how the afterlives operate in the Realm of Death & how souls work in the Mortal Realms via any death overloading a body with so much Death energy it becomes an instant mini-realmgate directly to that realm so the soul gets transported there. http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2022/05/review-nighthaunt-battletome-lore.html?m=1 Either of the Sons of Behemat times from 2nd or 3rd edition. They have very few units so they filled out the book lore instead with all kinds of myths, mercenary legends and histories of these towering tribes. Idoneth Deepkin. You can’t get more interesting from a lore stand point than a race that exists completely beneath the waves across the oceans of the Realms and built societies on ocean floors. And Then you get into their tragic origins and history with the other aelves & the gods that cursed their existence. http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2022/03/review-battletome-idoneth-deepkin.html?m=1 That’s my suggestions for now, hope they help! 👋 *Friend’s lore tweets worth a look into the Realm of Fire and how the lore has built up over the years.
  4. Tbf, even if it wasn’t an official GW statement it was still said by Australian retailers that was the case. Usual GW products they got delivered were about 20 to 40 sets. Dominion blew them away at 60 to 100 sets per shop.(while interestingly the Ork beastsmasher boxes at the time were just 1 per shop to up Fomo?) But it seems fair because GW reported Dominion was their best selling fantasy product to date beating out every other starter and they still had to have discount sales to offload them all. Even now on Amazon by their data they sell around 100 per month since then and are nowhere near the “only a few remaining left!” Sticker on the products. It all adds up to wanting to avoid the Indomitus fiasco but someone went overboard. (Which I don’t see a downside to. The Dominion box is amazing and honestly worth grabbing multiple copies of with how great the forces & terrain in it look. Very happy new player even now use it as a entry into the hobby)
  5. That would be a good way to separate Temples. Mountain & Wind are more quality where-as River is a quantity temple manifesting lots of lesser aelementors in a tactic to wear down mightier opponents the same way small but constant water wears away rock to form streams & rivers.
  6. Seem too big since the undead can use them like Trojan horses and fit large forces inside them. My theory is the pachyderm sages will be smaller “mountain spirits” that are fleshy tanks that the swifter River temple warriors & water spirits fight around. Makes them half-way between the toughness of Alarith but also almost the speed of Hurakan but not as good as either, giving them versatility to flow around their problems. 🌊
  7. Yeah, I imagine they’ll coincide with the Lady of Ruin. Big impressive Varanguard leader + Darkoath unit
  8. Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one have multi-posting issues today. 😂
  9. Tbf, the Gnarlspirits Darkoaths have some pretty decent boots from being closer to civilizations than those in the Eight-Points. Could be a similar case.
  10. I mean good shout but I don’t know if that’s a riding pose. First thought was just slightly upraised leg with the scenery cropped out.
  11. I’m going with Darkoath because they have quite a bit of variety with those fur boots and it feels rather stubby to me.
  12. I brought this up elsewhere but a small plot point of Luxa Stormrider’s sister has yet to be seen and they keep pushing that warband hard into multiple games(literally each now UW, Warcry & a mini-warhammer quest) with their own Harrowdeep novel. She might’ve been reforged as a new Knight-Questor Vigilor/Soulsworn they can put in the campaign finales. Also on UnderWorlds cards, did you guys know there was a whole void-cursed cosmic zombie plague outbreak brought down by the malfunctioning Realmshaper engine in one of the recent decks? Crazy stuff.
  13. Makes sense. We got a 2 vampire warbands & 2 Deathrattle warbands. We got enough bats and skeles. Time for more Gravelord Zombie commanders to take the dug up field. Deadwalkers rise! 🧟‍♂️
  14. Or leaping over some base scenery holding them up while they pull a dynamic arrow shot. 😄
  15. Yeah I’m guessing those will go with the branch-like thing to be Kurnothi antlers sprouting from their heads. (Having them be a touch more plant-like would help with the Sylvaneth theming and those Lamentiri seeds on their stomachs affecting them) So safe to say Kurnothi vs Death warbands? On Death had a thought that maybe the “NightHaunt” is just a spirit leaking out of the Ossiarch construct or an imprisoned alchemist ghost to give more that vibe they’re walking bone mechs the empowered souls inhabit/imprisoned in?
  16. Underperform doesn’t have to be a legit failure, might’ve just been slightly under the line the management then, before the current reorganization, was demanding(the one full of inflated ego like threatening players they’ll pull support or “posting on our forums is a privilege”, calling SoC Premium Dlc, taking Saga title off so they could overcharge and put on pre-order DLC’s, etc) Point for point the fanbase was angry about it and the jumped up pricing regardless which caused mixed reviews(later dropping to negatives) and the first rumblings of boycotts. I’m just saying brace for sticker shock backlash when a price is finally put on TOW. Even the thickest rose-tinted nostalgia glasses will be tested then. 😄
  17. 2 things to keep in mind is that also caused controversy because it took away a legendary lord and caused the new FLC heroes from now on instead(so drop in content) and they fibbed about how different each lords were from eachother having very similar mechanics. On numbers, people didn’t have to buy the Dlc to enjoy fighting them or the new content added to the map.
  18. Yeah, apparently insiders are saying Chorfs dlc underperformed because of the price. TOW rolling up with a $250+ box when $25 is too much for a whole new race isn’t gonna please them. Noserenda has the right of it that gamers aren’t just waiting over 8 years like a dam about to burst. They’ve been seeping over the years into the tabletop through AoS, KoW, 9th Age, WAP, OPR and the attention black hole that is 40k. TOW isn’t gonna magically find a new reservoir of them. Especially now that we can all see the game isn’t made to pull them in. Majority that did wait are disappointed there’s few to no faces from TWW in it, only 9 supported races out of the 24 from the game which didn’t even lead with Kislev or Cathay which caused initial hype in the first place. Like over the years I’ve seen 4 “Will you be getting into TOW?” polls on the TWW Reddit and the majority vote is always “It Depends”. Every year there’s less of those votes and the iron is getting cold with Vermintide nearly over and TWW having major issues causing players & modders to leave and now the new Thrones of Decay dlc got delayed all the way to April which will miss a lot of hype it could’ve built for Febuary. Right now the only thing the TWW side seem interested in is what new units TOW can put into their game. Just foot knights & a skele croc-dragon aren’t exactly wow factors.
  19. Isn’t it that number on the central picture in the back? 93 models?
  20. Hahaha! Man people complain about the infantry but the skeleton cavaliers look like Lego skeletons. 🤣
  21. Alrighty then. opening the Gorger section in my hands right now: Looking at the ritual and it says it’s taking place in Behemat’s stomach remains because he was Gorkamorka’s/Gulping God’s most legendary servant. Not sure what you were going for there my dude. Even the Warcry Gorger stuff and earlier stuff of Butchers throwing meat into the tree maws that open up on the trunks and in the ground of the Gnarlwoods was in honor to Gorkamorka. He’s a hungry god, anything maw related now is just his maw/jaws/gullet.
  22. Yep, she’s my biggest investment right now with the campaign. 😄 She’s cool, likable, good tactician mind to use the Realmscapes against the enemy and a proper badass even going up against a Ogor in a duel. So of course I’m wary it’s bait to hit me harder when her “rise in position” is because of the pole under her head if things go south for the Life Realm crusade.
  23. Yeah, basically every Destruction faction is apart of Gorkamorka’s body. Ironjawz his fist, Kruleboyz his grasping hand, Ogors his mouth, Sons of Behemat his feet, etc. And they can’t stand chaos corruption such as when the Ogroids/Goroa turned from Gorkamorka to Chaos to get more power to avenge their lost empire which made Destruction as a whole, from Orruk to Grot, hunt them down. We know Hashut is a chaos entity that humans turned to in the Age of Chaos to help survive, making the Horns of Hashut cultists, so that’s a big no-go on Chuardin being anything but Chaos GA. Gulping God & Sun Eater are both Gorkamorka. Interestingly the last battletome actually became anti-Maw. It got added to the myths that caused the Everwinter curse by outcast pagan Ogors daring to worship something so hungry that wasn’t attributed to Gorkamorka’s mighty gob and so he breathed a deep sigh of disapproval that followed them in shame becoming the Everwinter. Seems tantamount to Sigmarite pagans worshipping Ghal Maraz over Sigmar like he’s nothing without it. (also I love how the growing myths just show Destruction has to record it’s history through story-tellers & word of mouth. The other 3 GA’s have all these new heroes with scrolls & books keeping records so you actually get some accurate history but Destruction has to rely on stuff like these guys to keep centuries of stories straight: ) On the subject of what could come for CoS next edition, I’m hopeful for a small update for Hammerhal Ghyra rangers since the main army units are from Aqshy(thus the red colorings, cover art having fire swords and Dappled Efreet leg-fish running underfoot on the fusiliers bases which are common Aqshy vermin). Hopes are the: Marshall Iscilla Thorian(Ghyran crusade leader) getting a model showing her off as a sword & shield Marshall tapping into the Realm of Life’s power(plants bursting up around her for a tactical rock) Druid mage hero- Maybe a unit of ironwood armored infantry for new Ghyran heavy units(wouldn’t be too far from the rest as all those wood shields the Castellites use are made from Ironwood, so these guys are just draped in shields on their bodies) And Beetle cavalry for the new monstrous cavalry units. They appeared twice now both in the AoS3 Core Book and in a CoS battletome story of saving the day against a Kruleboyz ambush so seems some build-up for armored beetles to go with the moving fortresses of the Freeguilds.🪲 “Not every insect carries the foul touch of the Plague God upon its body, however. Not only do bugs and grubs provide [Hammerhal Ghyra's] main source of food, but larger species of insect native to Verdia are harnessed as beasts of burden or even war-mounts – the famed Shellriders of the 68th Veldtguard have employed rockcrusher scarabs to great effect in their massed cavalry charges. Docile and pliant andronicus beetles are more common than carthorses in the city's farming strata, and have the added benefit of a powerful pair of glittering wings. Indeed, beetle-flight is one of the few ways for one to reach the docks of the floating drift-isles and the highest levels of the city.”
  24. Nah, remember the lead-up to AoS3 and we had weeks of “Visions of the Beast” engines every week that slowly pieced together the Kruleboyz reveal up to the trailer? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/05/27/the-rumour-engine-visions-of-beasts-part-10/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/05/28/the-rumour-engine-visions-of-beasts-part-11/ You can’t tell me that exact set-up wouldn’t be perfect to reveal mysterious new Skaven lurking about preparing a new assualt on Order the Stormcast are scouting out with their celestial equipment(more rumor engine shards). 😁 These Christmas advents are likely something sooner than AoS4.
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